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605,479 live births, a 3.1% decrease since 2021
world war 2
post way baby boom to recover from war
Abortion act 1968
decline in birthrate and increase in secularisation and views of children as a choice
Future trends
by 2041 expects annual BR to be around 800 000 a year
increased immigration leaders to higher fertility rate- migrants account for 25% of births in 2011
The family
smaller families lead to more dual earner couples but more money can account for more children
Public Service policies
fewer schools and maternity services
Dependency ratio
children make up large part of dependent ratio so lowering birth rate lowers dependency ration
economic liability
laws banning child labour introduce compulsory schooling
Decline in infant mortality rate
in 1900 IMR was 154, by 2012, IMR was 4
60s abortion act
Changes in womens position
legal equalities and more women in paid employment