Lecture 10 - Primary hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis

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etiology primary hyperparathyroidism

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etiology primary hyperparathyroidism

  • parathyroid adenoma

  • primary hyperplasia of parathyroid

  • parathyroid carcinoma

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primary hyperparathyroidism is characterized by abnormal regulation of _________

pth secretion by calcium

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are caused by mutations in the dna of parathyroid cells

parathyroid adenomas

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clinical features primary hyperparathyroidism

  • asymptomatic hypercalcemia + elevated intact pth conc

  • clinical pic hypercalcemia

  • patients w/ osteoporosis, fx, low bone density or nephrolithiasis

  • sumptomatic severe hypercalcemia (parathyroid crisis) or osteitis fibrosa cystic

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signs and symptoms primary hyperparathyroidism

stones, bones, abd groans and pyschic moans

  • cns effects - memory loss, lethargy, confusion

  • neurom - prox myopathy, arthritis

  • cardiovasc - htn, brady

  • renal - stones

  • gi - nausea, constipation, epulis

  • band keratopathy, metastatic calcification

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clinical characteristics of bone disease in PHPT

bone pain, generalized demineralization bone (@ cortical sites), manifestations osteitis fibrosa cystican→ subperiosteal bone resorption @ hands, bone cysts, brown tumours, patho fx

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labs PHPT

hypercalcemia, low-normal phosphorus, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, markers bone turnover

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what is measurement urinary calcium excretion required for

distinguishing phpt from familial hypocalciuric hypercalemia (increased in phpt)

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what can obscure lab results phpt

vit d deficiency

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parathyroid crisis

severe hypercalemia, high ca conc, cns dysfxn (agitation, lethargy, confusion, coma), abd pain, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis

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treatment phpt

excision abnormal parathyroid tissue - parathyroidectomy

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when does acute postop hypocalcemia occur after parathyroidectomy for phpt

severe bone mineral deficits present (hungry bones syndrome) or injury to all normal parathyroid glands

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what should patients avoid after parathyroidectomy for phpt

avoid inativity, mod. calcium intake, avoid thiazides and lithium, lots vit d

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meds for phpt if surgery not possible

estrogen-progestin in postmenopausal, biphosphonates, raloxifene, calcimimetics

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treatment parathyroid crisis

rehydration, furosemide, biphosphonate, zolendronate, calcitonin, iv glucocorticoids, dialysis, urgent parathyroidectomy

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reduction strength of bone leading to fx from loss bone tissue and deterioration skeletal microarchitecture

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primary osteoporosis - causes

reduced bone mass and fx in postmenopausal women or old men from age due to

  • estrogen deficiency

  • progressive deficits renal and intestinal fx

  • failure to reach peak bone mass in young

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secondary osteoporosis - causes

bone loss from

  • endocrinopathies - thyrotoxicosis, hyperprolactinemia, phpt, DM

  • gi - vit d deficiency, chronic liver disease, malabsorption

  • hema - hemochromatosis, leukemia, mm

  • glucocorticoids, OCs, immunosuppressants, antiseizure meds

  • genetics - hypophosphatasia, osteogenesis imperfecta

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clinical manifestations osteoporosis

no symptoms until fx (vertebral is most common)

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colles fx

common osteoporosis fx in women right after menopause

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risk factors for osteoporosis fx

history fx, female sex, old, white, low calcium intake, estrogen deficiency, alcoholism

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investigations osteoporosis

xray, bmd, dxa

cbc, calcium, renal + hepatic fxn, vit d

bone formation markers - akp, osteocalcin

bone resorption markers - n-telopeptide, c-telopeptide, deoxypyridinoline

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pharma therapy for postmenopausal women w/ osteoporosis

antiresorptives - biphosphonates, SERM, tibolone

anabolic therapy - parathyroid, strontium, steroids

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se biphosphonates

upper gi, jaw osteonecrosis, bone pain, flu symptoms

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COs biphosphonates

hypersensitivity, hypocalcemia, esophagus abnormalities

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COs HRT for osteoporosis

abnormal vaginal bleeding, thrombophlebitis or v thromboembolic disorders, breast carcinoma

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