Lesson 6 - Adaptation to environment

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What is the definition of habitat?

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What is the definition of habitat?

A place where an organism or a group of organisms lives and interacts with its surroundings.

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Give an example of an organism that lives in extreme cold


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Give an example of an organism that lives in extreme altitude

Himalayan jumping spider

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Give an example of an organism that lives in extreme heat


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what is an organism that lives on human skin?

skin mites

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What are some examples of habitats?

  • desert

  • mountain

  • grassland

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What conditions do mangroves grow in?

saline waters and soft and low in oxygen soil

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How has mangroves adapted to its habitat?

  • stilt roots system to prevent shoot system from being submerged in high tides

  • pneumatophores - specialised root structures that stick up out of the soil to enable them to take oxygen in atmosphere

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How are marram grass adapted to living in sand dunes?

glossy and rolled up leaves to prevent them from drying out.

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what are some abiotic factors that affect the growth of plants?

light, temperature, water and soil

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What is an example of adaptations to insufficient light?

Ferns and shade-tolerant trees grow larger, thinner leaves and increase chlorophyll content to maximise light absorption.

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What is an example of adaptations to too much light?

Succulents and cacti have thick, waxy skin that helps them retain water and reflect sunlight.

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What is an example of adaptations to extreme high temperatures?

Tomato plants have developed heat shock proteins to protect against high temperatures.

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What is an example of adaptations to inadequate water supply?

During drought, rice plants can reduce water loss by closing their stomata.

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What is an example of adaptations to poor soil quality?

Legumes have developed symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria to obtain nitrogen from the air.

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How are polar bears adapted to extreme cold?

  • thick fur and blubber

  • small ears and tails to reduce heat loss

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why do we use transect sampling?

to investigate the effect of the presence of certain environmental features on species distribution

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How does transect sampling work?

  1. Set out your transect e.g. 100m

  2. Divide it into regular intervals e.g. 10m.

  3. At each interval measure an abiotic factor e.g. O2 concentration and record it.

  4. Also measure the abundance of a particular organism e.g. using a quadrat.

  5. Analyse your data to see if there is any correlation with oxygen concentration and abundance of species.

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What are some advantages of Sensors and data loggers?

  • precise measurements

  • can operate in hazardous zones

  • provide real-time data

  • do multiple readings quickly

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What are the specific conditions needed to form coral reefs? water depth, pH, salinity, water clarity, temperature.

water depth: 2-45 meters

pH: 8-8.4

salinity: 30-37 parts per thousand

Temperature: 23-29 C

water clarity: clear

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what water depth is needed for the formation of coral reefs?

2-45 meters

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what pH is needed for the formation of coral reefs?


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what salinity is needed for the formation of coral reefs?

30-37 parts per thousand

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what water clarity is needed for the formation of coral reefs?


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what temperature is needed for the formation of coral reefs?

23-29 °C

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What are biomes?

A large community of plants and animals that has developed as a result of environmental factors

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The two main abiotic factors which affect distribution in biomes?

water and temperature

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Why are there similar communities in biomes?

 Convergent evolution is where genetically distinct organisms have similar characteristics due to their environment.

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How are plants adapted to life in hot deserts?

  • Leaves sprout after rainfall to perform photosynthesis.

  • Long thorny stems can expand to store water

  • Greenish chlorophyll-containing bark allows it to carry out photosynthesis even when there are no leaves present.

  • Deep root system which allows it to access water from deep in the soil

  • horizontal root system which allows it to quickly absorb even small amounts of precipitation.

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How are Gila monsters adapted to life in hot deserts?

  • Slow metabolic rate allowing it to go for long periods without food and water.

  • Skin is covered in bumpy scales, which help it retain moisture.

  • Unique ability to store fat in their tail helping it survive long periods of time without food.

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How are water lilies adapted to life in tropical rainforests?

  • unique root system for anchoring and up-taking nutrients

  • flowers emit string fragrance to attract pollinators

  • waxy coating to stay afloat and repel water

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How are harpy eagles adapted to life in tropical rainforests?

  • broad strong wings to glide silently

  • binocular vision

  • sensitive hearing

  • strong talons

  • sharp beak

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