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Interactions of Hindus and Muslims
sometimes violent, created dynamic developments in religious taught politics, economics, arts, and architecture
After the Gupta collapsed in S Asia
the Golden Age or Classical Era began
Rajput Kingdoms formed after the fall of Gupta
Hindu Kingdoms led by leaders of numerous clans who were often at war with each other
Southern India was
more stable than northern India
First Kingdom: The Chola Dynasty
reigned over northern India
Second Kingdom: The Vijayanagara Empire
named after the "victorious city"
Harihara and Bukka
brothers from Delhi Sultanate who were set out to extend the rule of Delhi Sultanate
Northern India experienced
greater disruption than southern India
While Himalayas protected India from the north and east
mountain passes in the NW allowed invasion by Muslim armies
The Islamic presence in the region grew but
brought little change to everyday life
Rajput princes skillfully wielded their power to
limit the Muslim conquerors' influence
Delhi Sultanate never
organized an efficient bureaucracy in the style of the Chinese
The sultans lost power to
the Mughals whose leaders traced their ancestry to the Mongols
Hinduism prays to many gods
while Islam in monotheistic
Hinduism was associated with a hierarchical caste system
while Islam believes in equality of all believers
Hindus recognize several texts
while Muslims look to only the Quran for spiritual guidance
Wives of Muslim merchants
often converted to their husband's religion
Islam attracted
low caste Hindus who hoped conversion would improve their social status
India's caste system
unfair but provided stability to a politically decentralized newcomers
Individuals require more education and opportunities for better jobs than just a new religion
to escape their low status in life
a new language developed among Muslims of S Asia
The Bhakti Movement
Hindus began developing a strong attachment to a particular deity rather than emphasize studying texts or performing rituals
The Bhakti Movement was appealing because
it did not discriminate against women or people of low social statues
The Bhaktis were similar to Sufi Muslims
they both emphasized inner reflection in order to achieve a direct personal relationship with a deity, and they didn't emphasize traditional rituals
The Srivijaya Empire
a Hindu Kingdom that built up its navy and prospered by charging fees for ships traveling between India and China
The Majapahit kingdom
sustained its power by controlling sea trade and it was Buddhist
The government of one of the Kingdoms
oversaw the construction of a network of reservoirs and canals to create an excellent irrigation system
The Kingdoms were ultimately weakened
because of attacks from invaders from India and conflicts between the monarchy and the priests
The Khmer Empire (Angkor Kingdom)
the most prosperous kingdom in SE Asia
Irrigation allowed farmers to
harvest rice crops several times a year
Drainage systems
reduced the impact of the heavy monsoon rains