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清理房间 qīnglǐ fángjiān
to clean up a room. 清理 can be used with any space.
店员 diànyuán
store clerk
乐团 (yuètuán)
拜年 ( bài nián )
congratulate the New Year; wish sb. a Happy New Year. NOTE: This is not something you SAY to someone. It is the ACTION of wishing a happy new year.
Usage: 给 Person 拜年
校队 (xiàoduì)
school team
野生动物 (yě shēng dòng wù)
wild animals
跟...有关 (gēn yǒuguān)
to be related to
题目 ( tímù )
subject; title; topic
任何 (rènhé)
any; whichever; whatever
This is used very similar to 随时。 任何Noun都可以。
要求 (yāoqiú)
to request, to require. A request, a requirement.
消防车 (xiāo fáng chē)
fire engine
measure word 辆 liàng
环保 (huánbǎo)
environmental protection
This is only a NOUN.
to protect the environment is 保护环境
儿童 (értóng)
moderately formal
几乎 (jīhū)
almost, nearly
市中心 (shì zhōng xīn)
city centre/ downtown
让 (ràng)
to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have sb do sth
把座位让给她。: Yield the seat to her.