GB Exam 2

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What is supervised learning

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UW Madison Gen Bus 307 - Spring 2024: Exam 2

50 Terms


What is supervised learning

regroups methods to attempt to learn about distributions where the variables that can be split into categories

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What are X variables

explanatory variables, predictors, regressors, independent

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What are Y variables

outcomes, response variables, labels, dependent

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what is a fitted regression equation

quantifies a linear relationship between two variables, y= intercept + slope * X

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Log Liklihood, Equation? When is it used? Higher or lower?

higher is better, discrete y cases, P(Y test/ X test)

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Mean Absolute Error, Equation? Lower or Higher?

lower, (1/n)E I Yi - Yhat I

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Mean Absolute Percentage Error, Equation? Lower or Higher?

lower, (1/n)E I (Yi-Yhat)/(Yi) I

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Root Mean Square Error, higher or lower, outliers, equation?

lower, greatly prenalized by outliers, sqr root((1/n)E(Yi-Yhat)²)

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what is R²

how much accurately we can estimate the outcome variable with the explanatory variable, R²= 1-(SSErr-SSTot)

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what is SSErr

sum of squared error from the regression, Represents the total amount of variation that we can’t explain with our regression, SSE trend line were plotted at the average = SST (Sum of Squares in Total)

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how do you maximize R²

minimize the SSE loss

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What is the range of R²

  • Closer to 1 = explain a lot of the variations in Y with our regression

  • Closer to 0 = can’t explain the variations in Y better with our regression

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how do you interpret the slope

On average, an increase in study time by 1 hour is associated with an increase in grade by 5.2 points, everything else being equal.

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how do you interpret the coefficient

On average, when a student spent 0 hours studying and skipped 0 classes, we expect their grade to be 57 points, everything else being equal.

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what are p-value

how likely our data has no effect/relationship, low p-value = more confidence

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What is OLS and what does it assume?

ordinary lease square regression, relationship between X & Y is linear, estimates are predictions are denoted with a hat, coefficient are obtained by minimizing the sum of squared residuals

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what do you do when x=0 doesn’t make sense

could be outside range of data or unrealistic, or both then extrapolate

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when are p-values significant?

Statistically significant at a confidence level if p-value < alpha

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Generalized Linear Models

Extends the linear regression approach by allowing the distribution to be non-normal

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for change of units when the variable is in log the change becomes ____? and if the varaible is standardized?

becomes % and standard deviations

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how do you interpret R²

we can explain 24.5% of the variations in grades by looking at the variations in both the number of hours of study and in the number of class skipped

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what is LINE?

linearity, independence, normality (errors), equal variance

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how does GLM extend linear regression?

allows distribution to be non-normal, the mean Y to be function of a linear combination of Xs

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what is the inverse of the mean function?

link function

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the link identity what is it used for

linear relationships

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what link log used for

when the mean needs to be positive

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what link power used for

cured relationships

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choosing the right distribution for continuous Y what is the normal distribution

a lot of averages, bell shaped, can be negative

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choosing the right distribution for continuous Y what is the gamma distribution

a lot of times, potentiall skewed, always positive

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choosing the right distribution for continuous Y what is the bernoulli distribution

probability of an event happening, binary, either 0 or 1

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choosing the right distribution for continuous Y what is the poisson distribution

used for a lot of counts, positive integers

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what is akaike information criterion

For cases with different number of variables across models, lower is better

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what is overfitting?

the model is too flexible, great fit on training data, poor fit on new data

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what is underfitting?

not flexible enough, poor fitting on training and new data

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consequences of underfitting

bias, poor prediction performance, inability to capture the complexity of some patterns

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what is regularization?

restricting the flexibility of a model

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how do you regularize a dataset

estimate on a training set, adjust on a validation set, test prediction performance with a test set.

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what do you do with too many variables?

use dimension reduction, solve overfitting issues, interpretation is still difficult, keep extra variables with variables selection

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what is lasso?

Method where variable selection is performed through regularization. It shrinks the coefficients towards 0

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what does 𝜆 control?

the strength of regularization, if 𝜆 is large the coefficient will be different from 0 𝜆 controls𝜆 controls

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what are the drawback to lasso?

sensitive to x, issues with small datasets, scale sensitivity, loss of interpretability, bias

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decision trees

create groups based on thresholds on X values

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what are the advantages of decision trees?

don’t need to specify the relation between x and y, works for regression and classification, very easy to explain, mirrors decision making, graphs

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what are the disadvantages of decision trees?

don’t have the same prediction accuracy as other methods

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