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Fragile X - Nucleotides
"Check Giant Gonads"
*AGG interruptions lessen severeity of symptoms, a for affects the presentation
Friedrichs Ataxia - Nucleotides
"Gait Ataxia Always"
Myotonic Dystrophy - Nucleotides
CTG (type 1) - CCTG (type 2)
"Check The Grip"
"CAREFULLY Check The Grip"
Huntington Disease - Nucleotides
"Can't Age Gracefully"
Spinocerebellum Ataxia Type 1 - Nucleotides
"Cerebellar - Ataxia - Gait"
Fragile X Syndrome - Features
Males affected more severely, female carriers can still present with symptoms
ID, long narrow face, prominent ears, marcoorchidism (large gonads, hypotonia
Expansion more likely when maternally inherited
Fragile X repeat sizes
Normal alleles: 5-44 repeats
Intermediate/"gray" zone: 45-54 repeats
Premutation: 55-200 repeats
Full mutation: >200 repeats
Fragile X Intermediate range consideration
Intermediate: 45-54
No chance of expansion to full mutation in children, can expand to premutation range (55-200)
Fragile X Premutation range considerations
Premutation: 55-200
FXTAS (tremor/ataxia)
FXPOI (primary ovarian insufficiency)
Friedrichs Ataxia
Slowly progressive ataxia with onset before 25 years
Dysarthria (slow or slurred speech)
- Cardiomyopathy in 2/3
- Diabetes in 1/3
Uncommon but: if repeat expansion is not detected in someone with symptoms, perform sequencing na del/dup analysis for pathogenic variant (4%)
Friedrichs Ataxia repeat sizes
Typical: <33
Premutation: 34-65
Reduced Penetrance: 44-66
Pathogenic: >66
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
Mild: Mild myotonia, normal life span, onset 20-70
Classic: cataracts, baldness, muscle weakness and wasting, cardiac conduction issues, shortened life span, onset 10-30
Congenital: hypotonia at birth, respiratory insufficiency and early death, ID
DM1 repeat sizes
Premutation: 35-49
Mild: 50-150
Classic 100-1000
Congintal: >1000
Myotonic Dystrophy type 2 features
Less common: cataracts, cardiac condiction defects, type 2 diabetes
Onset 20-40s
DM2 repeat sizes
Typical: <30
Gray zone: 27-29
Premutation: 30-74
Pathogenic: >75
No correlation between pathogenic repeat size and onset of severity of symptoms, unlike DM1
Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Typically AD, many genes but mainly ATXN
Type 1 CAG trinucleotide expansion in ATXN7/1
Progressive cerebellar ataxia
Uncoordinated muscle movement due to cerebellum issues
Less coordination of eyes, hands, speech, shaky gait
Onset 30-40s, lifespan depends on when symptoms appear
Huntington's features
Progresive motor disability, disability with chorea and loss of voluntary movement
Cognitive decline, changes in personality, depression
Onset ~45yrs
Huntington's repeat sizes
Typical <26
Intermediate: 27-35
Reduced Penetrance: 36-39
Pathogenic: >40
Juvenile: >60
Expansion more likely when paternally inherited
Contraction of repeats is rare but can be seen
New mutation rate 10%
Juvenile Huntington's Disease
>60 repeats
5-10% of HD, onset before 20yrs
Huntington's testing protocol
Active psychiatric problems must be stabilized before someone has predictive testing
Local counselor should be identified
Patient should have a support person who is not at risk to accompany them through the testing process (though ppl without a support person cannot be excluded from the process)
Huntinton's testing process
Telephone contact - GC informs patient of process
Visit 1: GC, informed consent, mental health assessment, neuro exam, blood draw
Visit 2: disclose results in person, arrange follow-up
Follow up
Triplet Repeat Expansions - Pathogenic
FX: >200
FA: >66
DM1: 100-1000 classic, >1000 congenital
DM2: >75
HT: >40, >60 juvenile
Huntington's disease is caused by an expanded tribucleotide repeat in the ___________ region of the gene.