EDUQAS GCSE RE - 1.1 Origins and Meanings Key Questions

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What do Catholics believe about the creation of the universe?

"They believe God made the world from NOTHING - Creation ex nihilo. They believe the Genesis account holds eternal (life-long) meaning for why God made the world. But it is not a scientific book! Instead they may interpret the book as they are NON-LITERALIST Christians. Therefore thinking that maybe God made the world in six periods of time. Genesis teaches us that God loves us. Therefore Catholics accept the Big Bang and Evolution as processes that God used to make the universe. God caused the BIG BANG.

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Why do Catholics believe their faith is compatible with Big Bang theory / evolution?

Big Bang needs God - something cannot come from nothing. -The world is too designed for God to not have been involved. -The Bible and scientific explanations can fit together e.g. 'Day one- let there be light'. "Religion and science should work together to understand where the world has come from." -Pope John Paul II"

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What do other Christians believe about the creation of the universe?

They believe that the Genesis account is a factual account that teaches us exactly how the universe was created. They are LITERALIST Christians. They Bible is the exact words of God and therefore only what is in the Bible is deemed to be true. Creation happened exactly as it says in the Bible - God created the universe in six days and rested of the seventh.

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What do Jews believe about the creation of the universe?

God is the source of all life as stated in the Torah. -They are Monotheists (ONE GOD). -Orthodox Jews reflect this in their prayer the 'Modeh Ani' - which is said each morning to thank God for allowing them to live another day. God is the sustainer. -God made from nothing (creation ex nihilo). -God planned his creation - we can see this from the universe (ordered/designed)

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What different opinions do Jews have about the Torah accounts of the Genesis story?

Some Jews believe: The Torah is the exact words of God and therefore only what is in the Bible is deemed to be true. Others believe: That the Torah is inspired and therefore the Creation accounts should not be taken as exact fact. Perhaps God caused the Big Bang.

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How do Jewish beliefs about creation affect their lives?

Observant Jews will rest on the Sabbath, just as God rested on the seventh day. They celebrate Rosh Hashanah (new year) linking to the creation of the world.

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What do Atheists believe about the creation of the universe?

They do not believe that God exists. They believe that the Big Bang created the universe. Humans evolved from more simple life forms. The world does not need God to exist it can be it's own cause. They believe that Genesis is not a historical or scientific book. It is written by humans with no real truth. They believe people who wrote the bible were trying to understand the world before scientific understanding has developed.

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What does the creation account of Genesis 1 tell us about God?

God is eternal as he created the earth 'In the beginning' showing that he existed before anything. God is omnipotent - 'And God said let there be light' God commands and the earth is created. This also shows that God creates from nothing CREATION EX NIHILO

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What does the creation account of Genesis 1 tell us about humans?

"Humans are made in the Image of God -'In the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.' Genesis 1:27. Stewardship - Humans are made to rule over all of creation. Sanctity of Life- Humans are the final part of creation showing their importance. Procreate (have children) - Male and female are made for each other and are asked to 'be fruitful and multiply'.

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What does the creation account of Genesis 2 tell us about God?

God is omnibenevolent - God made the universe and all that is in it out of love. 'The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food' - Genesis 2 God is omnibenevolent - God made a companion for Adam because he did not want him to be lonely. God is Immanent (involved in his creation) - God forms Adam from the dust of the earth, showing God's presence everywhere.

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What does the creation account of Genesis 2 tell us about humans?

Sanctity of Life- God personally creates Adam and Eve as he molds them from the earth. Furthermore, God breathes life into Adam which shows the sacredness of life. Stewardship - Adam is put in the garden to 'cultivate and guard' it. God also asks Adam to name all of the animals. Free-will - God gives Adam and Eve the freedom to choose what God wants them to or not. 'You are free to eat from any tree...' Genesis 2

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Why do Catholics believe that life is sacred?

"God made life as stated in Genesis and therefore life is sacred (Catechism). They believe in the Sanctity of Life - all humans are made by God and therefore are special and holy. All humans are made in the image of God (Imago Dei) and therefore are special and should be protected. Catherine of Sienna explains all human life if dignified (has value) because it is made in Imago Dei. Human life is always valuable regardless of the quality of life

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What SOWAA back up the idea that human life is sacred?

"'In the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.' Genesis 1:27. 'Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit' - 1 Corinthians 6:19. 'You Shall not Murder' - Exodus 20:13.

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Why do Jews believe life is sacred?

"God is the source of all life as stated in the Torah. Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis) and therefore life is precious. -In the Tenakh there are references to the relationship between us and God even before birth (Jeremiah 1). Ten Commandments as given to Moses by God in Exodus shows that killing is wrong 'Do not Kill'.

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Why do humanists believe we should not think of human life as sacred?

They are Non-Religious and therefore do not believe that God necessarily made human life. Human life is important but not because God made it. Human life is important due to the quality of life (How much can that life do? What happiness can it experience?). They are Relative Moralists and therefore will look at the situation and then use their reason to understand if life is important. E.g. Will the person be able to live a full life? If not maybe their life is not valuable

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What is the attitude of Catholics to abortion?

"They are Absolute moralists and therefore it is wrong in all circumstances. Catechism teaches that life begins at conception and therefore abortion is murder. Murder is a sin - as shown in the Ten Commandments (Thou shalt not kill). Pope Francis 'Say yes to life and no to death'"

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What is the attitude of Humanists to abortion?

Human life is important due to the quality of life (How much can that life do? What happiness can it experience?) They are Relative Moralists and therefore will look at the situation and then use their reason to understand if life is important. E.g. Will the person be able to live a full life? If not maybe their life is not valuable. Therefore, abortion may be considered okay if the quality of life of the fetus or Mother is at risk. The Mother's life will be seen as more important as she is a rational being."

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What is the attitude of Liberal Protestants to abortion?

Life is important as God made it and therefore should be protected, however, sometimes Abortion may be the most loving option. As Jesus taught us to 'love thy neighbor'. Golden rule as taught by Jesus, 'treat others as you would like to be treated'. Lesser of two evils - Abortion may be the lesser of two evils maybe you can save the mother's life by aborting the fetus. Some believe Life does not begin at conception and therefore Mother's life is more important."

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What is the attitude of Jews to Abortion?

Not all Jews agree so there is not just one clear cut answer. Some Jews believe: God is creator and therefore only he can take life and therefore no abortion. Pikuach Nefesh (obligation to save a life). In the Talmud it teaches that "whoever takes a life it is as if he has taken the life of the whole world". Ten Commandments - relates to unborn babies too. Others Jews believe the Unborn foetus is not a person until it is born. Abortion is permitted if the mother's life is at risk (Pikuach Nefesh).

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Why do Catholics believe we should care for the environment?

"Catholics believe that God made the world and therefore it is His earth. He has gifted it to humans and we should look after it. Therefore Catholics will support charities such as CAFOD, work for cleaner environments and reduce their carbon footprint on the earth. Genesis 1: Humans are made in Imago Dei and therefore should reflect God's nature. Being creators and protectors not destroyers. God gives humans 'power' over the animals and the earth. Genesis 2: Humans are asked to 'cultivate and guard' - therefore protect the world.

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Why do Humanists believe we should care for the world?

"Humanists are Non-Religious and therefore do not believe in God. But They do care about The world as The world is home for humans. Humans need to world and The environment to survive. if we do not protect The universe we will no longer have a home and no longer have many natural resources that help us live a sustainable life. Animals bring happiness to Humans and if They become extinct our experience of The world will not be as great. De-forestation can effect Humans through lack of resources e.g. paper and medicines.

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Why do Jews believe we should care for the world?

"Jews believe God made the world as stated in the Torah and that it is too complex to have happened by chance. In the Torah we are put in charge and this is a duty to fulfill.-Therefore Jews believe they should care for the creation and continue the work of God and therefore making the world a better place.This is referred to as tikkun olam (healing the world) -They will not destroy environment of waste natural resources (bal tashchit). -There is reference in the Torah to not destroy trees and therefore Jews will try not to cause pollution of harm to trees

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How does this believing they should care for the world affect Jews?

Many Jewish festivals celebrate God's creation: -Sukkot (harvest festival) and keeping this is a mitzvot. Jews live in a sukkah during the festival to remind them of their relationship with nature. -Jewish festival where they plant trees (Tu BiShivot - New Year of the Trees/Ecological awareness day). Trees are significant in the conservation of our planet and the effects of deforestation can be seen in South America.

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What do literalist Christians believe about the Bible?

It is the actual words of God. It should not be interpreted. It holds eternal truths. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh Adam and Eve were the first humans - IT IS A FORM OF REVELATION"

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What do liberal Christians believe about the Bible?

It is inspired by God. God is the ultimate author (catechism). It is an interesting historical text and we should read it in that context (Catechism). God spoke to humans at the time. It needs careful interpretation by the Church (Catechism). It holds eternal truths about God and his relationship with humans - IT IS A FORM OF REVELATION.

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What do Atheists believe about the Bible?

It holds no eternal truths. It is not a historical book or scientific book. It teaches us a lot about humans but nothing about God as God does not exist. It cannot be used to tell us about where the world came from - IT IS NOT A FORM OF REVELATION"

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What do Jews believe about the Torah?

"Some Jews (Orthodox) would say it is the actual words of God, Maimonides (Jewish rabbi) taught that it was all given to Moses and therefore cannot be changed. It should not be interpreted. All rules (mitzvot) should be followed. It holds eternal truths. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh Adam and Eve were the first humans. Other Jews (Reform) It is inspired by God, Perhaps only some of the Torah was revealed directly to Moses. Does not need to be read literally. Rules/mitzvot can be updated to modern life"

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How Catholics use art to express their beliefs?

"They use art to express God. They use art to teach people about God and the Bible stories. -They use art to focus their worship. They DO NOT worship the paintings. They DO NOT think the paintings show us what God/Jesus/Mary etc. look like. Instead they can teach us about characteristics of God.

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How is Adam presented in Michelangelo's creation of Adam?

Adam looks passive (not involved) and relaxed. This could be because he is yet to be given life or is it because he is now independent of God. Adam is painted as young, handsome and strong. This reflects that the world was created as Good. Adam reflects good in his body shape (Imago Dei).

<p>Adam looks passive (not involved) and relaxed. This could be because he is yet to be given life or is it because he is now independent of God. Adam is painted as young, handsome and strong. This reflects that the world was created as Good. Adam reflects good in his body shape (Imago Dei).</p>
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How is God presented in the Michelangelo's creation of Adam?

God is omnipotent and eternal. God is painted as strong and powerful. God is painted as a father figure (older) - reminding Christians of the parent relationship of God and creation. God is omnibenevolent. God is moving towards Adam - he is active in his creation and shows love for his creation. God is floating in with angels - showing his transcendence (he is outside of space and time) and the greatness of God, compared to Adam.

<p>God is omnipotent and eternal. God is painted as strong and powerful. God is painted as a father figure (older) - reminding Christians of the parent relationship of God and creation. God is omnibenevolent. God is moving towards Adam - he is active in his creation and shows love for his creation. God is floating in with angels - showing his transcendence (he is outside of space and time) and the greatness of God, compared to Adam.</p>
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How is the relationship between God and humans shown in Michelangelo's creation of Adam?

Both are reaching towards each other. This shows that life is sacred (sanctity of life) as God creates life and also that humans and God have a special relationship (Catherine of Siena).

<p>Both are reaching towards each other. This shows that life is sacred (sanctity of life) as God creates life and also that humans and God have a special relationship (Catherine of Siena).</p>
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How is Jesus presented in the Tree of Life mosaic?

Alpha and Omega - The first and last letter of the Greek alphabet. God is referred to as the Alpha and Omega in the Old Testament and early Christians used this term to describe Jesus. Jesus is eternal as he is God. Chi Rho - This symbol looks like X and P, which are the first two letters of Christ in Greek. By using both of these the artist is showing the importance of Christ.

<p>Alpha and Omega - The first and last letter of the Greek alphabet. God is referred to as the Alpha and Omega in the Old Testament and early Christians used this term to describe Jesus. Jesus is eternal as he is God. Chi Rho - This symbol looks like X and P, which are the first two letters of Christ in Greek. By using both of these the artist is showing the importance of Christ.</p>
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How are the apostles presented in the Tree of Life mosaic?

There are twelve lambs at the bottom of the cross. Lambs symbolize sacrifice. One lamb has a halo showing that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice or 'lamb of God'. Jesus' death saved humanity from everlasting separation from God. The Apostles also sacrificed their lives in order to spread the word of God - Church tradition states that many became martyrs e.g. St Peter was executed in Rome. The dove - There are twelve doves and therefore it represents the twelve apostles. Also it links to the Holy Spirit - as doves are often symbols of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came to visit the Apostles at Pentecost and gave them courage to spread the word of God.

<p>There are twelve lambs at the bottom of the cross. Lambs symbolize sacrifice. One lamb has a halo showing that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice or 'lamb of God'. Jesus' death saved humanity from everlasting separation from God. The Apostles also sacrificed their lives in order to spread the word of God - Church tradition states that many became martyrs e.g. St Peter was executed in Rome. The dove - There are twelve doves and therefore it represents the twelve apostles. Also it links to the Holy Spirit - as doves are often symbols of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came to visit the Apostles at Pentecost and gave them courage to spread the word of God.</p>
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How is the cross shown as an important symbol in the Tree of Life mosaic?

Jesus is placed on a black cross - showing the suffering of Christ. -The contrast between the black and gold emphasizes the hope that Jesus' crucifixion gives humans. The Tree of Life - The cross comes from a Tree at the bottom. This shows that humans can look forward to the life after death with God - brought only through Jesus' crucifixion. -The tree could also be a link to the Garden of Eden. There is also a small snake wrapped around the tree. This could link to the idea of humans being separated from God through this sin. The Vine -The green vine is wrapped all over the mosaic and is one of the largest images in this painting. This reminds Christians again of the Garden of Eden. -Jesus called himself the Vine, 'I am the Vine' - John 15:5 -Vine's are fruitful and give life - just as Jesus' gave life to all humanity.

<p>Jesus is placed on a black cross - showing the suffering of Christ. -The contrast between the black and gold emphasizes the hope that Jesus' crucifixion gives humans. The Tree of Life - The cross comes from a Tree at the bottom. This shows that humans can look forward to the life after death with God - brought only through Jesus' crucifixion. -The tree could also be a link to the Garden of Eden. There is also a small snake wrapped around the tree. This could link to the idea of humans being separated from God through this sin. The Vine -The green vine is wrapped all over the mosaic and is one of the largest images in this painting. This reminds Christians again of the Garden of Eden. -Jesus called himself the Vine, 'I am the Vine' - John 15:5 -Vine's are fruitful and give life - just as Jesus' gave life to all humanity.</p>
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What is Catholic Social Teaching?

The Church has reflected on her responsibility of caring for others in a document called Gaudium et Spes. -Gaudium et Spes states that as all human beings are made in the image of God. All life has value. Also it states that all human life is equal regardless of race, gender, religion, culture, social status etc. Catholics should therefore fight towards equality in society in their own lives and the whole world. E.g. Being tolerant of others/ supporting charities that work towards justice. Catholics should work towards peace, justice and reconciliation. Christians have a duty to promote peace: Popes over the centuries have called for peace. Pope Francis has led by example by welcoming in refugee families into the Vatican. We need peace and justice to ensure the dignity of all humans. We need peace if there is to be justice (Gaudium et Spes)

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What does the Bible teach about Catholic Social Teaching?

Parable of The Sheep and Goats. Love thy neighbor (Jesus) Treat others as you would like to be treated, all Humans are made in Imago Dei (Sanctity of life). Called by The Church (Pope's) to serve others. Parable of The Good Samaritan. Jesus served we should too"

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How does CAFOD put Catholic Social Teaching in to practice?

CAFOD (Catholic agency for oversees development). Works towards the dignity of the human being. Believes that no-one wants to live off handouts and therefore try to develop the human being to dignify them (Imago Dei) .They help anyone who needs it regardless of race/gender/religion) What do they do? Long term relief (teaching skills). Short term relief (Food, clothes, clean water) Raising awareness/Fundraise. Building schools/hospitals. Improving sanitation (access to clean water)

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How does the SVP put Catholic Social Teaching into practice?

SVP (St. Vincent de Paul). Works locally in parishes to respond to the needs of those living there. They help anyone (regardless of race/gender/religion) What do they do? Holiday clubs / Visit elderly / Social clubs for people who are lonely/vulnerable / Group prayer / Food banks / Affordable housing /Encouraging re-use of furniture (caring for the environment)

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What is interfaith dialogue?

Inter-faith dialogue means co-operative and positive engagement between people of different faiths and people of no faiths (Humanists/Atheists). It allows us to work together for the good of humanity. It always ensures tolerance, understanding of each other and respect.

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Why do we need interfaith dialogue?

Religious tension can exist between different groups (perhaps through lack of understanding). Current rise in extremism of beliefs, Muslims today can experience serious prejudice because of this. Not only Muslisms, prejudice and discrimination still exists today towards all ethnic minorities. Poor economy for Britain can often lead to minority groups being targeted or blamed (they can be seen as the reason for this e.g. 'they all take our jobs'. Since voting to leave the EU racially and religiously motivated hate crime has significantly increased.

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What has the Church done to work towards interfaith dialogue?

Pope Francis Maundy Thursday, washed the feet of young offenders (different nationalities and religions). He serves, so we should. Pope Paul VI in Nostre Aetate declared the relationship between Catholic Church and other Christian churches. Pope Paul recalled the teachings of Imago Dei to emphasized that we are all made in the Image of God not just Catholics.

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