From birth, an individual enjoys inherent and inalienable rights, which should remain with him or her until death.
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Innate or Natural Rights
Each person has a right to live. This right is inherent and for all. Examples of natural rights are: the right to life, liberty, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness to have one's own name and identity. Also included here is the right to develop oneself in physical, mental, and spritual aspects
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Constitutional Rights,
Statutory Rights
Rights Mandated by Law
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Constitutional Rights
These rights are mandated, granted, and protected by the Constitution of a country. These may be amended, changed, or removed through constitutional amendments.
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Statutory Rights
These rights are mandated by laws approved and ratified by Congress or lawmakers.
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Civil Liberties / Rights
Many of these rights are innate and not created by law but are preserved by law.
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Political Rights
These represent the right to vote and participate in political processes to decide on the country's leadership and governance and to be able to hold public office.
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Economic or Livelihood Rights
These rights refer to freedom to choose and presue livelihood, business, and a decent lifestyle according to one's desired or preferred career.
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Social or Cultural Rights
These rights include the freedom to participate in living out one's beliefs, and continuing and enhancing one's own traditions and customs.
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Rights of the Accused
These protect people accused of any transgression of the law. The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right to remain silent, and the right to be free from inhumane and unlawful punishment
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The Philippine Constitution
is the foundation and primary law of our country. Article III of our Consitution is Bill of Rights, which every Filipino citizen must enjoy. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the United Nations (UN) is adopted by our government as a memeber of the organization.
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Article III: Bill of Rights
It establishes the relationship of the individual to the State and defines the rights of the individual by limiting the lawful powers of the State. It is one of the most important political achievements of the Filipinos.
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Philippines is a member of the United Nations (UN). The policies and laws upheld by the UN are also recognized in our country. The Philippines signed this declaration, so our country is obliged to uphold and promote the equality of all citizens and ban forms of discrimination
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The Rights of Children
The treaty on the Rights of the Child was an international treaty signed by different countries in order to give protection to children ages 18 and under in the whole world. The Philippines upholds the rights of children according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child.
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Rights of Women in Philippine Society
Females compose almost half of our national population. Women play a role in our society and they have a significance in state-building. This recognition is stated in our constitution.
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Right to vote,
Right to remain a Filipino citizen even when she marries a foreigner, except when she gives up her citizenship, Right to work, Right of education, Right to family planning, Right to care for one's children
Some of the Rights and Duties of Women
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Caring for Indigenous People
Indigenous People means a group of people identified by self-ascription and ascription by others. Although we belong to only one race, it is noticeable that each group has its own tradition that are distinct from other groups.
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Rights of Indigenous People
The United Nations made a formal declaration about the rights of indigenous people in recognition of the various historical and cultural experiences of indigenous people. This was presented as a standard to truly achieve cooperation and respect.
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are freedoms we enjoy which were given to us by God and by different laws so that we may be able to live happily
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is a special consideration or advantage that is bestowed on a particular person or group.
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Article II: Declaration of priciples and state policies(Human rights)
The State shall promote a just and active social order that will ensure the success and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide enough social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all.
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Article 71 - Admission to Schools, Article II, Section 13, Article 133 - Healthy Growth of children
Protection of childrens rights
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Article 71 - Admission to Schools
The state shall see to it that no child is refused admission in public schools. All parents are required to enroll their children in schools to complete at least an elementary education.
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Article II, Section 13
The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well being.
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Article 133 - Healthy Growth of children
Pursuant to its obligation to assist the parents in the proper upbringing of the child.
The state recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution.It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.
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Article XIII - Section 14
The state shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions
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Article II - Section 14
The state recognizes the role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.
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Article II, Section 22
Protecting the Rights of Indegenous People
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Article II - Section 22
The state recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework of national unity and development
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Article II-Section 9, Article XIII-Section 3
Protection of Workers rights
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Article II-Section 9
The state shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social services, prmote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all.
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Article XIII-Section 3
The state shall afford full protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all.
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United nations
This agency is an international organization that promotes respect for the human rights of people round the world.
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United States Agency for international Development
This agency works on extreme global poverty and enable resilient ,democratic societies to realize their potential. They are responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance.
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Christian Solidarity Worldwide
They mainly work on engagement and wide range of existing UN international human rights mechanism, some of which have a very specific focus on freedom on religion or behalf.
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Amnesty International Philippines
This organization helps local human rights movement and lobby for work and passage of laws on human rights at the philippines.