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What is different about the danger in fear and anxiety responses?
Fear: danger is imminent
Anxiety: threat is more diffuse and uncertain
What is the difference between the state of fear and anxiety?
Fear: sets organism up for immediate action against present threats
Anxiety: a lasting state of apprehension of potential future threats
What are the two ways to test anxiety?
Elevated maze test and the light/dark box
What is the timing of fear conditioning to cause a conditioned response?
CS must predict the US
What is extinction in fear conditioning?
When the CS is repeated enough time without predicting the US and thus it stops eliciting the conditioned response
What are the three ways to measure fear in a rodent?
Freezing, increase in blood pressure and hormones
What is the crucial site in the brain for fear conditioning and why?
The lateral amygdala: this is wear auditory and somatosensory information converges
What brain region is responsible for the conditioned response in fear conditioning?
CeA: All inputs converge at the lateral amygdala, but are processed in the CeA that then send the signal to the rest of your brain to cause the conditioned response
What happens in fear conditioning if there is damage to the CeA?
CeA: less expression of CR
What areas of the brain does the CeA project too?
Central gray, Lateral hippocampus, and the Paraventricular nucleus
What happens in fear conditioning when there is damage to the Central Gray? Lateral hippocampus? (regarding BP and Freezing)
Central Gray: no Freeze response
Lateral hippocampus: no BP response
You find a specific output that looks like it may be involved in fear conditioning. Design an experiment that tests this theory?
Mouse Line:
Behavioral task:
2: Optogenetics: selectively silence the part of the brain that you believe is important and see if it stops the fear response
Mouse Line: are line specific to brain area you are targeting
Tool: Halorhodopsin
Manipulation: optic cannula and 568nm light
Behavioral task: Fear conditioning (tone followed by shock)
Detection: measure fear response (BP and Freeze)
Why are NMDAr important for fear conditioning?
NMDAr are responsible for the LTP that causes the fear response when the conditioned stimuli is presented
What are the different parts of the CeA?
Central lateral and central medial amygdala
producing anxiety
relieves anxiety
Describe what would happen if you injected a GABAa agonist into the CeL? CeM? during fear response
GABAa agonist: activating inhibition = suppressing neural activity
CeI: still exhibits fear response
CeM: suppressing CeM activity = no freeze response
What causes the CeL/CeM to be Anxiogenic?
CeL: inhibition causes anxiety
CeM: activation causes anxiety
What brain region projects to the Central Amygdala?
If you activate the pathway of the BLA to CeL what happens? inhibit?
Activate: anxiolytic/ relieves anxiety because activation of the BLA activates the CeL
Inhibit: anxiogenic /produces anxiety
What kind of neurons are in the CeA?
Inhibitory interneurons
Describe the pathway from the BLA-CeL
BLA --> CeL --] CeM(fear off neuron) --] fear go neuron --] fear expressing brain regions
Describe why activation of BLA-CeL is anxiolytic
activated BLA-CeL inhibits the CeM ability to inhibit the neuron that inhibits fear response = less fear response
Describe the pathway of BLA-CeM
BLA --> CeM --] fear go neuron --] fear response
describe why activation of BLA-CeM is anxiogenic
Activated BLA-CeM increase CeM ability to inhibit the neuron that inhibits fear response = bigger fear response
What are the criteria for the ideal model of depression
Face validity: the symptoms
Construct: what caused the disease
Predictive: common treatment
Why is in not necessary for the depressive animal model to exhibit all the abnormalities of depression relevant behaviors?
human patients do not show every possible symptom of depression
What are the different depressive models in animals?
1. chronic mild stress
2. Social defeat stress
3. Chronic restraint stress
4. Learned helplessness: least used
Describe what learned helplessness is and why it is not the ideal model?
This is depressive symptoms induces via uncontrollable and unpredictable foot shocks
repeated presentation of the sam stressor usually leads to adaptation
Describe chronic mild stress depressive model.
Done through unpredictable sequence of various stressors
What anti-depressant can be used to combat the depressive symptoms exhibited in animals after chronic mild stress?
chronic, not acute, treatment with SSRIs
Describe social defeat stress depressive model
You small black mouse in cage with aggressive white mouse for 10 min (they fight), then you separate them but the black mouse will still feel as though the danger is there (bc same cage).
**Must have different white mouse everyday
What can reverse the affects of Social Defeat Stress?
Chronic, not acute, antidepressant administration
How would you test the role of Dopaminergic neurons in the VTA in depression?
Mouse line:
1. TH-Cre mouse line
2. Inject virus with halorhosopsin and put optic fiber
3. shine 568nm light
What is the role of Dopaminergic neurons in the VTA in depression?
Dopamine receptor secretions is reduced when animal has undergone Chronic mild stress
If you silence the whole Dopaminergic neuron population in the VTA what are the physiological affect is there?
TST: freezing
SPT: anhedonic behavior
In susceptible animals what is the activity of dopaminergic neurons during the Social defeat stress?
Dopaminergic neurons are activated
Are VTA dopaminergic neurons in the VTA homogeneous or heterogeneous? How do we know?
heterogeneous, meaning based on where they project to they have totally different effects
What are the sites that the VTA projects to?
NAcc and PFC
Describe how each pathway of the VTA is involved in producing depressive behavior
VTA --> NAcc: activation in susceptible animals is involved in depressive behavior
VTA-->PFC: inhibition in susceptible animals is involved in depressive behavior
What pathway from the VTA is involved in social defeat stress?
VTA --> NAcc
What is the mesolimbic pathway? activation/inhibition during sub threshold SDS is associated with depression
VTA --> NAcc
Activation: depression
What is the mesocoritcal pathway? Activation/inhibition during sub threshold SDS is involved in depression
Inhibition: depression
If you have an animal showing depressive behavior after chronic mild stress, how can you alleviate these symptoms via the mesolithic pathway ?
Activating the mesolimbic pathway
How to alleviate depressive behavior induced by social defeat stress ?
Inhibiting the mesolimbic pathway
What kind of receptor are dopaminergic neurons?
Gprotien coupled receptors
What protein do D1 neurons use? D2?
D1: Gs
D2: Gi
What happens to neural activity when activating D1/D2 receptors?
D1: increase in neural activity
D2: decrease in neural activity
Describe the pathway involved in D1 receptors
Gs --> AC --> cAMP production --> PKA --> inc excitability and LTP
Describe the pathway involved in D2 receptors
Gi --> PLC --> IP3 & DAG --> >> supresses neural activity
IP3--> PP1
How can you verify whether activated receptors induce Gs or Gi like activity
Using FRET
Describe FRET: Fluorescence resonance Energy transfer
If a G protein is active their alpha and beta subunit are separated
In FRET: yellow light means close, blue means far, because the beta subunit cannot absorb the energy from the alpha subunit
High FRET: close (not active)
Low FRET: active (far)
How do you measure the blue light in FRET? the yellow light?
You need a fluorescence microscope
Blue: CFP imaging
Yellow: FRET imaging
Design an experiment to see whether the dopamine receptor has activated the Gs pathway or the Gi pathway
Tracing tool:
1. Mouse line: express Cre recombinase in VTA
2. Tool: Provide construct of Gs tag with CFP (alpha subunit), and provide YFP on beta subunit
3. Manipulation: optic cannulae and 488nm light (to activate)
Detection method: fluorescence miscroscope
Where are D1 receptors mostly found?
Substantia nigra, NAcc, Olfactory bulb
Where are D2 receptors mostly found?
Substantia nigra, NAcc, Ventral tegmental area
D1 MSN and D2 MSN: rewarding or aversive?
D1: rewarding
D2: Aversive
How can you specifically monitor D1 or D2 MSNs?
fiber photometry
Describe Fiber Photometry:
Measures calcium activity in vivo: via GCamp
GCamp: activated by blue light and the sensors are activated with the green filter
How would you specifically monitor D1 (or D2) MSN?
Tracing tool:
Behavioral test:
Mouse Line: D1-Cre mouse
Tracing tools: Inject GCamp protein into D1 MSN
Manipulation method: optic cannula into NAcc, shine blue light (488nm)
Behavioral: inject cocaine
Detection method: GCamp measurement
When you inject cocaine what happens to the activity in D1 and D2 neurons?
D1: activity increases bc D1 is rewarding
D2: activity decreased bc D2 is aversive
Describe what happens in D1 and D2 receptors during rewarding and aversive experiences?
Rewarding: D1 up and D2 down
Aversive: D1 down and D2 up
Describe the street chamber test?
One chamber with cocaine: if they have D1 activation of MSN during cocaine retrieval, the animal will remain in the spot they received the stimuli (cocaine)
What does a decrease/ increase in AMPA/NMDA ratio mean
Decrease: AMPAr endocytosis (LTD)
Increase: AMPAr exocytosis (LTP)
What is the G2CT-Peptide
It inhibits stressed induced Anhedonic Behaviors
D1 MSN are involved in what kind of induced depressive behavior?
D1 MSN mediated synaptic change is more involved in Chronic Mild Stress and Social Defeat Stress induced depressive behaviors
If you activate them it rescues the social interaction test and Anhedonic behavior (SPT)
Describe LHb activity during reward and aversive experiences
Reward cue: Inhbitied
No reward: excited/activated
How do you measure LHb activity in vivo?
Tracing tool:
Behavioral test:
Mouseline: LHb-Cre mouse
Tracing tool: AAV-EF1a-DIO-GCamp, Insery GCamp into LHb so it will only be expressed in Cre expressing areas
Manipulation: optic cannulae and 488nm
Behavioral test: bitter taste and shock test (should activate LHb activity
Detection: Fiber photometry
What is the difference in susceptible and resilient animals in LHb activity.
Social interaction in susceptible animals becomes aversive, so LHb activity is high, but in in Resilient animals it is not
Describe LHb activity during the chronic restraint test. How can it be rescued?
LHb activity has increased firing pattern. This can be rescued by one shot of ketamine
Why would you use a retrograde rabies pseudo virus?
Stable expression of transgenes and has minimal impact on the health of neurons
How do you get cell type and projection specific strategy for manipulation of mice?
Retrograde virus expressing FLP recombinase in Cre dependent manor
Describe FLP manipulation
-You have a mouse line that expresses FLP in a Cre dependent manor (DIO- RG- viral construct)
-DIO GFP construct is expressed in FLP dependent manor
Meaning: only neurons expressing Cre that project to neurons expressing FLP will express GFP
If you want to see whether the Ventral Pallidum projects to the LHb where would you injects what viruses?
Inject FLP dependent tracing tool into VP
Inject retrograde Cre-Dependent FLP into the LHb
FLP will retrograde to whatever area is projecting to it, and if the VP is involved Cre will then be there and GFP will be expressed
What kind of neurons are in the VP pathways to LHb and VTA
VP --> LHb = excitatory
VP --> VTA = Inhibitory
If you silence LHb projecting neurons in the VP what happens?
Anti-depressive social interaction phenotype
If you excite the LHb projecting neurons in the VP what happens?
Anti-depressive tail suspension test phenotype
What are the two way to measure neuronal activity ?
fiber photometry, and extracellular recording
What are the two steps in Fiber photometry?
1. Must inject GCamp expressing virus in right cell type
2. Put optic fiber to measure the GCamp signal
What does the Patch Clamp recording record?
AMPAr/NMDAr ratio
high: potentiated
low: depressed
E/I ratio:
increased: neuron is more excitable
decreased: neuron is suppressed
What are the tests for depression?
Sucrose preference test
Tail Suspension
Social Interaction Test
What are the Tests anxiety?
Open field test
Elevated plus maze