Verbs indicate actions or states of being. Ex: To be, To have, To seem, To go, To Study, To believe.
To be and To have are the most common English verbs; as a result, they are tested frequently on the SAT. Because they are irregular, their conjugated forms are different from their infinitives.
Singular | Plural | Singular | Plural | Singular | Plural |
I am | We are | I was | We Were | I have | We have |
You are | You (pl). are | You were | You were | You have | You have |
It | They are | It | They were | It | They have |
The number of a verb indicated whether it is singular or plural.
Personal pronouns are often referred to in the following manner:
Singular | Plural |
1st person = I | 1st person = We |
2nd person = You | 2nd person = You |
3rd person = S/he, It, One | 3rd person = They |
Prepositions are time and location words. They indicate where things are people are, where they’re going, and when events happened. They are always followed by nouns. \n
Ex: The dog ran under the fence and into the neighboring yard in a matter of seconds.
Conjunctions indicate relationships between words, phrases, and clauses. \n
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, and phrases/clauses. Many common adverbs end in -ly, but the SAT is primarily concerned with conjunctive adverbs: adverbs that server as transitional words.
Although many of these words have the same meaning as conjunctions, they can only be used at the beginning of a sentence or clause.
Adjectives modify pronouns and nouns and other adjectives.
Adjectives are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns in a sentence, and they can help to add detail and color to your writing. When using adjectives, it's important to choose words that are specific, precise, and evocative, and that accurately convey the tone and meaning of the sentence.