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Science Midterm Review Flashcards

Significant Figures

  • all non-zero digits

  • any zeros that are contained between non-zero digits

  • leading zeros don’t count

  • trailing zeros may not count if there is no decimal point

Scientific Notation

  • shorter way to write a long number


  • put the decimal after the first significant figure

  • indicate how many places the decimal moved by the power of 10

    • positive = decimal moved to the left

    • negative = decimal moved to the right

The Basics of Matter


matter - anything that has mass + takes up space

atom - smallest particle of an element

Element - a substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus. Elements cannot be reduced to simpler substances by normal chemical means.

Compound - a pure, homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent elements.

Mixture - a composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable being separated.

Pure substance - a sample of matter, either an element or a compound, that consists of only one component with definite physical and chemical properties and a definite composition.

Chemical change - a process where bonds are broken and new bonds are formed between different atoms.

Physical change - a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance, as size or shape.

Gas – a substance having no definite shape and no definite volume. The molecules are spread out and free to move.

Liquid – a substance having a definite volume, but no definite shape. The inter-molecular forces hold these atoms or molecules loosely together but do not force them into a rigid structure allowing liquids the ability to flow.

Solid - a substance having a definite shape and definite volume. The atoms or molecules are held in rigid structure. Although they are free to vibrate, they cannot move around

Plasma - gases that have been so energized that their atoms have been stripped of some or all electrons

Pressure - the force exerted on a surface per unit area

Volume - the amount of space that a substance or object occupies

classification graphic organizer

  • Mixtures

    • a mix of elements and compounds NOT chemically bonded

    • can be Heterogeneous or Homogeneous

      • heterogeneous is when the arrangement of particles in not uniform

      • homogeneous is when the arrangement of particles is uniform

  • Pure Substances

    • can be elements

      • singular atoms

    • can be compounds

      • chemically bonded elements

  • Volume

    • cube/rectangular prism: l x w x h

    • use the Water Displacement method for irregularly shaped objects

  • Density

    • mass/volume

Phase Changes + Heat

  • Phase Changes

    • Melting - solid to liquid

    • Freezing - liquid to solid

    • Vaporization - liquid to gas

    • Condensation - gas to liquid

    • Sublimation - solid to gas

    • Deposition - gas to solid

  • kinetic energy: the energy of an object because of motion

  • temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the particles of on object or substance

    • measured in degrees Celsius or Kelvins

  • heat is the flow of energy from warmer places to cooler places due to a difference in temperature

  • thermal equilibrium is when heat flows from a higher temperature object to a lower temperature object, until they are the same temperature

  • heat can transfer in 3 different ways

    • Conduction: the transfer of heat energy between materials that are in direct contact with each other.

      • ex: the handle of a metal spoon that has been placed in a bowl of hot soup. The hot soup transfers heat to the end of the spoon; the heat is then transferred through the spoon to the handle.

    • Convection: the transfer of heat energy by the mass movement of fluids containing heated particles

      • convection currents

      • when particles of a fluid are heated, the particles move farther apart, causing the fluid to expand

      • ex: home heating systems force heated air into rooms by way of convection currents; these currents heat the colder air in the room.

    • Radiation: the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves.

      • electromagnetic waves originate from accelerated charged particles

      • electromagnetic waves travel through matter or through empty space

      • heat transfer through empty space is unique to radiation.

      • ex: since the space between the Sun and Earth is essentially a vacuum, the heat energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth only by radiation.

    • endothermic: energy going into the system

    • exothermic: energy going out of the system

    • specific heat is the energy needed to raise substance temperature

    • varies for each substance

    • measured in joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/g°C) or calories per gram per degree Celsius (cal/g°C)

    • The equation Q = mcΔT can be used to calculate heat gained or lost, where Q is heat energy, m is mass, c is specific heat, and ΔT is temperature change.

Boyle’s Law

the volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely with the pressure when the temperature is kept constant

We use P1 and V1 to stand for the initial pressure and initial volume of a gas. After a change has been made, P2 and V2 stand for the final pressure and volume. The mathematical relationship of Boyle's Law becomes:

P 1 × V 1 = P 2 × V 2

  • 2 changing variables - pressure + volume

  • constant variable - temperature

  • inverse relationship

  • real life example: syringe with marshmallow inside

Why is Boyle's law graph curved? | Socratic

Charles’s Law

the volume of a given mass of gas varies directly with the temperature of the gas when the pressure is kept constant

We will use V1 and T1 to stand for the initial volume and temperature of a gas, while V2 and T2 stand for the final volume and temperature. The mathematical relationship of Charles's Law becomes:

  • 2 changing variables - volume + temperature

  • constant variable - pressure

  • direct relationship

  • real life example: tire cold in the winter (temperature decreases) pressure decreases

Gay-Lussac’s Law

the temperature of gas varies directly with the pressure when the volume is kept constant

We will use V1 , P1, and T1 to stand for the initial volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas, while V2, P2, and T2 stand for the final volume, pressure, and temperature. The mathematical relationship of Charles's Law becomes:

  • 2 changing variables - pressure + temperature

  • constant variable - volume

  • direct relationship

  • real life example: rice cooker gets heated up (temperature increases), and pressure increases inside of the cooker; this causes the whistle to blow


  • Bohr Model

  • electrons

    • negative charge

    • makes up the least amount of mass in an atom

    • orbit the nucleus

  • protons

    • positive charge

    • mass = 1 amu

    • inside nucleus

  • neutrons

    • neutral/no charge

    • mass = 1 amu

    • inside nucleus

  • ● Isotopes - atoms with different numbers of neutrons

    ● Ions - atoms with a charge

    ● Average atomic mass - the number of protons + neutrons

    ● Mass number - the average atomic mass rounded to the nearest

    whole number

  • Periodic Table

    • 18 groups

    • 7 periods

    • Same group = same properties + # of valance electrons

    • Same period = same number of shells

    • the one’s place in a group’s number tells the # of valance electrons

  • metals on right

  • metalloids in middle

  • non-metals on right

  • alkali metals

    • highly reactive

    • group 1

  • alkaline earth metals

    • quite reactive

    • group 2

  • halogen family

    • most reactive non-metals

    • group 17

  • noble gases

    • stable

    • group 18

  • Octet Rule - the max number of valence electrons any element can have is 8 (stable)

  • Lewis Dot Diagrams

    • the amount of valance electrons in an atom represented with dots

Chemical Bonding

  • ionic bonding

    • metal and nonmetal

    • gives/takes valance electron(s)

    • swap oxidation numbers to find the bond

    • can conduct electricity

    • use Lewis Dot Diagrams

  • covalent bonding

    • nonmetal (x2)

    • shares valance electron(s)

    • use Lewis Dot Diagrams

  • ionic naming

    • name of metal

    • name of non-metal + “ide”

    • subscript DOESN’T change the name

  • covalent naming

    • 1st non-metal name + prefix (subscript)

    • 2nd non-metal name + “ide”

  • Law of Conservation of Mass - Mass can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.

Solutions + Acids + Bases

  • Solute - smaller part that gets dissolved

  • Solvent - larger part that dissolves the solvent

  • Water = universal solvent

  • Solute + solvent = solution

  • Solubility - grams of solute that can be dissolved into 100 grams of H2O at a given temperature

  • Saturated Solution - cannot take anymore solution; will settle at the bottom

  • Unsaturated Solution - can hold more solution

  • Super-saturated Solution - holding more solute than the solution can actually hold

  • Dilute - very little solute in solvent

  • Strong - a lot of solute in solvent

  • Acids

    • Hurt skin

    • Can corrode metals

    • Sour to taste

    • Turns blue litmus paper to red

    • Acids turn red cabbage juice pink

    • When submerged in water, acids release the H+ ion

  • Bases

    • Slippery to touch

    • Bitter to taste

    • Turns red litmus paper to blue

    • Bases turn red cabbage juice green

    • When submerged in water, bases release the OH- ion

Science Midterm Review Flashcards

Significant Figures

  • all non-zero digits

  • any zeros that are contained between non-zero digits

  • leading zeros don’t count

  • trailing zeros may not count if there is no decimal point

Scientific Notation

  • shorter way to write a long number


  • put the decimal after the first significant figure

  • indicate how many places the decimal moved by the power of 10

    • positive = decimal moved to the left

    • negative = decimal moved to the right

The Basics of Matter


matter - anything that has mass + takes up space

atom - smallest particle of an element

Element - a substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus. Elements cannot be reduced to simpler substances by normal chemical means.

Compound - a pure, homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent elements.

Mixture - a composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable being separated.

Pure substance - a sample of matter, either an element or a compound, that consists of only one component with definite physical and chemical properties and a definite composition.

Chemical change - a process where bonds are broken and new bonds are formed between different atoms.

Physical change - a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance, as size or shape.

Gas – a substance having no definite shape and no definite volume. The molecules are spread out and free to move.

Liquid – a substance having a definite volume, but no definite shape. The inter-molecular forces hold these atoms or molecules loosely together but do not force them into a rigid structure allowing liquids the ability to flow.

Solid - a substance having a definite shape and definite volume. The atoms or molecules are held in rigid structure. Although they are free to vibrate, they cannot move around

Plasma - gases that have been so energized that their atoms have been stripped of some or all electrons

Pressure - the force exerted on a surface per unit area

Volume - the amount of space that a substance or object occupies

classification graphic organizer

  • Mixtures

    • a mix of elements and compounds NOT chemically bonded

    • can be Heterogeneous or Homogeneous

      • heterogeneous is when the arrangement of particles in not uniform

      • homogeneous is when the arrangement of particles is uniform

  • Pure Substances

    • can be elements

      • singular atoms

    • can be compounds

      • chemically bonded elements

  • Volume

    • cube/rectangular prism: l x w x h

    • use the Water Displacement method for irregularly shaped objects

  • Density

    • mass/volume

Phase Changes + Heat

  • Phase Changes

    • Melting - solid to liquid

    • Freezing - liquid to solid

    • Vaporization - liquid to gas

    • Condensation - gas to liquid

    • Sublimation - solid to gas

    • Deposition - gas to solid

  • kinetic energy: the energy of an object because of motion

  • temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the particles of on object or substance

    • measured in degrees Celsius or Kelvins

  • heat is the flow of energy from warmer places to cooler places due to a difference in temperature

  • thermal equilibrium is when heat flows from a higher temperature object to a lower temperature object, until they are the same temperature

  • heat can transfer in 3 different ways

    • Conduction: the transfer of heat energy between materials that are in direct contact with each other.

      • ex: the handle of a metal spoon that has been placed in a bowl of hot soup. The hot soup transfers heat to the end of the spoon; the heat is then transferred through the spoon to the handle.

    • Convection: the transfer of heat energy by the mass movement of fluids containing heated particles

      • convection currents

      • when particles of a fluid are heated, the particles move farther apart, causing the fluid to expand

      • ex: home heating systems force heated air into rooms by way of convection currents; these currents heat the colder air in the room.

    • Radiation: the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves.

      • electromagnetic waves originate from accelerated charged particles

      • electromagnetic waves travel through matter or through empty space

      • heat transfer through empty space is unique to radiation.

      • ex: since the space between the Sun and Earth is essentially a vacuum, the heat energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth only by radiation.

    • endothermic: energy going into the system

    • exothermic: energy going out of the system

    • specific heat is the energy needed to raise substance temperature

    • varies for each substance

    • measured in joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/g°C) or calories per gram per degree Celsius (cal/g°C)

    • The equation Q = mcΔT can be used to calculate heat gained or lost, where Q is heat energy, m is mass, c is specific heat, and ΔT is temperature change.

Boyle’s Law

the volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely with the pressure when the temperature is kept constant

We use P1 and V1 to stand for the initial pressure and initial volume of a gas. After a change has been made, P2 and V2 stand for the final pressure and volume. The mathematical relationship of Boyle's Law becomes:

P 1 × V 1 = P 2 × V 2

  • 2 changing variables - pressure + volume

  • constant variable - temperature

  • inverse relationship

  • real life example: syringe with marshmallow inside

Why is Boyle's law graph curved? | Socratic

Charles’s Law

the volume of a given mass of gas varies directly with the temperature of the gas when the pressure is kept constant

We will use V1 and T1 to stand for the initial volume and temperature of a gas, while V2 and T2 stand for the final volume and temperature. The mathematical relationship of Charles's Law becomes:

  • 2 changing variables - volume + temperature

  • constant variable - pressure

  • direct relationship

  • real life example: tire cold in the winter (temperature decreases) pressure decreases

Gay-Lussac’s Law

the temperature of gas varies directly with the pressure when the volume is kept constant

We will use V1 , P1, and T1 to stand for the initial volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas, while V2, P2, and T2 stand for the final volume, pressure, and temperature. The mathematical relationship of Charles's Law becomes:

  • 2 changing variables - pressure + temperature

  • constant variable - volume

  • direct relationship

  • real life example: rice cooker gets heated up (temperature increases), and pressure increases inside of the cooker; this causes the whistle to blow


  • Bohr Model

  • electrons

    • negative charge

    • makes up the least amount of mass in an atom

    • orbit the nucleus

  • protons

    • positive charge

    • mass = 1 amu

    • inside nucleus

  • neutrons

    • neutral/no charge

    • mass = 1 amu

    • inside nucleus

  • ● Isotopes - atoms with different numbers of neutrons

    ● Ions - atoms with a charge

    ● Average atomic mass - the number of protons + neutrons

    ● Mass number - the average atomic mass rounded to the nearest

    whole number

  • Periodic Table

    • 18 groups

    • 7 periods

    • Same group = same properties + # of valance electrons

    • Same period = same number of shells

    • the one’s place in a group’s number tells the # of valance electrons

  • metals on right

  • metalloids in middle

  • non-metals on right

  • alkali metals

    • highly reactive

    • group 1

  • alkaline earth metals

    • quite reactive

    • group 2

  • halogen family

    • most reactive non-metals

    • group 17

  • noble gases

    • stable

    • group 18

  • Octet Rule - the max number of valence electrons any element can have is 8 (stable)

  • Lewis Dot Diagrams

    • the amount of valance electrons in an atom represented with dots

Chemical Bonding

  • ionic bonding

    • metal and nonmetal

    • gives/takes valance electron(s)

    • swap oxidation numbers to find the bond

    • can conduct electricity

    • use Lewis Dot Diagrams

  • covalent bonding

    • nonmetal (x2)

    • shares valance electron(s)

    • use Lewis Dot Diagrams

  • ionic naming

    • name of metal

    • name of non-metal + “ide”

    • subscript DOESN’T change the name

  • covalent naming

    • 1st non-metal name + prefix (subscript)

    • 2nd non-metal name + “ide”

  • Law of Conservation of Mass - Mass can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.

Solutions + Acids + Bases

  • Solute - smaller part that gets dissolved

  • Solvent - larger part that dissolves the solvent

  • Water = universal solvent

  • Solute + solvent = solution

  • Solubility - grams of solute that can be dissolved into 100 grams of H2O at a given temperature

  • Saturated Solution - cannot take anymore solution; will settle at the bottom

  • Unsaturated Solution - can hold more solution

  • Super-saturated Solution - holding more solute than the solution can actually hold

  • Dilute - very little solute in solvent

  • Strong - a lot of solute in solvent

  • Acids

    • Hurt skin

    • Can corrode metals

    • Sour to taste

    • Turns blue litmus paper to red

    • Acids turn red cabbage juice pink

    • When submerged in water, acids release the H+ ion

  • Bases

    • Slippery to touch

    • Bitter to taste

    • Turns red litmus paper to blue

    • Bases turn red cabbage juice green

    • When submerged in water, bases release the OH- ion