AP Psych Unit 1

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Biological psychology

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Biological psychology

How anatomy and physiology impacts behavior

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Behavioral genetics approach

How certain behaviors are a result of specific genetically inherited psychological characteristics

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Behavioralist approach

Study of observable behavior(doesn’t include mind)

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Classical conditioning

conditioned stimulus is being associated with another, unconditioned, stimulus often resulting in a behavior developing

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Operant conditioning

subject begins associating behavior with a consequence/outcome

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Cognitive psychology

To understand one’s behavior, you must understand how they think

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humanistic approach

study of consciousness, free will, and awareness. Developed to address dissatisfaction that mind is not being considered in the behavioralist approach

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Abraham Maslow

Proposed self-actualization

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an individuals need to reach their full potentials(self-improvement)

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Carl Rogers

emphasized unconditional positive regard is necessary for self-actualization

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unconditional positive regard

complete acceptance and support no matter what that person does

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Conscious mind

mental state of awareness and processes we have access to

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unconscious mind

mental processes we dont have access to/control but can still influence our behavior, feelings, and thoughts/actions

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psychoanalytic approach

that early childhood experiences and child’s relationship w/ their parents impacts their development of behavior and personality

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psychoanalytic approach in therapy

resolving unconscious, unresolved conflicts through finding what is repressed in the unconscious

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Sociocultural approach

environment of a person and how it affects their behavior, thought processes, and how others perceive that behavior

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Evolutionary approach

how our behavior adapts to our survival (Ex. fear)

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biopsychosocial approach

investigating biological, psychological, and social factors that affect our behavior and mental processes

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Rene Descartes

Belived physical world and animals are machines except for humans bc we have consciousness; created dualism

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belief that mind and body rely on one another because body sends sensory input to let mind decipher while the mind gives isntructions to body

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John Locke

Descartes law extended to mind is also under natural laws

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idea proposed by Wundt that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations; aimed to uncover the basic structures that make up mind and thought

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first began in laboratory set up by Wilhelm Wundt; process of reporting on one's own conscious mental experiences

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Wilhelm Wundt

set up first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879; known for training subjects in introspection and for his theory of structuralism

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Margaret Floy Washburn

first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology

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William James

published The Principles of Psychology, the science's first textbook; responsible for theory of functionalism

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Mary Whiton Calkins

studied with William James and went on to become president of the American Psychological Association

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G. Stanley Hall

student of William James who pioneered he study of child development and was the first president of the APA

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Gestalt psychology

theory that states that the whole experience is often more than just the sum of the parts, because the way we experience the world is more than just an accumulation of various perceptual experiences; relatively little influence on current psychology

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Max Wertheimer

Gestalt psychologist who argued against dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures

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Sigmund Freud

revolutionized psychology with his psychoanalytic theory; believed the unconscious mind must be examined through dream analysis, word association, and other psychoanalytic therapy techniques; criticized for being unscientific and creating unverifiable theories

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John Watson

psychologist who believed the science must limit itself to observable phenomena; wanted to establish behaviorism as the dominant paradigm of psychology

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B. F. Skinner

behaviorist who expanded the basic ideas of behaviorism to include the idea of reinforcement- environmental stimuli that either encourage or discourage certain responses

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Jean Piaget

came up with a cognitive developmental theory, which focuses on how our cognitions develop in stages as we mature

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developmental perspective

modern psychological perspective emphasizing that change occurs across a lifespan; focus has shifted over recent years to teens and adults

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trait view

modern psychological perspective that views behavior and personality as the products of enduring psychological characteristics

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operational definitions

a researcher's explanation how the variable of an experiment will be measured

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basic research

explores questions that are of interest to psychologists but are not intended to have immediate, real-world applications; also referred to as experimental psychology

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participant-relevant confounding variables

when groups are not randomly assigned during an experiment; increases the chance of participants in the two groups differ in any meaningful way

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situation-relevant confounding variables

when the situations into which the different groups of an experiment are put are not truly equivalent; can create invalid experiment results due to the situation rather than the independent variable

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experimenter bias

the unconscious tendency for researchers to treat members of the experimental and control groups differently to increase the chance of confirming their hypothesis

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double-blind procedure

when neither the participants nor the researcher are able to affect the outcome of the research

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demand characteristics

cues about the purpose of the study; participants use such cues to try to respond appropriately, skewing the validity of the experiment

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Dorothea Dix

advocate for mental illness rights and helped found the first mental hospital in the US

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biological domain

ex. effect of biological factors(such as effect of drugs) on behavior

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social domain

effect of behaviors on relationships (ex. relationship between drugs users andtheir famileis)

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clinical domain

ex. treatment options for behavioral issues

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Cognitive domain

ex. how they think in order to justify their behavior

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ex. method therapist chooses to help their client

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developmental domain

ex. how does one’s age/childhood affect their behavior or when are they most susceptible to certain behaviors

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educational domain

ex. behaviors relating to education

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experimental domain

relating to experiments

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industrial organizational domains

relating to work places

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personality domain

relating to personality

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positive domain

positive aspects and strengths of human behavior

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