Unit 8 Ecology AP bio Pinguins Flashcards

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An organism that maintians body tempeature through metabolism

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Maintains body tempeature through behaviors - depends on enviroment

“cold blooded”

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What is energy used for in ecologty

it is used to organize, grow, and reproduce

Maintaining the body's essential functions.

Enabling physical activity and movement.

Allowing for growth and repair of tissues (especially during specific times)

mollecularly - for reactions (metabolism) work, stored, heat

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How much energy is transfered per trophic level



lost in poop and ineffiecnty, used for heat and work in the other organism

this explains why there is less number of members in a population of a species higher up

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make energy from sunlight (photosyntetic) or inorganic molecules (chemosynthetic)

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get energy from eating other organisms

metabolize carbohyderates, lipids, protein for energy through hydrolysis

cant use nucelic acids for energy

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Why is there less higher trophic level organisms

less energy as it goes up the food chain

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Types of Communication in Organinsms

What does it serve for


Visual, Auditory, Electrical, Chemical

Dominance, Foraging (finding food), etablish territory, reprodutive success

Bee Waggle dance for food (visual), fireflies glowing to attract, skunks smell to scare, ants pheromones for food, wolves howl

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Altturistic Behaviors

reduce fitness of the individual but it increases the population fitness


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Intersexual Selection

repdodutive behaviors to attract a mate

individuals of one sex choose members of the opposite

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Intrasexuual selection

assert dominance for mates

“male fighting:

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Density Dependent Factors

factors that intensify as the population increases

Exrinsic - coming from outside the population

  • predation, paristim, competition

Intrinsic Factors: from the population

  • competition, mating,

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Desntiy Indepdennt Factors

factors that affecct all individuals regardless of sizE

Something that will affect a population regardless of population

  • Disturbances (hurricanes)

  • Toxic wastes (toxic algse, oil spills)

  • Seasonal

  • Human intervention

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Keystone SPecies

species that is essential in an ecosytem, fulfills a unique role. Keep the community stable

predator, pollinator, prey, producers, symbionts

for example: bees, otters, killer whales, salmon et

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invasive spcies

has no predator, grows exponentially, outcompetes native spcies

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predator/ prey +/-

herbivory +/-

competition -/-

parasitism + / -

mutualism +/+

commensialism +/0

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Primary vs


Primary Sucession is when a rock and no soil like enviroment with no life is occupied for the first time - caused by volcanoes possibly

Secondary Sucession - is after a “disturbance” or a natural disaster occurs which destorys a once inhabited enviroment, and then animals return and reproduce. - soil still present and some life, benefits small plants

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How does biodiversity increase with succession

  • More niches and habitats are made

  • Increase in producer diversity brings more consumers

  • Increase in plant stratification

  • Pioneer plants → dominants

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How do the abiotic factors change as succession increases

  • Increase in water - roots retain

  • Increase is P and N due to nitrogen fixation and decomposition

  • Better soil

  • More shade

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Gene pool

all the alleles in a population

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Senetial Behaviors

behavior of guarding or protecting

this is seen in some animals wehre they protect the young.

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logistic growth

-S shaped graph

-higher population -, less growth because of density depdent factors

-has a carrying capcaity which is the max population that can be supported K

𝑑𝑁 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑟𝑁 ( 𝐾 − 𝑁 /𝐾 ) = 200

  • K - poulation

  • N- population

  • T- time

  • r-Rate of increase

  • K- carrying capcatiy

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exponential growth

-population grows without limit

-the bigger the population the bigger increase

-can represent an invasive

-formula is N/t = rmaxN

  • n= population

  • t - time

  • r- rate of change

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lvels of trophic


primary consumers

secondary consumers





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different pryamids


-number of population

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Results of exceeding the carrying capacity

  • Oscillation: cyclical overshoot and decline

  • Overshoot: the population goes too high and it degrades the enviroment and the enviroment crashes

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competitive exclusion principle

-adapt or die if 2 species in the same area have the same niche

Niche Partitioning- evolve in a way to partition the recourcce - specialize

  • character displacment - special adpatation ofr that specifici niche

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Niche Partitioning

  • occurfs when 2 spcieies have the same niche

  • then what happens is that they have to adapt and this cauises character displacemnet

  • then as a result, they get differnt adaptations and resources

  • adapted to different things

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fundemental niche

realized niche

-fundemental niche - is the full range of resources that a species could use if there was no comeptiton

realized niche- are the resouces that the species does exploit due to comeptition

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-evolutionary adpataions that occur between 2 or more interacting spcies

-they both do it to counter adapt to the other spcies

-done in predation, parsisitm, herbivory - “arms race”

ex: a cheetah evolved to be fast to keep up with the antelope

  • more resistance towards a poision leads to a stronger poison

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keystone spcieces

-the action of that species keeps the comunitiy stable

-predator: keeps the populations in check

-prey and herbivoes: are essential food

pollinators: are essential for plants

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trophic cascade

-if one predator is being eaten too much or killed, the prey of that predator grows, and then that lowers the prey of that,

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simpsons diversity index

-measures epcies diversity

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Type of Diversity

-Genetic diversity - resilience of population

-species diversity - resilience of a whole food web

-ecoystem diversity-

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how to compare diversity of speices

-species richness: number of speicies in an area

-species evenness: how evenly distrubuted

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simpson diversity index

Index = 1- “sum of” (n/N) 2

  • n: number of individuals

  • N: number of species

higher nunber means diverse

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why is diversity lowering due to humans

  • destruction of the envioment

    • fragmenting habitats - less gene flow?

  • introducrtion of invasive species

  • explouitation of recources

  • Greenhouse effect: ozone layer destroyed due to gases

  • acid rain

  • Desertification

  • Pollution

  • Ocean acidification- Lowe pH because of

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what is a result of changes in the ecosystem

-the organisms can evolve or die

-some organisms may be able to fit in to the new changes, leading to migration into the ecosystem

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