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two basic systems for reasoning
analytic and holistic
what does analytic thinking involve
separating objects from each other
breaking down objects to their component parts
using rules ot explain and predict an object’s behaviour
relies on abstract thought
what does holistic thinking involve
an orientation to the entire scene
attending to the relations among objects
predicting an object’s behaviour on the basis of those relationships
relies on associative thought and direct experience
the way people understand the physical world is based on how they understand…
the social world
in independent cultures, people learn to think of others as being
independent from each other and composed of their component parts, and think of the physcial world the samw way
in interdependent cultures, people generalize to an attention of
relations among object’s in one’s environment
field dependence
holistic thinker perceive a scene as an integrated whole and find it difficult for them to separate objects from each other
field independence
the ability to separate objects frome ach other
what task can test for field independence
rod and frame task
recognition accuracy for previously seen animals methods
participants are asked to describe the original pictures while they are looking at them. later, they were shown other photos, some the same and some with a different background. then they were asked whether they have seen the animal in the picture before
recognition accuracy for previously seen animals westerners results
describe the focal animal
unaffected by the change of the background
recognition accuracy for previously seen animals east asian results
describe the scene starting off with the context
performance is worse if the background is switched
recognition accuracy for previously seen animals implications
east asians see the scene as bound together and westerners see it as a collection of parts
interpreting emotional experience initial interpretations
east asian judgements of the centre target’s facial expression are more influenced by the expressions of the surrounding people
judging emotional expressions is more of a social event for east asians
interpreting emotional experience methods
used an eye monitor to see where participants looked
interpreting emotional experience results
in the first second, people from both cultrues look at the target
after, east asians look at the background more than westerners who fixate of the focal target
what are the differences between western and east asian perspective drawing
westerners look flatly
east asians have more of a bird’s eye view
comparisons of paintings in museums western vs east asian
east asia has moderately more scenery paintings and western countries have significantly more portraits
what is the difference between number of additional objects in students drawings
east asians have more
what is the difference of taking pictures with subjects between westerners and east asians
the subject has more face in the frame in western photography
what is the difference in information in web pages between westerners and eat asians
north american webpages have fewer links and words than comparable East Asian ones
what has a similar pattern of east asian web pages?
scientific conference posters
how do East Asians perform on busier scenes, like Where’s Waldo?
better than north americans
dispositional attribution
explaining people’s behaviours by attending to their personal characteristics
situational attribution
explaining people’s behaviours by attending to contextual variables
fundamental attribution error
assuming someone’s characteristics based on their context
the act or state of applying the mind to something or directing cognitive activity in a certain way
The Rorschach inkblot results
european americans tend to described what they saw based on a single aspect of the image
chinese americans gave whole card responses, describing what they saw based on the entire image