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Process of applying dyes on the section to see and study the architectural pattern of the tissue and physical characteristics of cells.
Histological Staining
Involves demonstration of cytoplasm and nucleus of cells.
Tissue components are demonstrated by direct interaction with a dye or staining solution.
Active tissue component is colored.
Histochemistry Staining
Demonstrate the staining of chemical components.
i.e. fats carbohydrates
Types of Histological Staining
Micro-Anatomical Stains
Bacterial Stains
Specific Tissue Stains
Example of Histological stains
Giemsa stain
Methylene Blue
Carbol fuchsin
Crystal Violet
Do not demonstrate the cells.
Do not color the tissues.
Detection of phenotypic markers that are detected by antibodies.
Demonstrate tissue antigens; combination of immunologic and histochemical staining.
Monoclonal Antibody
Polyclonal Antibody
Fluorochrome dye
Colloidal Gold
Immunohistochemistry used what type of labels?
Immunochemistry used Enzyme to label to identify the antigen to tissue.
Immunofluorescence used Flourochrome to label to identify the antigen to tissue.
Example of Histochemical stains
Peri’s Prussian blue reaction
Periodic Acid Schiff
Sudan Dyes
Sudan Black
Sudan III
Regressive staining method
Hematoxylin & Eosin Staining used what type of staining?
Direct Staining
A staining technique that uses aqueous or alcoholic dye solutions to directly color tissues.
Used 1 dye.
Progressive staining would cause tissue to be overstained.
Regressive Staining
A staining method where tissues are overstained, requiring decolorization to remove excess dye.
Acid Alcohol
Commonly used decolorizing agent.
Metachromatic Staining
Involves use of a dye that when applied to the tissue will produce a different color, different color from the dye itself.
Staining tissue with a color that is different from the stain.
To better demonstrate epithelial mucins, amyloid, cartilage, and mast cell granules
Orthochromatic Staining
When the dye is applied to the tissue, it produce a color not exactly the same as the color of the dye but of the same shade, same hue as that of the dye.
Involves the use of another dye; there will be contrast and background.
Involves application of a different color to differentiate
Metallic Impregnation
Tissue elements are demonstrated NOT by stains but by colorless solutions of metallic salts.
Metallic salts can leave black deposits on the surface.
Vital Staining
Dealing with fresh viable cells
Intravital stain
Injecting the dye to any part of the living body.
Supravital stain
Applied immediately to tissue after its removal from living body.
Staining Containers
Staining Jar
Couplin Jars
Slotted staining dishes
Initial xylene bath is for?
Descending order of concentration
Hydrating the tissue used what order of alcohol concentration?
Ascending order of concentration
dehydrating the tissue used what order of alcohol concentration?
What is the primary dye of the H&E stain.
A nuclear stain classified as basic dye.
Acts as decolorizer of H&E staining.
Acid Alcohol role in H&E staining?
Ammonia Water
Serves as the bluing agent.
The counterstain used for cytoplasmic staining which is an acid dye.
Blue to Black
Identify the color result of H&E staining
Dark Blue
Identify the color result of H&E staining
Pale Pink
Identify the color result of H&E staining
bright orange red
Identify the color result of H&E staining
RBCs, eosinophilic granules, keratin
Purplish Blue
Identify the color result of H&E staining
Calcium and decalcified bone
Identify the color result of H&E staining
Decalcified bone matrix collagen and osteoid
Deep Pink
Identify the color result of H&E staining
Muscle fibers
Staining Methods for Frozen Section
Alcoholic pinacyanol method
Natural Dyes
Derived from plants and animals like:
Cochineal dyes
The active coloring agent of hematoxylin.
Not a stain but an active coloring agent.
It is formed from the oxidation of hematoxylin either by exposure to sunlight or ripening (slow process) or by adding oxidizing agents (faster ripening).
Alum Hematoxylin
Uses potassium alum as mordant.
Erlich’s Hematoxylin
Uses Sodium iodate
Harris Hematoxylin
Uses Mercuric oxide used in exfoliative cytology can also be used to demonstrate sex chromosomes.
Cole’s Hematoxylin
Uses alcoholic iodine as ripening agent.
Mayer’s Hematoxylin
Uses Sodium iodate With citric acid & chloral hydrate as preservative Form of hematoxylin preferred for Immunohistochemistry.
Delafield’s Hematoxylin
Uses Glycerol to stabilize oxidation process It smells like wine and gives a purple to red shade/ hue.
Gill’s Hematoxylin
Uses Sodium iodate Used for staining mucin in goblet cells.
Carazzi’s Hematoxylin
Uses Potassium iodate.
Iron Hematoxylin
Used in general for photomicrography.
Weigert’s Hematoxylin
For muscle fibers and CT
composed of ferric ammonium chloride mordant and ripening agent.
Heidenhain’s Hematoxylin
For nuclei & cytoplasmic inclusion
Composed of Ferric ammonium sulfate Mordant and Ripening agent.
Copper Hematoxylin
demonstrate spermatogenesis
Tungsten Hematoxylin
form of hematoxylin in which the mordant is phosphotungstic acid
Lead Hematoxylin
demo of granules of endocrine cells of alimentary tract
Molybdenum Hematoxylin
demo of collagen, reticulin, and argentaffin cells
Cochineal dyes
Extracted from bug treated with alum to produce carmine.
Picro carmine
Cochineal dye with Picric acid used for neuropathological studies.
Best carmine
Cochineal dye with Aluminum Chloride used for Glycogen
Vegetable dye extracted from lichens, used for staining elastic fibers.
Synthetic Dyes
AKA Coal Tar Dyes/ Aniline Dyes: Artificial Dyes.
Responsible for the coloring property of dye; Giving/imparting color
Responsible for the dyeing property; Retaining the imparted color.
Lysochrome dyes / Oil Soluble dyes
used to demonstrate fats without auxochrome component.
Sudan Black B
Most sensitive of the oil soluble dye
Sudan IV
AKA Scharlach R - for neutral lipids, staining them red.
Sudan III
First sudan dye to be introduced into histochemistry; a good fat stain for CNS tissues.
Acid dye
cytoplasmic stain - Eosin - pink
Basic Dye
nuclear stain - Hematoxylin - blue/ bluish black
Neutral/Amphoteric Dye
Can stain both the nucleus and cytoplasm - Wright’s stain; Romanowsky Dyes
Regarded as an automatic tissue processor, can only do fixation up to infiltration.
Tissue Transfer Type / Dip and Dunk Type
most common type.
tissue is transferred from one reagent to another until the process is complete.
Fluid Transfer Type / Enclosed Types
tissue being processed is within a chamber
the fluid or reagent that is required in each process is pumped in and out of the chamber
Stains for Frozen Sections
H & E stain
Polychrome Methylene Blue
Alcoholic Pinacyano
Basic solution
To remove excess acid dyes you will use what?
Acid solution
To remove excess basic dyes you will use what?