What is a nuclear family?
This is the most common and traditions type of family. It consists of two parents and their child or children living in the same house.
Give 3 Christian teaching about family life.
Jesus reminded his followers that it was God’s expectation from the beginning that humans should join together as companions, just as Adam and Eve did.
In addition to marriage, the Bible talks about the responsibility of mankind to reproduce.
Christian teaching suggests that parents have a responsibility to ‘train’ their children, raising them with Christian values. However, children are also expected to honour and respect their parents. This is clear in the 10 Commandments. The Catholic Church have in recent years emphasised the importance of the family unit and its importance in contemporary society. Whilst marriage is declining and divorce has risen in the last century, they argue that marriage needs to continue to be of central importance.
Give 3 Muslim teachings about the family.
Islam teaches that the family unit is important because it brings stability to society. Islam directs men and women to marry and have children.
However, as the family has an important role in passing on the faith to future generations, Muslims are encouraged to marry within their faith.
Whilst parents have a responsibility to raise their children with good moral and according to Muslim values, children are expected to obey, respect and care for their parents when the time comes.
What is an extended family?
The extended family structure consists of a number of adults children who are related. This could include many relatives living together such as cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc all sharing in family roles.
Give 2 traditional teachings on the role of men.
Both Christianity and Islam have traditionally adopted a patriarchal view of
the family. This meant that men had the dominant roles in the relationship.
They were also presented as being the ‘head’ of the family.
In both Christianity and Islam, men were believed to have responsibility of providing for the family, most commonly financially.
What is a reconstituted family?
A reconstituted family is when someone who had been divorces either marries or starts to live with a new partner. It could be that both the individuals have children creating step-children, step-parents and step-brothers/ sisters.
Give 2 traditional teachings on the role of women.
In both Christianity and Islam, and indeed in society more generally, women have traditionally been seen as the care givers and given the responsibility of domestic life. In Christianity and Islam, Eve was made from Adam and directed to be a ‘helper’ or ‘companion’ for him. As such, women have traditionally been seen as the carers.
In Islam, men and women are seen as equal but different. They each have different roles. Some argue that the roles women have are difficult but worthy of great respect. In one conversation, Prophet Muhammad talks about the importance and status of mothers. A man asked him ‘To whom should I show the most kindness?’ Prophet Muhammad replied:
“Honour your mother, next your mother and then your father.” Prophet Muhammad |
What is a single parent family?
A single parent family is one where only one parent, either mother or father, is present. They will raise any children alone. This could happen due to a relationship breakdown, death or if someone has chosen to have a child independently through IVF or adoption. This type of family has increased in recent years due to the rise in divorce.