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professional phagocytes
Macrophages are often called ______________________ because they make their living destroying bacteria
The skin covers _____ square meters.
The mucosa covers ______ square meters.
neutrophils / macrophages
______ & _______ are key phagocytes
bone marrow
All blood cells are made in the __________ from self-renewing stem cells
_________ function as antibody factories and can produce more than 100 million different types of antibodies that are required to protect us against a wide variety of invading antigens.
Both B- and T-cells are members of the ______ family.
___________ are any substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies.
Killer T-cells are a potent weapon against ___________.
Physical barriers
__________________ are the first line of innate defense
innate nonspecific
Humans and other animals are born with an ____________________ immune system
___________ are known as white blood cells.
innate immunity
Increasing amount of blood flow to the infected site, with the help of macrophages, helps _______________________ by bringing additional leukocytes to the infected area.
___________ are cell signals that regulate immune system by facilitating communication between cells within the immune system.
____________ alert other immune cells in the body by secreting cytokines.
_____________ is a normal part of the biological response to harmful stimuli, such as bacteria entering the body
increased blood flow
The redness, swelling, and heat around the injured tissue result from the ______________________ to the damaged area.
Chronic inflammation is associated with increased circulating cytokines and the so-called "acute-phase proteins" such as __________ protein.
innate / acquired
The redundancy of the immune system is achieved by the teamwork of two arms of the immune system referred to as the __________ and ____________ immune system
Natural killer cells
_______________ bind directly to virus-infected cells and cancer cells to kill them.
exercise immunology
The field of ___________________________ is defined as the study of exercise, psychological, and environmental influences on immune function.
People who engage in regular bouts of ____________ aerobic exercise catch fewer colds like URTIs.
complement system
The __________________ plays an important role in innate immunity and consists of numerous proteins that circulate in the blood in inactive forms.
Currently, __________ are the most common types of infections worldwide, and the average adult suffers from two to five colds a year
Destroy multicellular parasites
Not involved in immune function
Precursors of macrophages
Release chemicals involved in inflammation
This internal defense is composed of both specialized cells such as ______________ and natural killer cells designed to destroy the invader,
____________ lining is at any point where there is an opening in the body.
_________ secreted from macrophages stimulate the immune response
Natural Killer Cells
______________ destroy viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells, and give off cytokines.
skin / mucosa
The physical barriers of the innate immunity are the _____ & ______.
Natural Killer Cells / phagocytes
The cellular components of the innate immunity are the __________ & __________.
stem cells
undifferentiated cells
B & T-cells are apart of the __________ immunity
The ______________ system is where proteins attach to the surface of a foreign agent, destroys bacteria by making holes, tags surface of bacteria (identifies it to phagocytes) and serves as chemoattractant (recruits other immune cells)
acute inflammation
short-term response, vasodilation (from bradykinin), increase blood flow, pain caused by kinins
chronic inflammation
persistant/prolonged immune response, increase in cytokines and c-reactive protein
high grade
This chronic inflammation is in certain cancers and rheumatoid arthritis
Low grade
This chronic inflammation is due to obesity and aging
Acquired Immune System
adaptive immune response that recognizes and remembers certain pathogens
___ cells secrete antibodies
immunoglobulins that fight against foreign antigens
stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies
____ cells recognize protein antigens
Killer T
______ cells are cytotoxic cells that kill virus-infected cells
Helper T
_____ cells secrete cytokines that enhance immune response
Regulatory T
______ cells prevent immune systems from attacking normal body antigens
People who engage in regular ______________ exercise are at lower risk of URTI (20-40 min at 40-60% VO2 max)
URTI risk is higher in people who engage in ___________ exercise (>90 min) and people who do not exercise
Exercise ___________ white blood cells
In resistance exercise, monocytes __________
In resistance exercise, helper T cells response pattern is ___________
In resistance exercise, Cytotoxic T cells create a _______________ response immediately after
acute increase
In resistance exercise, B cells have an ___________________
acute bout
In resistance exercise, Natural Killer cells respond to an _________________ of training
In resistance exercise, neutrophils _________ above baseline immediately after
Resistance exercise can induce significant ______________ to muscle fibers
Mechanical forces placed on the myofiber exceed the structural capacity of the membrane and microtears in the ____________ occur
immune system
Muscle tissue damage leads to activation of the ______________.
Cytokines are soluble _____________ that are produced by several cell types a) immune cells, b) endothelial cells, c) myocytes, and d) adipocytes
The immune response to resistance exercise shows no connection between ___________ and measured exercise-evoked changes in immunity
Heavy resistance exercise strongly activates the ______________ nervous system.
immune system has become quiet, not as assertive anymore
immune function
Regular moderate exercise can improve _____________________ by enhanced vaccination responses, increased T cells, lower levels of inflammatory cytokines, and increased neutrophil phagocytosis
open window
The _______________ theory suggests that after 2 hours of exercise, the individual has a increased risk on infection
Exercise in hot and cold environments do not have ___________ effects on immune systems.
lab / field
Exercise at a high altitude (>6000 ft) does not impair immune function in the _______, but show increased risk of URTI in the ________.
If symptoms are above the head, the individual _________ exercise.
should not
If symptoms are below the neck, the individual __________ exercise.
do not
If fever, fatigue, or muscle aches present, ______________ exercise.