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aversion, fear, hypersexuality
The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure in the anterior, medial aspect of the temporal lobe just in front of the hippocampus. It is our ——— center and is stimulated by ——— and produces emotional responses to such. The lesion causes placidity, hyperorality, and ———-
medial nucleus, central nucleus, stria terminalis, basolateral nucleuus
Three nuclear groups exist in regard to the amygdala:
———- is used in olfaction
———- is used in autonomic emotional responses (the output nucleus) and projects to the hypothalamus (via the ———-) and PAG
———- is the major inflow nucleus receiving majority of afferent projections from ALL sensory association areas (sight, sound, smell, attention, cardiorespiratory) ad from the central nucleus itself
stria terminalis, ventral amygdalofugal pathway
What are the amygdala’s two major outflow tracts? ———- aka the long way around and ———- the shortcut
hypothalamus, septal nuclei
The stria terminalis pathway is from ———- and ———- to the amygdala
hypothalamus, thalamus, orbital, anterior cingulate
The ventral amygdalafugal pathway is from ———, ———, as well as ——— and ———- cortex to the amygdala
sensory association, lateral, prefrontal
The amygdala recieves MANY afferent projections, infact all ———— have direct inputs and outputs to the ——— nucleus. these areas are all also linked to the ——- cortex via association fibers so sensations can be cognitively evaluated.
LGN, occipital lobe, MGN, superior temporal gyrus, piriform cortex, VPN, parietal lobe, locus ceruleus, basal nucleus of meynert, solitary nucleus
Amygdala afferents include (it will also project back to all of these)
———- (visual info) from the ———- cortically
———- (auditory info) from the ———- cortically
olfactory from —————
———- (tactile sensation) from somatic fibers and ———- cortically
———- (attention) from the ———- cortically
———- (viscerosensory info)
stria terminalis, hypothalamus, septal area, medial forebrain bundle, central tegmental tract
In amygdala efferent flow back out to all the sensory structures that sent afferent info to it, the ——— is the “long way around” and for the fibers to project to the ——— and ———- nuclei. After the hypothalamus they then are sent to the ———— and ———— to be distributed amongst the sensory nuclei originally sending them efferents (inputs match the outputs much like the hypothalamus)
bed nucleus, anxiety
The amygdala will also project to the ——— of the stria terminalis (sometimes called the extended amygdala) annd may even be more active than the amygdala in ———-
PAG, antinociception
One efferent target of the amygdala is the ———- via that medulla raphespinal tract. Its effect is ———-
PAG, freezing
One efferent target of the amygdala is the ———- via that medullary reticulospinal tract. Its effect is ———-
norepinephrine medullary neurons, Increase HR and BP
One efferent target of the amygdala is the ———- that project to the lateral gray horn Its effect is ———-
dorsal nucleus of vagus
One efferent target of the. amygdala is the hypothalamus to get to the ———— to decrease heart rate and cause fainting
pituitary, stress hormones
One efferent target of the. amygdala is the hypothalamus to eventually influence the ——— to influence the release of ——— like cortisol
parabrachial, hyperventilation
one efferent target of the amygdala is the ——— nucleus to the medullary respiratory nuclei which causes ————
kluver-bucy syndrome
this is the syndrome caused by bilateral damage to the amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus leadig to fearlessness, placidity, ad a lack of emotional reaction. Males become hypersexual.
nucleus accumbens/ventral striatum, movement
The amygdalas projection to the ———— via the ventral amydalofugal pathway (not mentioned in the big list card) is believed to be a means for drive-related information to influence decisions about ———-
Hypothalamus and PAG
The amygdala utilizes the Stria Terminalis to project to what two structures (its general projections)
Septal nuclei and the Bed Nucleus
Aside from the PAG and Hypothalamus what two other structures can the amygdala project to via the stria terminalis