Good Shepherd in catacomb of Priscilla (Second half of the 3rd century)
Arch of Constantine, 312-315 C.E., Rome
Coronation Evangeliar, part of the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE), by Hans von Reutlingen, c. 1500
The Apocalypse Tapestry is the oldest surviving set of tapestries of this size, 100m (328ft). It was commissioned in 1375 by Louis I, Duke of Anjou and brother of King Charles V.
Last Supper (1304-1306) by Giotto di Bondone
Epistles of St Paul with Gloss (c. 1150), illumination on parchmen
Trajan column, 113 AD
four tetrarchs from constantinopole around 300 AD
Floor mosaic, from the House of Dominus Iulius in Carthage, late 4th C
Dura (Europos), Synagogue, view of paintings on the west wall, before aD 256
Junius Bassus sarcophagus, AD 359
via latina catacomb cubiculum c. 350
Projecta casket, second half of 4th C
Ravenna, San Apollinare Nuovo, first half of 5th C
Rome, Santa maria Maggiore, 432-40,
Ivory panel with Three Women at the Tomb and the Resurrection of Christ, probably Rome, first half of fifth century
Ivory throne of Archbishop Maximilian of Ravenna, mid sixth century
San Vitale, Ravenna, 520s
ravenna san apollinare in classe, c.530
sant'ambrogio milano, 379
Basilica di Santi Cosma e Damiano, Rome 300-320
Santa Costanza, Rome, 354-360
Santa Pudenziana, Rome, 390s
Arian Baptistery, Ravenna, 490s
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, 425-450
San Lorenzo Maggiore, Milan, c. 400
Mausoleum of Theodoric, Ravenna, c. 526
Sant'Agnese fuori le Mura, Rome, 630s
Theoderic's Palace, Ravenna, 7th C
Tempietto Santa Maria in Valle, Cividale, 772-6
Christ as the Teacher (Cristo docente)
Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome
krypta sv. Ensebia, ca. 640s
hlavice stlpov z korintskych do rimskych, ornemantalita, symetria, vykladane sklom?
mozaika sv. anežky, 728
v apside = narocne
zlaty napis na modrom pozadi klasika v rime od. 4. st.
iba postavy. ziadne pozadi (=nie sme ma tomto svete)
anezka nema vrasky, je symetricka, konceptualita = ako znazornit nesmrtelnu dusu
zlate pozadie je transcendentalne
tempietto di vitale
štukovane, polychormacia, vykladane sperkami
tempietto del clitunno, 5.-8. st.?
cely spoilovany, tvari sa ako anticky ale ma krestansky napis a kriz
relikviar zubov sv. jana krstitela
unikonické, zlato kamene perly su akoby Nebesky Jeruzalem, dostat sa cez zmysly za zmysly, camea = vyrezavany kamen
sarkofagy v krypte v Jonarre
ornamenty, symetrika, mušle=nesmrtelnost, stava sa z nej kytička
najstarsie zobrazenie posledneho sudu