STATS - test and measures midterm 2

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Defined as the agreement between a test score or measure and the quality is believed to measure

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Standards of psychological testing

Foundation, operations and applications

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Face validity

Not an actual category. Measure looks like it has validity but it's based on judgment without systematic evidence

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Content related evidence for validity

Evidence that show the test adequately covers the content it is supposed to measure

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Construct underrepresentation

Failure to capture important components of a construct

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Construct irrelevant variance

Where scores are influenced by factors irrelevant to the construct

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Criterion related evidence for validity

Evidence that support the test ability to predict or correlate with external criteria

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Construct related evidence for validity

It's evidence that supports the underlying theoretical construct being measured by the test

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Predictive evidence

How well a test can predict future outcome like SAT

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Effect of restricted range

Most of the data point Falls within a small or limited range of values

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Concurrent validity

Evaluating whether a new test or questionnaire to provide results that are consistent with an existing measure

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Convergent evidence

Measure correlates well with other tests

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Discriminant evidence

A test should have low correlation with the measure of unrelated construct

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Criteria - refence list

Have items that are designed to match certain specific instructional objective

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Relationship between reliability and validity

We can have reliability without validity but we can't have validity without reliability

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Item format

The way in which questions or statements are presented in a test such as true or false multiple choice or polytomous formats

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Dichotomous format

A type of format where each item provides two Alternatives true or false, one being correct

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Polytomous format

A type of item format where each item has more than two alternatives. this is multiple choice

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Incorrect choices and multiple choice items that test takers can select

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Correction for guessing

A formula used to adjust test scores in multiple choice exams to account for the likelihood of obtaining Answers by random guessing

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Omitted responses

Answers left blank or not attempted by test takers which can typically not account in correction for guessing formulas

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Random guessing

Selecting answers in multiple choice items without any knowledge of the correct answer which may or may not be advantageous

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Speeded tests

Test with time constraints where the correction for guessing formula may only include items attempted, making random guessing and leaving items like have the same expected effect

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Elimination method

A strategy where test takers eliminate obviously incorrect Alternatives and multiple choice items increasing their chances of getting the right answer

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Likert format

A scale that uses strongly disagree to strongly agree to a particular question

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Reverse scoring

Reversing the original scoring used to maintain consistency in a scale construction

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Category format

Similar to the Likert method, but with greater numbers of choices

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The extreme values or labels of the category scale which should be avoided to minimize potential response bias

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Context effect

The phenomenon where ratings on a category format skills may change based on the context or grouping of people

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Optimal number of categories

The number of response categories and a format scale varies depending on the level of involvement of respondent, considered sufficient for most waiting tasks

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Visual analogue scale

A method where there is a scale that is like a line and and you're supposed to Mark between two endpoints

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Confidence intervals

A statistical method used to calculate a range of values that is likely to contain a population parameter

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Adjective checklist

A method commonly used and personality measurement where subject received a list of adjectives and indicate how characteristic of them

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Q sort

Technique that increases the number of responses but have a subject sort statements into nine piles to describe themselves

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Forced choice format

Item formats that require subjects to make choices from given alternative

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A format that has become less popular in the recent years were subject respond to the list of items

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Item writing

The process of creating tests items including selecting appropriate format wording and response choices

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All of the above

A response option commonly advised against in item writing as it can be problematic and lead to confusion in multiple choice questions

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Item analysis techniques

Methods used to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of test items after they have been administered including measures of reliability difficulty and discrimination

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Precise language

The use of clear specific on ambiguous wording and test item to ensure they are accurately assesses the intended trait or knowledge

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Subject matter knowledge

A deep understanding of the content and concept being tested in order to create accurate effective test item

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Item difficulty

In the context of a test that measures achievement or ability, item difficulty is defined by the number of people who answer the particular item correctly

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Optimal difficulty level

Ideal level of difficulty for test items usually halfway between 100% correct responses and the level of success expected by chance

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And measure of the value of test items assessing the extent to which individuals who perform well on specific items also perform well on the entire test

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Extreme group method

A method to assess an item discriminability by comparing performance of individual who have done well to those who have not done well

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Point biserial method

And approach the evaluate discriminability of test items by finding the correlation between performance on a specific item and overall test performance

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Item characteristic curve

Represents the relationship between the tests items difficulty and the proportion of examines who answer it correctly

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Item discriminability

Is the extent to which high performing individuals on a specific item also perform well on the entire test

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Difficulty and discriminability

An items difficulty level is essential and items should ideally have a difficulty between 30% and 70%

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Item selection

Final version of the test should consider both difficulty and discriminability

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Item response Theory

And you were approved to test construction that considers the probability of getting specific items correct based on the individual's ability level.

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Computer adaptive testing

Significant advantage of IRT allowing for personalized assessments

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Measurement precision

The choice of this design impact the measurement Precision across various ability levels. computer adaptive testing offers the advantage of maintaining consistent measurement position for defined ability levels

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