Purines and pyrimidines are attracted to each other by hydrogen bonds, which cause two nucleic acid chains to join together. (C-G pairs have 3 bonds!)
The sugars and phosphates are bonded by covalent bonds, making a very strong and rigid ‘back bone’.
The 5’- phosphate group of one nucleotide attaches to the sugar of another nucleotide (at the 3’-hydroxyl group) IMPORTANT!!
DNA strands run in opposite directions
The direction is determined by the carbons in the deoxyribose ring.
The strand with a free third carbon on the sugar is called the 3’ end.
The strand with a phosphate bonded to the fifth carbon on the sugar is called the 5’ end.
DNA strands are complementary
Adenine always bonds with Thymine
Guanince always bonds with cytosine
The helix forms due to forces between the bases of adjacent nucleotides.
The helix forms major & minor grooves.
In an aqueous environment, the grooves are filled with water molecules.
similar to DNA but Thymine is replaced with Uracil
RNA forms a single strand encoding for portions of the genome - it is much shorter than DNA.
RNA is usually single-stranded but can form loops via complementary base pairing
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Adding a methyl group to the tail (methylation) maintains the positive charge, making DNA more coiled and reducing transcription (heterochromatin)
As well as the histone tails, DNA bases can also be methylated
During development, differentiated cells develop a stable and unique DNA methylation pattern that regulates tissue-specific gene expression
Epigenetics is the study of changes in phenotype as a result of variations in gene expression levels
DNA methylation patterns may change over a lifetime
influenced by heritability but is not genetically pre-determined (identical twins may have different DNA
methylation patterns)
Different cell types in the same organism may have markedly different DNA methylation patterns
Environmental factors (e.g. diet, pathogen exposure, etc.) may influence the level of DNA methylation within cells
Direct methylation of DNA (as opposed to the histone tails) can also affect gene expression patterns
Increased methylation of DNA decreases gene expression (by preventing the binding of transcription factors)
Consequently, genes that are not transcribed tend to exhibit more DNA methylation than genes that are actively transcribed
Creation of New cells
Asexual reproduction - certain eukaryotic organisms may reproduce asexually by mitosis (e.g. protozoa, hydra).
Tissue repair - damaged tissue can recover by replacing dead or damaged cells.
Embryonic development - a fertilized egg (zygote) will undergo mitosis & differentiation to develop into an embryo
Regulatory proteins that control the cell cycle
Cyclins bind to enzymes called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) that become active and attach phosphate groups to other proteins in the cell which in turn trigger other proteins to become active and carry out tasks specific to phases of the cell cycle.
The cell cycle has several distinct components:
Mitotic division
Interphase is a very active phase of the cell cycle with many processes occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm.
G1 – Cell growth and metabolism
S – DNA replication
G2 – Cell growth and proof-reading
Growth and preparation includes:
Organelle duplication
Cell growth / cytoplasmic volume increase
Protein and enzyme synthesis
Obtain nutrients
Respiration / ATP production
Interphase: Single- armed structures + unwound
Dividing: Double-armed structure, forming two chromatids
The centrosome is the primary microtubule-organizing centre in animal cells, and so it
regulates cell motility,
adhesion and polarity in interphase
facilitates the organization of the spindle poles during mitosis.
DNA supercoils and chromosomes condense
Nuclear membrane breaks down
Paired centrosomes move to poles
Microtubule spindle fibres connect from centrosomes to centromeres
Spindle fibres contract, causing the chromosomes to align at the centre
Chromosomes decondense
Nuclear membranes reform around the two identical chromosome sets
DNA replication is a semi-conservative process, because when a new double-stranded DNA molecule is formed:
One strand will be from the original template molecule
One strand will be newly synthesised
In eukaryotic cells, protein synthesis occurs in three steps.
Transcription of mRNA
mRNA processing
A gene is a sequence of DNA that is transcribed into RNA and has 3 main parts:
Promoter: The non-coding sequence that is responsible for the initiation of transcription (functions as a binding site for RNA polymerase)
Coding Sequence: The region of DNA that is transcribed by RNA polymerase
Terminator: The sequence that is responsible for terminating transcription
RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter on the Anti-Sense or Template strand and separates the DNA strands.
It then moves along the DNA in the 3' to 5' direction, pairing up RNA nucleotides with their DNA complements and adding them to the 3’ end of the growing RNA molecule.
Once RNA polymerase has gone past the terminator, the enzyme releases the completed mRNA and detaches from the DNA.
The ends of the RNA do not code for a protein. RNA processing begins with alteration of these ends.
A 5' cap is added to the beginning of the RNA transcript, and a 3' poly-A tail is added to the end. (mainly for protection/ to avoid damage from enzymes
Transfer RNA carries specific amino acids to the ribosome
Transfer RNA molecules have four key regions:
Acceptor stem (carries the amino acid)
Anticodon (complementary to an mRNA codon)
T arm (associates with the ribosome)
D arm (associates with a tRNA-activating enzyme)
Transfer RNA molecules fold into a cloverleaf structure
tRNA-activating enzymes join ATP to an amino acid which creates a ‘charged’ amino acid–AMP complex
The phosphorylated amino acid is then linked to a specific tRNA molecule and the AMP is released
The energy in the ‘charged’ amino acid is then used for peptide bond formation
Initiation: Assembly of an active ribosomal complex on an mRNA sequence
Elongation: A new amino acid is added to a developing peptide chain based on the mRNA codon and tRNA anticodon match
Translocation: The ribosome moves to the next codon position
Termination: Ribosomal complex and polypeptide dissociate from mRNA
Note: The processes of elongation and translocation are sequentially repeated as the ribosome moves along the transcribed mRNA sequence in a 5’ → 3’ direction
Peptides are formed from 20 different amino acids in different orders and combinations.
The mRNA codons code for particular amino acids.
AUG codes for methionine, the starting amino acid for all peptide chains.
Three special base triplets -- UAA, UAG, and UGA -- do not code for amino acids, but instead act as stop codons.
Redundancy - many amino acids have more than one codon.
In prokaryotes, the absence of a nuclear membrane allows translation to occur immediately after transcription
In eukaryotes, translation will occur at one of two distinct locations:
Free ribosomes (cytosolic) synthesise proteins for use primarily within the cell
Bound ribosomes (rough ER) synthesise proteins for secretion (or lysosomes)
Proteins produced by the rough endoplasmic reticulum are typically transported via vesicles to the Golgi apparatus for secretion
Polypeptides fold into unique shapes which may be essential to their function and role
Their final structure is determined by the sequence of amino acids that was coded for in the gene that was transcribed and translated
alterations in the DNA in chromosomes.
Mutations may occur randomly and spontaneously.
They may also be induced by environmental factors.
Spontaneous mutations
Arise from errors in replication
Genes mutate at different rates
Induced mutations
Mutations can be induced by mutagens (environmental factors that cause a change in DNA)
A large number of chemicals may interact directly with DNA. However, many are not necessarily mutagenic by themselves, but through metabolic processes in cells they produce mutagenic compounds.
Ex inc:
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide
Cancer = cells with uncontrolled cell growth and division
Normally genes control the rate of cell division
Damaging these genes (E.g. proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes) causes uncontrolled cell division
Any type of cell can develop cancer, but it is more common in cells with rapid rates of cell division
The location of a mutation determines whether or not it will be inherited.
Most mutations occur in somatic cells and are not inherited.
Gametic (germ line) mutations occur in the cells of the gonads (which produce sperm and eggs) and may be inherited.
A single base is substituted by another (point mutation).
Usually results in coding for a new amino acid in the polypeptide chain.
A single base is substituted by another.
This results in a new triplet that does not code for an amino acid.
This may be an instruction to terminate the synthesis of the polypeptide chain.
A single base is inserted or deleted, upsetting the reading sequence for all those after it.
A reading frame shift results in new amino acids in the polypeptide chain from the point of insertion onwards.
The resulting protein will be significantly different most likely non-functional.
Incidence: Most common in people of African ancestry.
West Africans: 1% (10-45% are carriers)
West Indians: 0.5%
Gene type: Autosomal recessive mutation (HBB) on chromosome 11 which results in the substitution of a single nucleotide in the HBB gene coding for the beta chain of hemoglobin.
mutation responsible for causing sickle cell disease is a point substitution mutation (substitution of a valine for a glutamic acid in the beta-chain).
Symptoms include the following:
Pain, ranging from mild to severe, in the chest, joints, back, or abdomen
Swollen hands and feet
Repeated infections, particularly pneumonia and meningitis
Kidney failure
Gallstones (at an early age)
Strokes (at an early age)
Synonyms: Mucoviscidosis, CF
Incidence: Varies with populations:
Asians: 1 in 10 000
Caucasians: 1 in 20-28 are carriers
Mutation type: Autosomal recessive. Over 500 different recessive mutations of the CFTR gene have been identified:
Deletions, missense, nonsense, terminator codon
The mutation causing 70% of cystic fibrosis cases is a gene mutation (delta F508) involving a triplet deletion.
Infertility (both)
Disruption of the following glands:
the pancreas
intestinal glands
biliary tree (biliary cirrhosis)
bronchial glands (chronic lung infections)
sweat glands (high salt content of which becomes depleted in hot environments)
Autosomal codominance pattern
Autosomal dominance pattern
Autosomal recessive pattern
DNA is replicated during the S phase of interphase
Replicated chromosomes will consist of genetically identical sister chromatids that remain attached to each other at the centromere
During Prophase I, homologous chromosomes become connected via synapsis
This allows connected chromosomes to be arranged for a reduction division
The connected homologous chromosomes are known as bivalents (or tetrads)
Homologous chromosomes align at the metaphase plate
During Metaphase I, homologous chromosomes line up in a random orientation, referred to as independent assortment
There is an equal chance of the resulting gamete containing either of the pair
The chromosomes with two sister chromatids are separated, and they begin to migrate to the opposite poles.
This separation is achieved because of the contraction of the spindle fibres attached to each chromosome’s centromere.
Two daughter cells are formed with each daughter containing only one chromosome of the homologous pair
However, there are still 2 copies of that single chromosome
Cytokinesis occurs concurrently, sometimes referred to as interkinesis
Seperates cells formed from meiosis one so that each cell only has one copy of the chromosome
No interphase
DNA does not replicate
New spindles form in both daughter cells
Four haploid (single set; think half = hap) daughter cells are obtained
These cells are likely to all be genetically distinct due to the crossing over that occurs during Prophase I (recombination of sister chromatids)
Monosomy refers to lack of one chromosome of the normal complement.
Trisomy refers to the presence of three copies, instead of the normal two, of a particular chromosome.
Structural abnormalities Sometimes, chromosomes break, leading to changes in chromosome structure:
Parts of the chromosome are deleted
Parts of the chromosome are duplicated
Parts of the chromosome are attached to other chromosomes, turned upside down etc.
Duplication: if a fragment joins the homologous chromosome, then that region is repeated
Translocation: a fragment of a chromosome is moved ("trans-located") from one chromosome to another - joins a non-homologous chromosome.
When there is the same allele for a particular gene on both chromosomes of a homologous pair.
When there is an alternative allele for a particular gene on one chromosome of a homologous pair.
The genotype of an organism refers to its genetic make-up.
The phenotype of an organism refers to its observable features or traits. (think phenotype=physical!)
Dominant alleles are labelled with a capital letter and recessive ones with a lower case letter.
A heterozygote will be a carrier for a recessive allele.
A trait is dominant when it appears in the phenotype of a heterozygote. It will mask the expression of a recessive trait.
A recessive trait only appears in the phenotype of homozygotes. They do not appear in the phenotype of heterozygotes.