What is the actual name for C stand
Century stand
Give a few details about best boy electric
Assistant to Griffin, electric
What is the job of key grip?
Rigging and shadowing nonelectrical portion
What is the job of a gaffer?
In charge of electricity and lighting
What are gels and what do they do?
Transparent color filters that changes camera hue hood for good for mood and tone
What are barn doors
Helps adjust how much lighting comes through a light
What stand would you put a light on and what is the topper on it called
Beefy, baby or double riser lollipop
What are the jobs of skrims and flags?
To diffuse cut or reduce light
Give the heights of Apple boxes, and what they are used for
Full half quarter pancake
A green Skrim or flag is full or half
Half has only a single layer
A red scrim is full or half
Full has a double layer
When setting up the flags who holds the flags?
Who brings the gaffer the stand during light set up?
Why can’t the golfer move during like to set up?
Because he is holding the position he wants the light to be set up in