Mr. Holland, US History 2024
Christopher Columbus
italian, first explorer since vikings
Who did Christopher Columbus first encounter?
distant settlements controlled by parent country
Columbian Exchange
transporting plants and animals east to west and west to east
Treaty of Tordesillas
agreement to divide western hemisphere between Spain and Portugal to prevent war (unsuccessful)
spanish explorers
Hernando Cortez
Who lead the conquistadors, defeated the Aztecs, and founded New Spain?
first spanish settlers
marriages between peninsulars and natives
labor system consisting of natives
Juan Ponce de Leon
Who landed first in Florida?
religious Pueblo leader that revolted and kicked spanish out of Florida for a long time
joint-stock companies
money that investors pooled together to fund american voyages
John Smith
Who took control and saved Jamestown?
Which local tribe fought with the English in Jamestown?
headwright system
if one pays way to Virginia they receive 50 acres of land
indentured servants
limited term of servitude in exchange for passage
royal colony
under direct rule of the king
Which crop made Jamestown rich (“brown gold”)?
House of Burgesses
first representative body in colonial America—biased
Bacon’s Rebellion
rebels angry: lack of representation
rich vs. poor
fled England to escape persecution—pilgrims or seperatists
Mayflower Compact
Puritan’s government
religious freedom
Why did people flee to Plymouth?
economic freedom
Why did people flee to Jamestown?
John Winthrop
Which English Puritan established and became the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Roger Williams
Who dissented against the Puritan’s religious intolerance and fought for the Native Americans’ right to sell their own land (est. Providence)?
Ann Hutchinson
Who believed that worshippers didn’t need the church or its ministers to interpret the Bible (and got banished for it)?
Pequot War
colonists set fire to native american camp and massacred everyone who tried to escape (600+ dead)
King Philip’s War
united tribes lead by Metacom were destroyed by English—native american power in northeast gone forever
Wampanoag chief whom the English called King Phillip. He organized what became known as King Philip’s War.
New Netherlands
Which Dutch colony (present day NY, NJ, DE) had friendly relations w/natives and traded fur with them before getting taken over by England?
one who owns the colony
Which religious group held services without minsters, opposed war, and refused service in military (pacifists)?
William Penn
Which proprietor founded Pennsylvania and sought for equality, cooperation, and religious tolerance?
New Mexico
name for Spain’s northern holdings