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Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins, Minerals, Dietary Fibre, Water.
A balanced diet consists of all of the food groups in the correct proportions including __________.
Vitamin C.
Scurvy is caused by a severe deficiency of __________ in the diet for over 3 months.
Vitamin D.
Rickets is a condition characterized by poor bone development due to a severe lack of __________.
Mechanical digestion.
The digestive system carries out its function in several stages, which include ingestion, __________, chemical digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion.
The enzyme __________ secreted in saliva begins to digest starch into maltose.
The stomach produces hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria and gives an acid pH for __________ to work.
Gall bladder.
The __________ is an organ that stores bile before it is released into the duodenum.
Small intestine.
In the small intestine, the majority of water absorption occurs in the __________.
Emulsification of fats occurs in the duodenum and is facilitated by __________.
The role of bile includes neutralizing stomach acid and breaking down large drops of fat through __________.
Smaller sugars.
Amylase is produced in the mouth and the pancreas and digests starch into __________.
Surface area.
The function of the small intestine's villi is to increase __________ for nutrient absorption.
Gall bladder.
The digestive system includes accessory organs such as the salivary glands, pancreas, liver and __________.
Small, soluble.
Chemical digestion is described as the breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into __________ molecules.
Tooth loss was commonly seen in sailors due to a lack of fresh produce leading to __________.
Surface area.
The ileum is highly folded and has millions of villi to increase the __________ for absorption.
Pepsin, produced in the stomach, breaks down __________ in acidic conditions.
The muscular, epithelial, and glandular tissues in the stomach work together to carry out its __________.
The primary function of the digestive system is to digest food and absorb __________.
Incisors, canines, and molars.
What are the three main types of teeth in humans?
The process of __________ involves the breaking down of food into smaller pieces through chewing.
The role of __________ in digestion includes breaking down proteins into smaller peptides.
Which organ is responsible for producing bile?
The enzyme pepsin functions best in __________ conditions.
Fats are emulsified by bile in the __________.
The main function of __________ is to provide lubrication and aid in the movement of food through the digestive tract.
Amylase breaks down starch into __________ during the digestion process.
Villi in the small intestine absorb __________ from digested food.
Which enzyme is chiefly responsible for digesting lactose in milk?
Surface area.
Emulsification is necessary for the digestion of fats to increase __________.
Chemical digestion of proteins begins in the __________.
The digestive process that begins in the mouth is largely due to the action of __________.
Water, electrolytes, mucus, and enzymes.
What are the main components of saliva?
Intestinal cells.
After fats are emulsified, they can be efficiently absorbed by the __________.
To produce digestive enzymes and bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid.
What is the primary role of the pancreas in digestion?
In the small intestine.
Where does most nutrient absorption occur in the digestive system?
To increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients.
What is the purpose of intestinal villi?
Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.
What are the two types of digestion involved in the digestive system?
Which enzyme is responsible for breaking down proteins in the stomach?
To absorb water and electrolytes and to process waste for elimination.
What is the function of the large intestine?
They produce saliva, which contains enzymes that begin the digestion of starch.
What role do the salivary glands play in digestion?
What are the small, finger-like projections in the small intestine called?
What substance is secreted by the liver to help digest fats?
Which type of enzymes breaks down fats?
Pernicious anemia.
What condition results from a deficiency of Vitamin B12?
Large intestine.
Which part of the digestive system is primarily responsible for water absorption?
To create an acidic environment for enzyme activity and to kill harmful bacteria.
What is the role of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
Nutrients pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream.
What happens during the process of absorption?
To store and concentrate bile until it is needed for digestion.
What is the main function of the gall bladder?
Which digestive enzyme works on lactose?
What enzyme is produced in the pancreas to digest fats?
Which enzyme is responsible for digesting proteins in the stomach?
Amylase is found in saliva and the pancreas, and it primarily digests starch into maltose.
Where is amylase found and what does it primarily digest?
Lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose, and it is active in the small intestine.
What is the function of lactase, and where is it active?
Protease is produced in the pancreas and stomach, and it breaks down proteins into smaller peptides.
Where is protease produced and what is its role?
Pancreatic lipase digests dietary fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
What role does pancreatic lipase play in digestion?
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) activates pepsinogen into pepsin.
What substance activates pepsinogen into pepsin in the stomach?
Maltase is produced in the small intestine and it converts maltose into glucose.
Where is maltase produced and what does it convert?
Nucleases break down nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) into nucleotides.
What is the function of nucleases in digestion?
Digestive enzymes are primarily absorbed in the small intestine.
Where are digestive enzymes primarily absorbed in the digestive system?