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angular speed and velocity are not
the same thing
angular velocity is
a vector
vector attributes for angular speed
Angular Velocity
the rate at which the angle changes with respect to time
Angular velocity is the vector
Length of Omega is
the angular speed
linear velocity is the vector that
points along the tangent to the pathway and at a right angle to the radius
Angular speed and velocity thing
Average angular velocity
why is average angular velocity sometimes bad
because we have no info about what happens between angle 1 and 2
What is different when we have instantaneous angular velocity
if we take the angles so close together that they are infinitessimally close together then we lose no information
Instantaneous angular velocity
Linear and angular velocities are related to one another via
the radius
Angular acceleration is also the
vector which points along the axis of rotation according to right hand rule
whats wrong about average angular acceleration
we have no nfo about what happens btwn w1 - w2
Instantaneous angular acceleration
we take w1 and w2 close togehter enough that they are infitessimally close and lose no information
I is
the moment of inertia of the object (scalar)
rotational intertia
resistance that the object puts up to being angularly accelerated
ROTATIONA L INerTOA, radous of gyration