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319 Terms

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Act of Toleration (1649)

- Maryland law

- provided religious freedom for all Christians

- caused by: rising # of Catholics

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Indentured Servants & Bacon's Rebellion (1676)

- exchanged passage to America for servitude

- poor white men

- did most of the work on early settlements

- led by Nathaniel Bacon

- backcountry farmers attacked Native Americans

- upset that the frontier wasn't protected from Native attacks

- planters turned from indentured servants to slaves

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John Calvin

- religious reformer during the Protestant Reformation

- predestination

- strict sense of morality for society

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Columbian Exchange

- biological exchange b/w the New and Old Worlds

- plants, horses, disease

- killed 90% of Native Americans

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Conquistadors & Hernan Cortes

- 16th century Spanish conquerors who traveled to the Americas

- gain foothold in the Americas

- Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico

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Encomienda System

- Spanish settlers could enslave the natives

- supposed to protect and convert to Christianity

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Great Migration (1630s) & John Winthrop

- refugees leaving England --> money, religious freedom

- Puritans arrive in Massachusetts

- led by...

- Puritan governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony

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Half-Way Covenant (1662)

- churches of New England

- partial church membership

- widen participation

- less religious zeal

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Headright System

- tobacco colonies

- land given to individuals who paid for passage of laborers

- encouraged indentured servants

- b/c of labor shortage

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House of Burgesses (1619)

- elected assembly in colonial Virginia

- 1st democratic government in America

- precedent

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Anne Hutchinson & Roger Williams

- challenged Puritan church

- banished from Massachusetts for religious views

- separatist --> disagreed w/ Puritans

- banished from Massachusetts

- established Rhode Island

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Joint-stock company

- company stock is owned jointly by the shareholders

- financed English colonization

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King Philip's (Metacom's) War (1675-1676) & Pope Rebellion/Pueblo Revolt (1680)

- armed conflicts b/w Natives and English colonists

- colonists encroaching on Native land

- uprising of Pueblo people in New Mexico

- against Spanish colonizers

- due to suppression of native religions for Catholicism

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Martin Luther (1517)

- sparked the Protestant Reformation

- Bible > church hierarchy/corruption

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Ferdinand Magellan

- navigator who explored the Pacific Ocean

- fleet circumnavigated the world

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New England Confederation (1643)

- weak union

- attempt at self-government

- took care of intercolonial problems

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William Penn

- Quaker who founded Pennsylvania colony for religious freedom

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Sir Walter Raleigh

- established Roanoke

- started many expeditions to establish colonies in North America

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Spanish Armada (1588)

- fleet sent to recapture England for the Roman Catholic Church

- failed --> rise of England's power

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Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

- Spain and Portugal divided up the New World

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Great Awakening (1730s-1740s), Jonathan Edwards, & George Whitefield

- religious revival in the American colonies

- emotions in religion

- 1st Great Awakening preacher

- "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

- Great Awakening preacher

- appeal to audience's emotions

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Poor Richard's Almanac

- Benjamin Franklin

- best-seller

- emphasized virtues like common sense, industry, thrift, morality (colonial identity)

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Molasses Act (1773)

- Parliament passed a tax on molasses from non-British colonies

- end American trade w/ French West Indies

- smuggling

- precedent --> Americans revolt

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Triangle Trade & Navigation Acts (1651)

- colonial era

- Atlantic trade route

- exchanged goods b/w North American colonies, Africa, West Indies

- mercantilism

- regulated trade b/w the colonies and the British

- British control over American trade

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Zenger Decision (1734)

- Zenger printed an article criticizing a corrupt governor

- accused of libel --> acquitted

- established freedom of press

- promote democracy

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Samuel de Champlain

- expansion of France in the New World

- consolidated French colonies

- founded Quebec

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Fort Duquesne (1754) & Battle of Quebec (1759)

- French fort in the Ohio Valley

- Washington led an unsuccessful attack and surrendered by signing a document stating he killed a French official

- triggered the 7 Years War

- British victory against the French in the 7 Years War

- beginning of the end of French rule in North America

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Treaty of Paris (1763) & William Pitt

- ended the 7 Years War

- France gave up territory on North American continent

- Spain gave up Florida

- foreign threat removed --> Britain dominated North America

- political leader of Britain during the 7 Years War

- helped secure France's defeat

- solidified Britain's dominance

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Pontiac's Rebellion (1763) & the Paxton Boys (1764)

- Pontiac attempted to drive the British out of Ohio Country

- rebellion + 7 Years War = ...

- Scots-Irish frontiersmen who protested in Philadelphia

- retaliated against Natives

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Proclamation of 1763

- Britain forbade settlement west of the Appalachians

- prevent Native uprising

- colonists felt oppressed --> defied the proclamation

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Treaty of 1713 (Peace of Utrecht)

- series of treaties that ended the War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War), ended French expansion in Europe, and marked the rise of the British Empire

- led to salutary neglect

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Samuel Adams & Committees of Correspondence (1772)

- American Revolution leader

- founded the Sons of Liberty

- formed CoC's

- CoC spread resistance --> communication and unity

- led to intercolonial committees like the House of Burgesses

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Tea Act (1773), Boston Tea Party (1773, ) & the Sons of Liberty (1765)

- British East India Co. given a monopoly on selling tea in America

- colonists outraged at a tax w/ no representation

- resistance

- led to...

- Sons of Liberty disguised as Natives and dumped tea into Boston Harbor

- led to: Intolerable Acts

- formed after the Stamp Act

- patriotic group formed by Samuel Adams

- colonial resistance (nonimportation agreements/boycotts, harass officials)

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Intolerable Acts (1774) & the First Continental Congress (1774)

- punishment for the Boston Tea Party

- town meetings/rights restricted

- Port of Boston closed

- new Quartering Act

- led to...

- assembly of delegates from 12/13 colonies

- boycott goods --> wanted the tax repealed

- colonial resistance

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Lexington and Concord (1775)

- 1st battle in the Revolutionary War in Massachusetts

- Lexington: British troops sent to seize ammunition, killed minutemen

- Concord: minutemen defended ammunition, forced British soldiers to retreat

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Quartering Act (1765)

- forced colonists to house and feed British forces

- colonists paid taxes to pay for barracks/supply for soldiers

- colonists angered --> encroachment of rights

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Quebec Act (1774)

- French in Quebec retained Catholicism and civil laws (no jury trials/representative assemblies)

- extended Quebec's boundary

- (coincidentally) passed at the same time as Intolerable Acts --> colonists viewed as punishment

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Stamp Act (1765) & Stamp Act Congress (1765)

- tax on printed documents

- colonial rebellion --> boycott/attack tax collectors

- "no taxation w/o representation"

- delegates from several colonies

- drafted grievances and a repeal of the Stamp Act

- unified colonies

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Townshend Acts (1767) & the Boston Massacre (1770)

- tax on tea, glass, and paper

- angered colonists

- increase in smuggling/protests

- led to...

- first bloodshed of the American Revolution

- British troops provoked by mob

- killed and injured colonists

- resentment/tension rose

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Battle of Saratoga (1777)

- decisive colonial victory in New York

- turning point in the Am. Rev

- led to: French support

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General Cornwallis & the Battle of Yorktown (1781)

- last major battle of the Am. Rev.

- Cornwallis led British troops into a trap --> surrendered

- French Navy stopped British fleet + General Washington blocked land

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Common Sense & the Declaration of Independence (1776)

- Thomas Paine

- pamphlet advocated for American independence

- declared American independence --> receive foreign aid from France

- inspired other revolutions

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Second Continental Congress (1775) & the Olive Branch Petition (1775)

- delegates from all 13 colonies

- managed colonial war effort

- gradually turned to independence

- 2nd Continental Congress

- failed last attempt to avoid war

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Treaty of Paris (1783)

- ended the Revolutionary War

- recognized American independence

- doubled the size of the US --> east of the Mississippi, opened the door for westward expansion

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Shay's Rebellion (1786)

- armed uprising of Massachusetts debtors seeking lower taxes, paper money, and an end to property foreclosures

- inspired fears of "mob rule"

- showed need for stronger central govt (AoC = weak)

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Constitutional Convention (1787) & The Federalist (1788)

- delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation

- instead produced the Constitution

- book promoting the Constitution's ratification

- lay out/interpret Federalist's argument

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Electoral College

- group of people representing each state who cast votes for the election of the president and vice president (# of electors based on reps in Congress)

- indirect voting system

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The Virginia Plan and The New Jersey Plan (1787) & the Great Compromise (1787)

- proposals for the Constitution

- Virginia (large state): proportional rep. in both houses

- New Jersey (small plan): equal rep.

- reconciled the New Jersey and Virginia Plans

- equal rep. in Senate

- proportional rep. in the House

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Land Ordinance of 1785

- set up a system for surveying and dividing western lands into townships

- facilitated the sale of land to settlers

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Northwest Ordinance of 1787

- established a procedure for the admission of new states to the Union

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Three-Fifths Compromise (1787)

- slave counted as 3/5ths of a person in determining representation in the House and taxation

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Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) & the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1798)

- acts passed by Federalists giving the government power to imprison or deport foreign citizens and prosecute critics of the government

- led to...

- states should be able to declare laws unconstitutional

- written by Jefferson and Madison

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Bank of the United States (1791) & Alexander Hamilton

- proposed by Alexander Hamilton

- Jeffersonians argued it was unconstitutional

- national bank funded by the federal government

- Federalist leader

- Secretary of Treasury

- wanted to correct economic issues --> BUS, assume state debts

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French Revolution (1789) & Citizen Genet (1793)

- inspired by American Revolution

- US didn't honor Franco-American Alliance --> Neutrality Proclamation

- French diplomat who tried to draw the US into the war b/w France and England

- directly recruited Americans --> encouraged them to defy Neutrality Proclamation

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Jay's Treaty (1794)

- John Jay sent to negotiate w/ Britain and avoid war

- Britain: evacuate US outposts, pay damages on seized American ships

- US: pay pre-Revolutionary War debt

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Judiciary Act of 1789

- established a federal court system

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Neutrality Proclamation (1793) & Washington's Farewell Address (1796)

- GW established isolationist policy

- b/c of: war b/w France and Britain

- led to...

- warned against the dangers of political parties and foreign alliances

- set 2 term precedent

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Treaty of Greenville (1795)

- Miami Confederacy gave Americans the Ohio Valley territory in exchange for cash payment, hunting rights, and formal recognition of their sovereign status

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Whiskey Rebellion (1794)

- farmers rebelled against tax on whiskey

- GW organized militias and put it down

- showed strong central govt that could end rebellions and enforce taxes

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XYZ Affair (1797)

- French officials demanded bribes from American to meet w/ the French minister

- Americans called for war against France

- undeclared war on French merchants

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Napoleon Bonaparte, Toussaint L'Ouverture,

Louisiana Purchase (1803), & Lewis and Clark (1804)

- controversial figure --> division b/w Republicans (sympathized) and Federalists (resented)

- leader of Haitian Revolution

- Louisiana = food supplier to Haiti

- Napoleon failed to reconquer Haiti

- led to...

- territory acquired by Jefferson from France for $15 million

- doubled the size of the US

- explorers sent by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase

- expanded knowledge of territory --> more settlers

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Burr Conspiracies (1806)

- plotted secession of NY/New England

- exposed by Hamilton --> challenged to duel and killed Hamilton

- plotted creation of an independent country in the US by separating east and west

- showed large territories in the West would be difficult to govern

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Chesapeake Affair (1807), Embargo Act (1807), & Macon's Bill No. 2 (1810)

- Chesapeake refused British request to search warship for deserters --> open fired, killed Americans

- led to...

- forbade American ships from sailing to foreign ports

- closed American ports to British ships

- Jefferson wanted to force France/Britain to respect American neutrality --> instead devastated American economy

- dismantled the Embargo Act

- offered to resume trade with whichever nation lifted trading restrictions first

- France lifted --> forced to declare Embargo on Britain

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Judiciary Act of 1801

- departing Federalist Congress increased the number of federal judges

- tried to fill with Federalists --> ensure power in judiciary branch

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Marbury v. Madison (1803)

- established judicial review

- Supreme Court has final say in determining constitutionality

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Revolution of 1800 & the 12th Amendment (1804)

- Jefferson won election of 1800

- Democratic-Republican victory over Federalists

- peaceful transfer of power --> faith in American political system

- separation of votes for President and Vice President

- caused by: election of 1800 (Burr/Jefferson tied)

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Tecumseh (1811)

- united Native American tribes to resist white settlement

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Tripoli Conflict (1801)

- Jefferson refused to pay tribute to the pirate state --> Tripoli declared war on the US in the Mediterranean

- deployed mosquito fleet (small gunboats) --> ineffective

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American System (1820s)

- Henry Clay's economic program

- strong banking system --> credit

- high protective tariffs --> fund transportation system --> efficient travel

- emphasized strong role for federal govt in the economy

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Battle of New Orleans & the Treaty of Ghent (1814)

- War of 1812

- British army attempted to take New Orleans w/ a foolish frontal attack

- Jackson defeated them --> boosted his popularity, American confidence

- ended the War of 1812 (stalemate)

- restore conquered lands and stop fighting

- didn't address grievances that led to the war (impressment, Britain giving supplies for Indians to retaliate)

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Bladensburg Races (1812) & Francis Scott Key

- War of 1812

- Americans ran away and the British captured D.C. and burned the White House

- witnessed American troops hold firm at Fort McHenry

- Star-Spangled Banner

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Cohens v. Virginia (1821)

- asserted the right of the Supreme Court to review the decision of state supreme courts

- concern over states' rights vs. powers of the federal govt

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Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)

- New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College

- ruled that states could not interfere with private contracts

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Era of Good Feelings (1816-1824)

- President Monroe's two terms

- strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion

- 1 political party and no partisan conflicts

- misnomer: ignores conflicts over slavery, national bank, and internal improvements

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Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

- whether NY had right to give a monopoly over interstate waters w/ NJ

- only federal govt can regulate interstate commerce

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McCulloch v. Maryland

- Maryland tried to tax the national bank

- ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law

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Monroe Doctrine (1823)

- warned European nations to stay out of the W. Hemisphere --> colonization over

- foreign intervention in Latin America = act of aggression

- US lacked military power to enforce

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Panic of 1819 & the Land Act of 1820

- BUS attempted to stop overspeculation on western frontier lands --> foreclosed farms, bank failures

- mainly affected the poor, especially in the West

- manufacturing and agricultural prices fell

- led to: rise of Jacksonian Democracy and...

- reduced price of public land and fueled settlement in the Missouri Territories and the NW

- prohibited using credit to buy land --> eliminated key cause of the Panic of 1819

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Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817) & the Treaty of 1818

- restricted naval armaments on the Great Lakes b/w the US and Britain

- eased tensions

- US and Britain

- Americans allowed access to Newfoundland fisheries w/ Canada

- joint occupation of the Oregon Territory for 10 years

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Tallmadge Amendment (1819) & the Missouri Compromise (1820)

- failed proposal to prohibit importation of slaves into Missouri territory and gradual emancipation for children born to slaves already there

- Southerners opposed --> threat to sectional balance

- led to...

- Maine = free state

- Missouri = slave state

- slavery prohibited north of 36°30' line (S. boundary of Missouri)

- preserved sectional balance

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Treaty of 1819 (Florida Purchase/Adams-Onis)

- Spain ceded Florida and claims on Oregon

- US ceded claims on Texas

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Bank War (1832) & Specie Circular

- conflict over the bank's renewal b/w President Jackson and Congressional supporters of the BUS

- chartered expired 1836 --> Clay presented renewal early

- Jackson vetoed and declared unconstitutional --> ignored McCulloch v. Maryland, implied president more powerful

- killed BUS --> put $ in pet banks

- pet banks flooded the market w/ currency

- Jackson decreed all public lands must be bought w/ hard currency (gold/silver)

- led to: Panic of 1837

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Corrupt Bargain

- election of 1824

- Jackson supporters claimed Henry Clay (Speaker of the House) convinced the House to elect Adams over Jackson

- Clay became Secretary of State

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The Lone Star Rebellion (1836) & Sam Houston

- Texans declared their independence from Mexico

- relied on American help --> TX to become a state

- Sam Houston was their leader and helped Texas' annexation

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Indian Removal Act (1830) & the Trail of Tears

- forced Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi River

- Cherokee --> thousands died

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Tariff of Abominations (1828) & Nullies

- raised tariffs on imported goods

- protected northern manufacturing --> Southerners hated it

- led to...

- South Carolina legislature group that tried to nullify the 1828 and 1832 tariff

- Jackson sent military reinforcements

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Spoils System

- Jackson

- gave public office to supporters/friends

- corrupt --> buy their way in

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Whigs (1830s-1850s)

- anti-Jackson political party that wanted a national community and an activist government

- protective tariffs, national bank, moral reform (prohibition, abolition)

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Biddies and Paddies (1840s)

- Irish Potato Famine --> influx of Irish immigrants

- hated, seen as job competition

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Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)

- legalized labor unions --> strengthened labor movement

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Dorothea Dix (1845)

- activist for the mentally ill

- helped improve conditions

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Neal Dow

- Father of Prohibition

- Maine Law --> prohibited selling/making alcohol

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Erie Canal (1825)

- NY canal linking the Great Lakes (Erie --> Hudson)

- cut shipping costs (manufactured goods, crops)

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Nativists & the Know-Nothing Party (1840s-50s)

- "native born Americans"

- feared foreigners would overrun and outbreed them

- anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant

- harsher immigration/naturalization laws

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Horace Mann (1830s)

- activist for public school reform

- standardized public schools (curriculum, higher wages)

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John Humphrey Noyes

- founder of the Oneida Community

- "complex marriage" and eugenic birth control

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Rendezvous System (1820s)

- traders would meet fur trappers/Natives in the Rocky Mountains

- fur

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Second Great Awakening (1800s) & Charles Grandison Finney

- religious revival of Protestantism

- widespread conversion --> women

- moral reforms (prison, prohibition, slavery)

- preacher who held mass revivals

- used emotion

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Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

- first formal meeting to discuss women's rights (suffrage) --> sparked movement

- Declaration of Sentiment (men/women equal)

- not successful for 70 years

- Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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Samuel Slater

- memorized British plans --> recreated machine for spinning cotton in the US