What has the most impact on human behavior and mental processes?
nature OR nurture (outdated)
nature AND nurture (current)
heredity - the passing on of different physical and mental traits from one generation to another
biological makeup and genetic predispositions
genetic inheritance
physical traits
inherited personality traits
cognitive development
environmental factors
family life
social groups
societal influences
theory of evolution - evolution happens by natural selection; individual traits that are beneficial to species survive and would be passed on, while undesirable traits would die off
eugenics - belief in improving genetic quality of human population by selectively breeding for desirable traits and discouraging reproduction with traits considered undesirable
epigenetics - focuses on how environment and a person’s behavior affect their genes and how they work
focuses on how a person’s body read a DNA sequence
different genes are being turned on or off due to sustained environmental pressures
help explain why identical twins share ~100% of genes, but develop different physical and mental characteristics
plasticity - brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experiences
involves strengthening and weakening of neural connections
central nervous system (CNS)
made up of brain and spinal cord
sends out orders to the body
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
consists of different nerves that branch off from brain and spine
connects CNS to all body’s organs + muscles
somatic nervous system (SNS)
aka skeletal nervous system
includes 5 senses and skeletal muscle movements, which happen consciously and voluntarily
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
controls involuntary activities
ex) makes sure heart is beating, stomach is digesting, and you are breathing
keeps you alive
sympathetic division
mobilizes your body and gets it ready for action
ex) makes heart beat faster, your eyes dilate, increases your breathing, decreases digestion
known as fight or flight
parasympathetic division
relaxes your body
ex) slows heart rate, increases digestion, helps focus on saving and storing energy
known as rest and digest
TIP TO REMEMBER! → PARAchute slows you down before you land
nervous system uses 2 types of nerves to deliver information
afferent/sensory neurons - send signals from sensory receptors to CNS
efferent/motor neurons - send signals from CNS to PNS
TIP TO REMEMBER! → efferent EXITS brain
2 common types of neural cells
glial cells
provide structure
insulation and communication
waste transportation
form basis of nervous system and are building blocks of all behavior and mental processes
most abundant cells in nervous system
support neurons through protection + provide them with nutrients
do not process information → don’t send any messages/signals for body
basic functional unit of nervous system
communicate with each other by using electrical impulses and chemical signals to send information throughout nervous system
electrical inside neuron
chemical outside neuron
reflex arc → nerve pathway that allows body to respond to stimulus without thinking
made up of 3 types of neurons
sensory neurons
motor neurons
inter neurons - connect sensory and motor neurons in CNS, including the brain and spinal cord
made to protect us // allows body to respond to threat before processing what is going on
ex) When you touch something hot, skin receptors detect heat and send signal through the sensory neuron to spinal cord, which then goes to inter neurons (neurons within brain + spinal cord), which communicate internally and connect sensory neurons to motor neurons within CNS; When the signal goes to motor neurons, it goes back to muscles in hand/arm to move, resulting in your hand being pulled away from hot surface (autonomic response).
neural transmission
in order for neurons to send a message, they need to receive enough stimulation that causes an action potential
action potential - when neuron fires and sends impulse down the axon
for this to happen, you need positively charged and negatively charged ions
cell membrane separate the ions + creates environment on either side of barrier that is overall positive or negative → this is what gives neurons potential
some ions cross barrier more easily, which is called permeability
when neuron is not sending signal, it has more negative ions in the inside than outside, which is known as resting potential
to trigger an action potential, neuron must depolarize, which happens when outside stimulus is strong enough to meet threshold that causes depolarization to occur + neuron then fires action potential
if stimulus does not meet threshold, there is no firing and neuron will return to resting state
“all or nothing” response
When action potential occurs, it sends signal down axon to other neurons in nervous system. After that, a neuron goes through the process of repolarization, which brings neuron back to resting potential. During this process, channels will be open to try and rebalance charges by letting more positive ions back outside cell membrane. When this is happening, neuron cannot respond to any other stimulus, which is known as the refractory period.
refractory period - time period when cell cannot fire and needs to wait until repolarization occurs and the cell goes back to resting potential
once signal makes it way down axon of neuron, it is sent down to axon terminal, where signal is converted + sent to another neuron through a small pocket of space between axon terminal button (of one neuron) and the dendrite (of another neuron), which is called the synapse
chemical synapse - use neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that send messages through nervous system)
electrical synapse - for messages that need to be sent quickly and immediately
when neurotransmitters are sent, they diffuse through synaptic gap to deliver messages
synaptic gap - narrow space between 2 neurons, between presynaptic terminal of one neuron, and postsynaptic terminal of another
presynaptic terminal - axon terminal of neuron which converts electrical signal to chemical one, and sends neurotransmitters into synaptic gap
postsynaptic terminal - where neurotransmitters are accepted in dendrite of receiving neuron
once neurotransmitters pass message onto postsynaptic neuron, they unbind with receptors
some neurotransmitters are destroyed, and other get reabsorbed
reuptake - process of taking excess neurotransmitters left in synaptic gap
sending neuron reabsorbs extra neurotransmitters
recycling process
excitatory neurotransmitter - increase likelihood that neuron will fire action potential through the depolarization process in postsynaptic neuron
inhibitory neurotransmitter - decrease likelihood that neuron will fire action potential, leading to hyperpolarization to occur which is when inside of neuron becomes more negative, moving neuron farther away from its threshold needed from action potential
neural transmission summary
Action potential sends a signal down axon of neuron to presynaptic terminal.
Channels in axon terminal are opened and neurotransmitters are released into synaptic gap (chemical messages).
The neurotransmitters diffuse through the synaptic gap, and bind to receptor sites in the postsynaptic terminal.
Neurotransmitters unbind with receptors; some are destroyed and others go through the reuptake.
multiple sclerosis - occurs when myelin sheath is damaged, disrupting transmission of electrical signals, which lead to symptoms such as muscle weakness, coordination problems, fatigue
myasthenia gravis - autoimmune disorder that affects communication between nerves and muscles
antibodies block or destroy acetylcholine receptors, preventing muscle contraction and causing muscle weakness and fatigue
Neurotransmitter | Function | Effect of Deficit | Effect of Surplus | Excitatory or Inhibitory/Additional Notes |
Dopamine | pleasurable sensation involved in voluntary movement, attention, and learning; stimulates hypothalamus (reward center) | parkinson's disease, anxiety disorders, memory problems, ADHD | schizophrenia, drug addiction | excitatory and inhibitory |
Serotonin | moods and emotional states, hunger regulation of sleep and wakefulness (arousal) | depression, mood disorders | autism, mania | inhibitory |
Norepinephrine | arousal in fight/flight response, modulation of mood, plays role in learning and memory retrieval | mental disorders, especially depression | anxiety | excitatory |
Acetylcholine | stimulates muscle contraction; involved in attention, memory, learning, and general intellectual functioning | alzheimer's disease, lack of muscle movement and control (paralysis) | severe muscle spasms | additional notes: explains botulin and curare’s impact - both paralyze its victims by blocking ACh receptors involved in muscle movement |
GABA | helps to offset excitatory messages and regulates daily sleep-wake cycles; brain’s major inhibitory neurotransmitter | anxiety, seizures, tremors, insomnia | sleep and eating disorders | inhibitory |
Endorphins | pain perception and positive emotions; pleasure, reduction of stress | body experiences pain | body may not give enough warning about pain; artificial highs | inhibitory |
Glutamate | memory, learning, movement; helps messages cross synapse more efficiently | N/A | epileptic seizures | excitatory |
adrenaline - helps with body’s response to high emotional situations and forms memories; involved in fight or flight response
leptin - regulates energy balance by inhibiting hunger; signals that body has enough stored fat, reducing appetite
ghrelin - signals to brain that we are hungry and helps promote release of growth hormones
melatonin - produced by pineal gland and helps regulate sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythms); promotes sleep and is more prevalent in evening in response to darkness
oxytocin - produced in hypothalamus and released by pituitary gland; promotes feelings of affection and emotional bonding
agonist drugs - increase effectiveness of neurotransmitter
mimic neurotransmitters (have similar molecular structure)
fit into receptor site and cause same response
antagonist drugs - decrease effectiveness of neurotransmitter
similar in molecular structure to neurotransmitters
fits into receptor site, but does not cause action potential
blocks receptor site
psychoactive substances - purposely alter individual’s perception, consciousness, or mood
stimulants - excite and promote neural activity; give individual energy, reduce appetite, cause them to be irritable
ex) caffeine, nicotine, cocaine
depressants - reduce neural activity; cause drowsiness, muscle relaxation, lowered breathing, if abused, possibly death
ex) alcohol, sleeping pills
hallucinogens - cause individual to sense things not actually there; reduce motivation, can lead individual to panic
ex) marijuana, peyote, LSD
opioids - function as depressant, but very addictive; gives pain relief
ex) morphine, heroin, oxycodone
neuroplasticity - brain’s ability to rewire itself after injury
3 major regions of the brain
spinal cord - connects your brain to rest of your body
allows for nerves to send information to brain and vice versa
brain stem - located on top of spinal cord
if damaged, most likely results in death because it controls autonomic functions
medulla - regulates cardiovascular and respiratory system; takes care of autonomic functions
pons - bridge between different areas of nervous system; connects medulla with cerebellum and help coordinate movement; helps with sleep and dreams
reticular formation - network of nerve cell bodies and fibers within brain stem; regulates arousal, alertness, sleep-wake cycles; helps with motivation
cerebellum - coordinates voluntary movements, maintains posture and balance, refines motor skills, plays role in cognitive functions
midbrain - helps with visual and auditory information, motor control, integrating sensory and motor pathways
cerebrum - deals with complex thoughts
left hemisphere
right hemisphere
made up of gray matter called cerebral cortex and white matter
cerebral cortex - thin outer layer of billions of nerve cells that cover the whole brain
corpus callosum - thick band of nerve fibers that connect cerebral hemispheres; allows hemispheres to communicate with each other
frontal lobe - deals with higher level thinking
prefrontal cortex - deals with foresight, judgement, speech, complex thought
motor cortex - deal with voluntary movement
left motor cortex controls movement on right side of body, and vice versa
broca’s area (left hemi) - crucial for language production, particularly controlling movements of muscles involved in speech
if damaged, individual experiences broca’s aphasia → loss in ability to produce language // can still understand, but struggles to speak fluently
parietal lobe - receives sensory information and helps processing and organizing information
somatosensory cortex - processes touch, pressure, temperature, and body position
left sensory cortex controls right side of the body and vice versa
temporal lobe - processes auditory and linguistic information, recognizing faces, assisting with memory
hippocampus - helps learn and form memories; NOT WHERE MEMORIES ARE STORED!
amygdala - where you get your emotional reactions from
auditory cortex - processes different sounds that you hear and allows you to recognize things like music/speech
wernicke’s area (left hemi) - responsible for creating meaningful speech
if damaged, individual experiences wernicke’s aphasia → loss of ability to create meaningful speech
occipital lobe - responsible for processing visual information; recognizing objects, understanding spatial relationships, perceiving depth, movement
works with parietal and temporal lobe // occipital lobe recognizes object’s color and shape; temporal lobe identifies object; parietal lobe helps understand spatial orientation
primary visual cortex - receives visual input from the eyes
thalamus - receives sensory information from sensory organs, for everything except the sense of smell; relays info to appropriate areas of cerebral cortex for processing (“relay station”)
limbic system - main functions: TIP TO REMEMBER! → The 4 F’s: Fighting, Feeding, Fleeing, F... (reproductive behavior)
corpus collosum
hypothalamus - keeps body balanced and allows you to have homeostasis; controls thirst, hunger, temperature, sex
works with pituitary gland to regulate and control hormones
pituitary gland - “master gland” → produces and releases hormones that regulate many bodily functions and controls other endocrine glands throughout body
cingulate gyrus
basal ganglia
brain laterization - differing functions of the left and right hemispheres
division of labor between two hemispheres
everyone uses both hemispheres, and no one is right-brained or left-brained (MYTH)
hemispheric specialization
left hemisphere
recognizes words
interpreting language
right hemisphere
understands spatial concepts
facial recognition
discerning direction
research that have helped us better understand brain
phineas gage
railroad work who had iron rod shot through his head
survived and walked away without any cognitive defects BUT had had severe personality change, because rod had severed limbic system
allowed researchers to better understand different brain structures
split brain research (researcher gazzaniga)
split brain procedure → cuts corpus collosum to help treat those with severe epilepsy
when corpus collosum is cut, left and right hemispheres cannot communicate
no change with personalities/intelligence
researchers test for cortex specialization → allows researchers to understand how different areas of cerebral cortex are specialized for specific functions
when patients are shown word on their right side of visual field, patient was able to say the word
when words were shown on left side of visual field, patient would say they did not see anything
however, they could draw the word with their left hand and then were able to identify it, because right visual field could identify and see what they drew
lesion studies - doctors/researchers will destroy parts of brain to gain insight into different functions of brain
autopsies - examination of deceased body to find out cause of death
EEG - uses electrodes that are placed on individual’s scalp
allows researchers to record electrical signals from neurons firing
helps with sleep and seizure research
fMRI - similar to MRI, but show metabolic functions, which help with better understanding brain activity
shows more detailed image
consciousness - our awareness of ourselves and our environment
wakefulness - awake; aware of surroundings and can think, feel, and react to events
sleep - lower level of awareness; not fully aware of surroundings, but brains are still active and can process some information like sounds and sensations
cognitive neuroscience - studying how brain activity is linked with cognition
circadian rhythm - body’s internal clock; about a 24-hour cycle
changes blood pressure, internal temperature, hormones, regulates sleep-wake cycle
adjusts with age and different life experiences
can become disrupted due to working night-shift or travelling across time zones → jet lag
using an EEG helps us visualize brain waves to help understand which stage were are in
allows us to measure frequency of waves i.e. number of waves per second and amplitude i.e. size of the wave
alpha waves - relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed awake state
NREM Stage 1
lasts about 5-10 mins
body starts to relax and mind starts to slow
alpha waves
NREM Stage 2
lasts about 10-20 mins
individual will experience k-complexes and sleep spindles, which are bursts of neural activity
theta waves
NREM Stage 3
lasts around 30 mins
growth hormones are produced and individual may experience sleepwalking or sleep talking
delta waves
REM (rapid eye movement)
external muscles = paralyzed
internal muscles = active
beta waves
lasts about 10 mins
may experiences dreams/nightmares
considered paradoxical sleep since brain waves are similar to wakefulness, but body is at its most relaxed state
as sleep cycle progresses, periods of REM sleep become more longer and frequent
REM deprivation - occurs when individual keeps getting up in the middle of the night due to hunger, crying baby, etc.
REM rebound - occurs as a result of REM deprivation, which means that the next time they sleep, they will enter REM sleep more quickly and spend more time in REM to make up for the lost sleep
hypnagogic sensations - occur during NREM stage 1; when individual experiences sensations you imagine are real, and happen when you are in light sleep
ex) feeling like you’re falling
theories that seek to explain purpose of dreams/sleep
activation-synthesis theory - takes perspective that dreams are the brain’s way of making sense of random neural activity during sleep
consolidation theory - takes perspective that dreams help process and strengthen our memories and experiences
restoration theory - takes perspective that we sleep because we get tired from daily activities and we sleep to restore energy and resources
Why do we sleep?
to protect an individual; different animals sleep for different lengths of time and at different times of fay depending on when they are active and when other threats may be out
helps memory consolidation, allowing body to strengthen neural pathways, allowing for better recall in future
supports growth, with pituitary gland releasing growth hormones, which helps with muscle development, and conserves energy and save it for when we need it during the day
can help individual become more creative; reference their dreams as what sparked curiosity
sleep disorders
insomnia - individual will have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
may be caused due to stress, pain medication, or irregular sleep schedule
sleep apnea - individual has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because they are struggling with breathing
prevents them from entering REM, because they keep waking up
REM sleep behavior disorder - person acts out dreams during REM sleep
typically, we are paralyzed in REM
in RBD, paralysis is absent or possibly incomplete
risk for self-injury
somnambulism (sleep walking) - person gets up and walks around while still sleeping
most commonly occurs during stage 3 sleep (deep sleep)
more common in children
night terrors - individual experiences intense fear while sleeping
causes sleep deprivation and disrupted sleep schedule
narcolepsy - individuals struggle to sleep at night and will uncontrollably fall asleep during day