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Man made resources used for production of goods and service (eg. Machinery and factories0
Organisational skills of individuals
Natural resources used for production in goods and services
All human efforts used in producing goods and services (mental efforts—>doctors ,physical efforts—>janitor)
Rewards for capital
Rewards for enterprise
Profits made
Rewards for labour
Wages made
Rewards for land
Factor mobility
how easy a factor of production can be moved from one use to another , without incurring significant cost
Pros of factor mobility
-allows more flexibility in production
-increases total output of goods and services
-enables firms to improve on their production methods
How can factors move
-within a firm/an industry
-between regions/countries and different industries
Occupational mobility
Ability to move FOP between different productive task
Geographical mobility
Ability to move FOP to different locations
Land mobility (least mobile)
Occupationally —> the extent to which land resources can easily switch between alternative uses
-mobile—>can be used for multiple thing , immobile—>can only be used for a specific thing
Geographically mobile—>extent to which land resources can be physically moved . Mobile means physically moved, immobile means cannot be moved
Labour mobility
Occupationally mobile—>refers to the ease with which workers can switch from one job to another in different fields
-mobile—>able to change work field, depends on level and cost of education and training
Geographically mobile—>refers to the workers ability to relocate from one place to another for employment
-mobile—>able to move from one location to another for employment , depends on family ties and cost of relocation
Capital mobility (more geographically mobile )
Occupationally mobile—> refers to the purpose of the goods
-mobile—>capital goods can be used for many different functions, depends on the purpose of the goof
Geographically—> refers to where capital goods are used
-mobile —> capital goods can be moved from one place to another and depends on transportation cost
What is a pro of changes in quantity and quality of the factors of production
More goods and services produced
How to improve quantity of land
Growing more trees increases the supply of wood, increasing rent prices persuades landowners to give up the land space for more productive uses
How to improve quality of land
Fertilisers may improve soil conditions allowing more crops to grow
How to improve quality of labour
Improve working conditions can improve labour productivity
How is capital quantity determined
Technological advancement (eg. More advanced machines=more products produced)
How is capital quality determined
Advancement of technology (better technology = better quality of product)
How to increase Quantity of entrepreneurs
-provide grants or loans to let them start their own business
How to increase quality of enterprise
Depends on education and training (more training services can improve business success)
How to improve quantity of labour
Increase wages earn to motivate workers to stay and to attract people to work