Bio 102 Exam 3

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Which of the following are NOT members of cnidaria?

A) corals

B) sponges

C) sea anemones

D) hydrozoa

E) Portuguese man-of-war

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102 Terms


Which of the following are NOT members of cnidaria?

A) corals

B) sponges

C) sea anemones

D) hydrozoa

E) Portuguese man-of-war

B) sponges

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Sea stars and sea urchins operate their tube feet by

A) a water vascular system that regulates water pressure.

B) cilia transporting hemolymph from chamber to chamber.

C) sticky threads leading from the mouth and primitive brain.

D) actin and myosin fibers that slide and give muscle actions to the five arms or "rays."

A) a water vascular system that regulates water pressure.

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Marine annelids (polychaetes) are different than earthworms in that polychaetes

A) lack the setae that earthworms have.

B) have paddle-like parapodia that earthworms do not have.

C) have segments, whereas marine annelids do not.

D) lack a larval form, whereas earthworms have a larvae form.

E) marine annelids have a well developed coelom, whereas earthworms do not.

B) have paddle-like parapodia that earthworms do not have.

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all animals?

A) Animals are heterotrophic by ingestion or absorption.

B) Animals produce gametes by meiosis.

C) Animals are capable of movement at some stage in their life cycle.

D) Animals are multicellular eukaryotes.

E) The adult form is diploid in an alternation of generation life cycle.

E) The adult form is diploid in an alternation of generation life cycle.

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Which statement is NOT correct about the roundworms?

A) There are three layers of tissues in the body.

B) Roundworms have a tube-within-a-tube body plan.

C) There is an internal body cavity called a pseudocoelom.

D) Roundworms have a smooth unsegmented outside body wall.

E) Roundworms are all parasitic.

E) Roundworms are all parasitic.

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Which phyla are classified in the Deuterostomia?

A) Mollusca and Chordata

B) Arthropoda and Vertebrata

C) Chordata and Vertebrata

D) Echinodermata and Chordata

E) Annelida and Mollusca

D) Echinodermata and Chordata

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Sea stars are unique in their ability to regenerate body parts. If part of an arm and part of the central disk become detached from the "parent" sea star, it can grow into a new sea star. This process is called

A) fragmentation

B) sexual reproduction

C) budding

D) Allogamy

A) fragmentation

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Periodically shedding their outer covering is a feature unique to the

A) ecdysozoans.

B) echinodermata.

C) mollusca.

D) lophotrochozoans.

E) bryozoans.

A) ecdysozoans.

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Which statement most accurately describes the colonial flagellate hypothesis?

A) Animals are descended from an ancestor that resembles a spherical colony of flagellated cells.

B) Both animals and fungi are descended from an ancestor that resembles a spherical colony of flagellated cells.

C) All animals are descended from a photosynthetic single-celled ancestor that was flagellated.

D) None of these describe the colonial flagellate hypothesis.

A) Animals are descended from an ancestor that resembles a spherical colony of flagellated cells.

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The easiest method of preventing sea stars from moving is to

A) plug their madreporite.

B) cut off two of their arms.

C) squeeze the tube feet as they are extended from the body.

D) lay them on their arboreal side.

E) None of these actions would prevent a sea star from moving.

A) plug their madreporite.

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Which of these statements is NOT correct about flatworms?

A) The embryos of flatworms are triploblastic.

B) Flatworms are deuterostomes.

C) Flatworms have a sac body plan with an incomplete gut.

D) Flatworms are free-living or parasitic.

E) Flatworms are in phylum Platyhelminthes.

B) Flatworms are deuterostomes.

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Identify the organisms that belong to the phylum that are included in the Deuterostomia.

A) octopuses and sea stars

B) polychaetes and roundworms

C) sea stars and crocodiles

D) tapeworms and mollusks

E) blood flukes and crustaceans

C) sea stars and crocodiles

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What is the function of the buds formed by hydra?


They aid indigestion.

B) They develop into cnidocytes and can be used in defense.

C) They develop into the nerve net and are used to detect prey.

D) They produce new epidermal tissue to replace the old tissue.

E) They are a form of asexual reproduction.

E) They are a form of asexual reproduction.

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Human tapeworm infections occur by

A) eating insufficiently cooked infected pork or beef.

B) being bitten by a mosquito.

C) ingesting eggs in contaminated water.

D) eating freshly peeled fruit.

E) All of the choices are correct.

A) eating insufficiently cooked infected pork or beef.

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Which of the following features is common among the roundworms as well as the arthropods?

A) Periodically shed their outer covering.

B) Radial symmetry.

C) Endoskeleton.

D) Undergo metamorphosis.

E) Segmentation is readily apparent.

A) Periodically shed their outer covering.

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In _____, the mouth develops at or near the blastopore.

A) gastrocoelomates

B) blastocoelomates

C) protostomes

D) deuterostomes

E) triploblastics

C) protostomes

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Which of the listed organisms do not possess the necessary features to be classified as a member of phylum Mollusca?

A) clams

B) squids

C) lobsters

D) nautiluses

E) snails

C) lobsters

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Which of the following list of features describes the molluscs and bivalves but not the annelids?

A) Reduced cephalization, contain a muscular foot and a mantle, may possess a hard outer shell.

B) Presence of cephalization, contain a muscular foot and a mantle, may possess a hard outer shell and have a complete digestive system.

C) Lack of cephalization, contains circular muscles that enable them to move, may possess a hard outer shell, and have a complete digestive system.

D) Lack of cephalization, every member of the group will have a hard outer shell as wellas a complete digestive system.

E) None of these lists describes the molluscs and bivalves but not the annelids.

A) Reduced cephalization, contain a muscular foot and a mantle, may possess a hard outer shell.

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Identify the features unique to protostome development.

A) Coelom forms by a splitting of the mesoderm, the blastopore becomes the mouth, and the cleavage is spiral.

B) Coelom forms by a splitting of the mesoderm, the blastopore becomes the anus, and the cleavage is spiral.

C) Coelom forms by a splitting of the mesoderm, the blastopore becomes the mouth, and the cleavage is radial.

D) None of the features listed are unique to the protostomes.

A) Coelom forms by a splitting of the mesoderm, the blastopore becomes the mouth, and the cleavage is spiral.

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Metamorphosis is a change in form and physiology that occurs during the development of an insect.

A) True

B) False

A) True

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Which of the following statements is NOT correct about cnidarians?

A) The adult body is bilaterally symmetrical.

B) Most are found in shallow coastal marine environments.

C) There are two tissue layers, an outer epidermis, and inner gastrodermis.

D) Stinging cells contain a threadlike nematocyst released to capture prey.

E) A jelly like mesoglea separates the two tissue layers.

A) The adult body is bilaterally symmetrical.

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Unique features of animals include ingesting their food, having a cell wall, and the ability to move at some point in their life cycle.

A) True

B) False

B) False

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Roundworms and arthropods are both ecdysozoans. This means they

A) have a trochophore larvae.

B) have a body cavity that is completely lined with mesoderm.

C) have the anus arise at or near the blastopore.

D) periodically shed their outer covering.

E) No answer choice is correct.

D) periodically shed their outer covering.

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Which statement is NOT true about echinoderms?

A) The exoskeleton is made of spiny plates.

B) Gas exchange occurs through skin gills and tube feet.

C) Larvae are free-swimming and bilaterally symmetrical.

D) A water vascular system allows the tube feet to produce suction.

E) Symmetry is radial in the adult, usually with parts in fives or multiples of five.

A) The exoskeleton is made of spiny plates.

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Animals are classified according to all of the following features EXCEPT

A) presence or absence of segmentation.

B) mode of reproduction.

C) type of body symmetry.

D) number of germ layers.

E) molecular data.

B) mode of reproduction.

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Which body structure describes the freshwater hydra?

A) a swimming medusa with the mouth pointing downward

B) a swimming medusa with the mouth pointing upward

C) a sessile medusa with the mouth pointing upward

D) sessile polyp form with the mouth pointing upward

E) a free-swimming polyp with the mouth pointing upward

D) sessile polyp form with the mouth pointing upward

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The only animal in which digestion occurs within cells is

A) comb jellies.

B) flatworms.

C) sponges.

D) cnidarians.

C) sponges.

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Which of the following features are found within the lophotrochozoa?

A) Bilateral symmetry at some point in their life, three germ layers as embryos, are aquatic, and are classified as protostomes.

B) Bilateral symmetry at some point in their life, two germ layers as embryos, are aquatic, and are classified as protostomes.

C) Bilateral symmetry at some point in their life, three germ layers as embryos, are aquatic, and are classified as deuterostomes.

D) Bilateral symmetry at some point in their life, three germ layers as embryos, are terrestrial, and are classified as protostomes.

E) Radial symmetry at some point in their life, three germ layers as embryos, are aquatic, and are classified as protostomes.

A) Bilateral symmetry at some point in their life, three germ layers as embryos, are aquatic, and are classified as protostomes.

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Identify which of the following feature(s) are found in the cnidarians but not in the comb jellies.

A) They are free-swimming invertebrates.

B) They contain a capsule called a nematocyst.

C) They produce movement by the beating of cilia.

D) Much of the body is composed of a jellylike substance called mesoglea.

E) These species can be found in the marine environment.

B) They contain a capsule called a nematocyst.

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Which of these is a bivalve?

A) slug

B) octopus

C) earthworm

D) snail

E) oyster

E) oyster

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A recent study of the marine hawksbill turtles' stomach contents revealed that sponges constitute a major portion of their diet. Sponge beds are generally protected from predators by their calcium and silica crystals, but these were found in the turtles' digestive systems. These protective structures are called

A) amoebocytes.

B) osculum.

C) choanocytes.

D) spicules.

E) spongin.

D) spicules.

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Sponges feed differently than comb jellies because a sponge feeds by

A) acting as a net in a current that sweeps food particles into its central cavity and digests them externally.

B) squeezing the spongocoel cavity and sucking debris in and out through the osculum.

C) the beating of collar cells' flagella, which form a current; the current brings food particles which are engulfed and digested by collar cells.

D) the beating collar cells form a current from osculum to pores; the food is engulfed by amoebocytes in the central cavity of the sponge.

C) the beating of collar cells' flagella, which form a current; the current brings food particles which are engulfed and digested by collar cells.

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The structure that directs food into the body of a rotifer is called the corona.

A) True

B) False

A) True

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Which phylum contains the greatest diversity of animal species?

A) Mollusca

B) Arthropoda

C) Chordata

D) Echinodermata

E) Annelida

B) Arthropoda

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Which of the following features is not one of the key features that led to the success of the arthropods?

A) segmented body

B) exoskeleton

C) brain and a ventral nerve cord

D) contain a variety of respiratory organs

E) All are features that made arthropods successful.

E) All are features that made arthropods successful.

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Molluscs share a three-part body plan consisting of

A) a scolex, proglottids, and an anus.

B) a corona, stomach, and intestines.

C) a visceral mass, mantle, and foot.

D) eyespots, a digestive system, and a nervous system.

C) a visceral mass, mantle, and foot.

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Which list of traits is characteristic of the ecdysozoans?

A) Periodically shed their outer covering, nonsegmented body plan and pseudocoelom on some, contain an exoskeleton, and undergo metamorphosis.

B) Periodically shed their outer covering, nonsegmented body plan and contain a layer of jellylike fluid called mesoglea, contain an exoskeleton, and undergo metamorphosis.

C) Periodically shed their outer covering, segmented body plan and pseudocoelom on some, contain an endoskeleton, and undergo metamorphosis.

D) None of the these are correct.

A) Periodically shed their outer covering, nonsegmented body plan and pseudocoelom on some, contain an exoskeleton, and undergo metamorphosis.

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A unique species of snail has been discovered in the Negev Desert. At night, these snails use a toothlike rasping organ in their head to scrape up porous limestone; they then digest the algae that lived in the rock pores. This scraping organ is the

A) labial palp.

B) radula.

C) mantle.

D) tentacle.

E) crop.

B) radula.

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Which method of reproduction is used by members of phylum Echinodermata?

A) sexual

B) asexual

C) budding

D) fragmentation

E) Both sexual and asexual

E) Both sexual and asexual

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Bilaterally symmetrical animals

A) tend to be active and move forward.

B) tend to exhibit cephalization.

C) have right and left sides when cut longitudinally.

D) All of the choices are correct.

D) All of the choices are correct.

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The major body parts of an insect include:

A) head, cephalothorax, and abdomen.

B) cephalothorax, midsection, and abdomen.

C) head, thorax, and abdomen.

D) head, prothorax, and metathorax.

E) head, cephalothorax, and genitalia.

C) head, thorax, and abdomen.

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In deuterostomes,

A) radial cleavage occurs, and the fate of the cells is indeterminate.

B) spiral cleavage occurs.

C) the fate of cells is fixed and determinate.

D) the mouth appears at or near the blastopore.

A) radial cleavage occurs, and the fate of the cells is indeterminate.

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Earthworms possess both male and female organs on separate segments. Mating could be described as "parallel parking" in opposite directions, and cross-fertilizing. Given this information, which of the following is (are) true?

A) This is evidence of a primitive state that is generally less efficient than separate sexes.

B) This is primarily to allow them to self-fertilize if no other worm is in their sector of the soil.

C) This is an advantage since they can mate with any other earthworm of the same species that they encounter.

D) Maintaining any system not clearly male or female is disadvantageous; the earthworm is trapped in an evolutionary dead end.

C) This is an advantage since they can mate with any other earthworm of the same species that they encounter.

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Flukes are divided into the groupsMonogenea and Digenea. Monogenea have a posterior holdfast with hooks, clamps, and suckers, while Digenea have suckers but never hooks and clamps. Monogenea have only one host in the life cycle and usually live on gills or skin of fish and amphibians.Digenea have at least two hosts, and are named for having two reproductive states in their life cycle (an adult and in tramolluscan phase).

Based on this information, the blood fluke Schistosoma would be classified as

A) an endoparasite and Monogenean.

B) an endoparasite and Digenean.

C) an ectoparasite and Digenean.

D) an ectoparasite and Monogenean.

B) an endoparasite and Digenean.

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A person working in a rice paddy in Asia becomes infected with the liver fluke by

A) eating infected snails.

B) drinking water contaminated with eggs.

C) eating infected fish that was undercooked or raw.

D) swimming or wading in infected water, where the cercariae enter the skin.

D) swimming or wading in infected water, where the cercariae enter the skin.

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the sponges?

A) If the cells of a sponge are mechanically separated, they will spontaneously reassemble into a complete and functioning sponge.

B) Sponges have three tissue layers.

C) Sponges have an osculum, an opening in the upper body.

D) Sponges are filter feeders.

E) Sponges can reproduce sexually or asexually.

B) Sponges have three tissue layers.

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The segments of a tapeworm that contain female and male sex organs are called

A) proglottids.

B) cercariae.

C) sporocysts.

D) scolexes.

E) glycocalyxes.

A) proglottids.

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Name one of the smallest, if not the smallest, animals that are sometimes referred to as "wheel animalcules."

A) planaria

B) parasitic mites

C) fruit flies

D) parasitic

E) rotifers

E) rotifers

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Which statement concerning body symmetry is NOT correct?

A) In radial symmetry, two identical halves are obtained regardless of how the animal is sliced longitudinally.

B) The evolution of bilateral symmetry is accompanied by cephalization.

C) Asymetrical animals have no body symmetry.

D) Bilaterally symmetric animals are usually sessile.

E) Radial symmetry is useful because the animals can reach out in all directions.

D) Bilaterally symmetric animals are usually sessile.

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All of the following are characteristics of vertebrates EXCEPT

A) internalorgans.

B) vertebral columns.

C) postanal tails.

D) exoskeletons.

E) skulls.

D) exoskeletons.

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Ancestral lobe-finned fishes gave rise to modern-day lobe-finned fishes, the lungfishes, and to the amphibians.

A) True

B) False

A) True

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Which feature would have given the jawed fish an evolutionary advantage over the jawless fish when it came time to hunt for food?

A) The evolution of jaws from the gill slits that would enable them to bite more efficiently.

B) The evolution of an ectothermic lifestyle so they could regulate their body temperature based upon the environment.

C) Gills that would increase the efficiency of their breathing.

D) A cartilaginous endoskeleton that would provide for more power while swimming.

E) A skin that is nonscaly that also allows for an increased respirationability.

A) The evolution of jaws from the gill slits that would enable them to bite more efficiently.

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Which is the correct sequence for the evolution of reptilian features?

A) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, bony skeleton, lungs, 4 limbs and an amniotic egg

B) notochord, jaws,vertebrae, bony skeleton, lungs, 4 limbs and an amniotic egg

C) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, cartilaginous skeleton, lungs, 4 limbs and an amniotic egg

D) vertebrae, jaws,notochord, bony skeleton, lungs, 4 limbs and an amniotic egg

E) notochord, vertebrae, jaws, 4 limbs,bony skeleton, lungs, and an amniotic egg

A) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, bony skeleton, lungs, 4 limbs and an amniotic egg

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The mammal-like reptiles that gave rise to mammals were the

A) coelacanths.

B) therapsids.

C) lampreys.

D) archaeopteryx.

B) therapsids.

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All of the following statements concerning birds are true EXCEPT

A) birds have small, relatively under-developed brains.

B) some birds do not have the ability to fly.

C) birds have acute vision.

D) birds use the sun, stars, and the Earth's magnetic field to guide them.

A) birds have small, relatively under-developed brains.

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Several lineages of reptiles evolved from a common ancestral stem reptile, each adapting to different ways of life.

A) True

B) False

A) True

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Placental mammals that are predacious meat eaters with large and conical-shaped canines are

A) cetaceans.

B) chiroptera.

C) carnivores.

D) proboscidea.

C) carnivores.

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A notochord is

A) a strip of cartilage that forms a back and tail in all vertebrates.

B) a stiff ventral supporting rod.

C) replaced by the nerve cord during development.

D) All of the choices are correct.

E) a stiff dorsal supporting rod that is replaced by the vertebral column during development.

E) a stiff dorsal supporting rod that is replaced by the vertebral column during development.

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The vertebrates without jaws include

A) rays.

B) turtles.

C) lampreys.

D) eels.

C) lampreys.

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Which of the following groups are considered chordates but are lacking the vertebral column trait?

A) osteichthyes & urochordata

B) urochordata & cephalochordates

C) cephalochordates & chondrichthyes

D) sea squirts & chondrichthyes

B) urochordata & cephalochordates

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Which of these characteristics is NOT found in the amphibians?

A) thin moist skin

B) two-chambered heart

C) small inefficient lungs

D) aquatic larvae

E) eggs with gelatinous covering

B) two-chambered heart

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The jawed fish and all other vertebrates are gnathostomes, which means they have

A) segmentation.

B) jaws.

C) a notochord that develops into a vertebral column.

D) amniotic eggs.

E) exoskeletons

B) jaws.

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______ were the first vertebrates to live on land and they evolved from _____.

A) Amphibians; fish

B) Reptiles; amphibians

C) Mammals; reptiles

D) Amphibians; lancelets

A) Amphibians; fish

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Amphibians evolved from

A) darters.

B) sharks.

C) bass and bluegill.

D) sturgeon and catfish.

E) lobe-finned fishes with lungs.

E) lobe-finned fishes with lungs.

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The most successful mammals belong to the marsupials group.

A) True

B) False

B) False

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All chordates are also vertebrates.

A) True

B) False

B) False

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A) lack bony skeletons.

B) have dermal denticles.

C) have a keen sense of smell.

D) have teeth derived from epidermal scales.

E) All of the choices are correct.

E) All of the choices are correct.

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The organ of nutrition used in fetal development in the most successful mammals is the

A) mammary gland.

B) egg.

C) pouch.

D) placenta.

E) marsupium.

D) placenta.

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Which of the following features are shared by all of the jawed fish?

A) endothermic, gills and scales

B) ectothermic, smooth nonscaly skin and bony skeleton

C) cartilaginous or bony endoskeleton, gills and scales

D) bony exoskeleton, gills and scales

C) cartilaginous or bony endoskeleton, gills and scales

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The amphibians' unique contribution to the evolution of land vertebrates was

A) respiration by gills.

B) respiration through the skin.

C) separation of lung/gill and systemic (body) circulation.

D) development of the tail for propulsion.

E) the leathery waterproof egg shell.

C) separation of lung/gill and systemic (body) circulation.

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The amphibians' common receptacle for the urinary, genital, and digestive canals is the

A) vulva.

B) glottis.

C) cloaca.

D) tympanum.

E) operculum.

C) cloaca.

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Which of these is NOT one of the characteristics of a vertebrate?

A) radial symmetry

B) segmentation

C) extreme cephalization

D) closed circulation

E) coelom

A) radial symmetry

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The mammalian lineages include

A) placental mammals.

B) marsupials.

C) monotremes.

D) All of the answer choices are correct.

E) No answer choice is correct.

D) All of the answer choices are correct.

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Which of the following features are found in the lobe-finned fish but are not present in the cartilaginous fish?

A) bony skeletons and lungs

B) paired fins and abony skeleton

C) jaws and lungs

D) vertebrae andamniotic eggs

A) bony skeletons and lungs

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In some chordates, the _______ is (are) replaced by ________.

A) pharyngeal pouches; gills

B) dorsal hollow nerve cord; a ventral solid nerve cord

C) gill arches; pharyngeal pouches

D) notochord; a dorsal hollow nerve cord

E) a vertebral column; notochord

A) pharyngeal pouches; gills

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The following are differences between amphibians and reptiles EXCEPT

A) amphibians have smooth non-scaly skin, whereas reptiles are covered with scales and their skin is dry.

B) all reptiles respire by the use of lungs, while amphibians use small lungs supplemented by cutaneous respiration.

C) amphibian eggs are laid in water, but reptiles do not require water for reproduction.

D) reptiles are ectothermic, while amphibians are endothermic.

D) reptiles are ectothermic, while amphibians are endothermic.

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The duckbill platypus is different than most mammals because it

A) lacks hair.

B) is "cold-blooded."

C) doesn't secrete milk.

D) doesn't give birth, but lays eggs.

E) All of the choices are correct.

D) doesn't give birth, but lays eggs.

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Which of the following statements best describes the jawless fishes?

A) Ectotherms that have a bony skeleton.

B) Ectotherms that have a smooth nonscaly skin.

C) Endotherms that have a smooth nonscaly skin.

D) Vertebrates that have scales and are ectothermic.

B) Ectotherms that have a smooth nonscaly skin.

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A) are egg laying mammals.

B) include the echidnas, or spiny anteaters, and the duck-billed platypus.

C) nurse their young.

D) All of the answer choices are correct.

D) All of the answer choices are correct.

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Most salamanders practice internal fertilization

A) using spermatophores.

B) externally in water.

C) internally by copulation.

D) just like frogs.

A) using spermatophores.

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The cephalochordates possess an atrium that is used to filter microscopic food particles out of the water.

A) True

B) False

A) True

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Generally the respiratory system in birds

A) is identical to the human breathing system.

B) is merely accelerated by the flight muscles.

C) resembles the positive pressure system of a frog.

D) is a one-way circulation of air so constant oxygen absorption can meet the high oxygen demand.

D) is a one-way circulation of air so constant oxygen absorption can meet the high oxygen demand.

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Amongst the chordates, which features are unique to the tunicates?

A) leathery outer covering and an excurrent siphon

B) gill slits and bilateral symmetry

C) sexual reproduction and complete digestive system

D) sessile adult stage and aquatic lifestyle

E) leathery outer covering and sessile adult stage

A) leathery outer covering and an excurrent siphon

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Which of the following groups had made their appearance during the Ordovician period?

A) jawless and jawed fish

B) jawed fish and amphibians

C) amphibians and reptiles

D) reptiles and mammals

E) All of these groups had appeared by the Ordovician period.

A) jawless and jawed fish

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Which term can be applied to all of the vertebrates except for the jawless fish?

A) Gnathostomes

B) Endothermic

C) Tetrapods

D) Amniotes

A) Gnathostomes

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Characteristics of birds include all of the following EXCEPT

A) aquatic reproduction.

B) endotherms.

C) modified reptilian scales as feathers.

D) hard-shelled eggs.

E) a modified skeleton with a fused collarbone and a keel.

A) aquatic reproduction.

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Which of the following reptilian features enabled them to adapt to a terrestrial environment?

A) A dry skin,ectothermy and external fertilization

B) Two pairs of paired limbs, a septum that divides the ventricle, and well developed kidneys

C) Skin that allows for respiration, a septum that divides the ventricle and an amniotic egg

D) Efficient respiration, ectothermy and external fertilization

E) Live birth, efficient excretion and two pairs of limbs

B) Two pairs of paired limbs, a septum that divides the ventricle, and well developed kidneys

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Which of these characteristics first developed in reptiles?

A) amniotic egg

B) scales on skin

C) four-legged body

D) skull and vertebral column

E) animals living completely on land

A) amniotic egg

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Amphibians were the dominant animal life during the ________ period.

A) Jurassic

B) Carboniferous

C) Devonian

D) Silurian

E) Cambrian

B) Carboniferous

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Based on molecular data and skull features, what reptile(s) has an independent lineage from all other reptiles?

A) lizards

B) snakes

C) turtles

D) crocodiles

E) lizards and crocodiles have independent lineages

C) turtles

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The four defining characteristics of chordates are

A) segmentation, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal pouches, and an amniotic egg.

B) a dorsal hollow nerve cord, a notochord, bilateral symmetry, and mammary glands.

C) bilateral symmetry, segmentation, a well-developed coelom, and limbs.

D) a well-developed coelom, pharyngeal pouches, a notochord, and jaws.

E) pharyngeal pouches, a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, and a postanal tail.

E) pharyngeal pouches, a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, and a postanal tail.

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Mammals are different from birds in all these characteristics EXCEPT

A) hair.

B) mammary glands.

C) constant body temperature.

D) young born alive.

C) constant body temperature.

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Reptiles evolved from ______ ancestors and were abundant by the ________ period.

A) mammals; Carboniferous

B) fish; Devonian

C) echinoderms; Cambrian

D) amphibians; Permian

D) amphibians; Permian

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During the course of fish evolution, two of the gill arches evolved into ________.

A) gills

B) the pectoral fins

C) the swimbladder

D) the jaw

E) No answer choice is correct.

D) the jaw

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What is the main reason that mammals underwent adaptive radiation after the demise of the dinosaurs?

A) They had to adapt in order to physically survive the ice age.

B) The mammals had little competition so it was easier for them to evolve into the niches that were once occupied by the dinosaurs.

C) They had an "inner need" to become better suited to their environment.

D) No answer choice is correct.

B) The mammals had little competition so it was easier for them to evolve into the niches that were once occupied by the dinosaurs.

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It was during the ______ period within the ______ era that chordates made their first appearance.

A) Cambrian, Paleozoic

B) Ordovician, Paleozoic

C) Mesozoic, Cretaceous

D) Paleozoic, Cambrian

A) Cambrian, Paleozoic

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Which feature is found in the bony fish but not in the cartilaginous fish?

A) scales

B) lateral linesystem for detecting prey

C) endothermy

D) ectothermy

E) swim bladder

E) swim bladder

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The position of mammals in evolution is best described as

A) they dominate life in the sea.

B) they were among the first animals to live on land and their diversity is greater than all living things known.

C) they arose from mammal-like reptiles in the Jurassic but remained small and insignificant while dinosaurs dominated the land.

D) mammals gave rise to birds.

E) All of the choices are correct.

C) they arose from mammal-like reptiles in the Jurassic but remained small and insignificant while dinosaurs dominated the land.

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Which of the following features were required for the the evolution of the amphibians?

A) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, bony skeleton, lungs and 4 limbs

B) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, bony skeleton, lungs and amniotic eggs

C) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, cartilaginous skeleton, lungs and 4 limbs

D) notochord, mammaryglands, jaws, bony skeleton, lungs and 4 limbs

A) notochord,vertebrae, jaws, bony skeleton, lungs and 4 limbs

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Which of the following groups had made their appearance during the Ordovician period?

A) jawless and jawed fish

B) jawed fish and amphibians

C) amphibians and reptiles

D) reptiles and mammals

E) All of these groups had appeared by the Ordovician period.

A) jawless and jawed fish

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