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Body Mechanics
The study of correct positioning of the body for any given task.
The science of designing and arranging things in the working environment for proper body mechanics, maximum efficiency, health, and safety.
Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMI)
Injuries that occur due to doing the same motion over and over again, causing pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness.
Symptoms of RMI
Pain, paresthesia, numbness, swelling or redness in the affected area (inflammation).
The loss of feeling or sensation.
Mechanical injuries
Common occurrences in the workplace that can be reduced by identifying risk factors.
Factors leading to RMI
Poor body mechanics, poor posture, high stress, obesity, and low activity levels.
Proper Body Mechanics for Lifting
Using the strongest muscles in your legs to lift objects and avoiding twisting when placing a heavy object.
Code Red
Fire emergency in the workplace.
CLASS C fire
Electrical fire.
HEICS team
A team in the hospital setting specifically trained to coordinate emergency responses.
An acronym used in hospitals for fire response: Rescue, Alarm, Contain/Confine, Extinguish.
An acronym to remember how to use a fire extinguisher: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.
Healthcare changes
Drastic evolution in medical practices and beliefs over time.
Dr. Ben Carson
Pioneer known for first reported separation of conjoined twins at the back of the head.
Nosocomial infections
Infections acquired in healthcare facilities.
Types of Microorganisms
Bacteria (single cell), Cocci (round), Spirilla (spiral), Bacilli (rods), Fungi (plant-like), Protozoa (animal-like), Viruses (cannot reproduce without a host), Rickettsiae (spread through parasites).
Used for the treatment of bacterial infections.
Chain of Infection
Causative/Infectious Agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit, Mode of Transmission, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host.
Donning Order
Gown, Mask, Goggles, Gloves.
Doffing Order
Gloves, Gown, Goggles, Mask (after leaving the room).
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
Carry blood away from the heart.
Carry blood to the heart.
Blood Pressure
The measurement of the force of circulating blood against the wall of the arteries.
Normal Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure
150/96, also called hypertension.
Blood Flow through the Heart
The sequence: SVC & IVC → Right Atrium → Tricuspid Valve → Right Ventricle → Pulmonary Valve → Pulmonary Artery → Lungs → Pulmonary Vein → Left Atrium → Bicuspid/Mitral Valve → Left Ventricle → Aortic Valve → Aorta → Artery → Arterioles → Capillary Bed → Venules → Veins.