Honors Geometry Lesson One

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a collection of objects

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something contained in a set

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set-builder notation

A={x/ x is a...} or A={0<x<10/ where x is a...}

<p>A={x/ x is a...} or A={0&lt;x&lt;10/ where x is a...}</p>
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empty set

a set containing no elements

<p>a set containing no elements</p>
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every element in set A is also an element in set B

<p>every element in set A is also an element in set B</p>
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proper subset

B is a subset of A, but B is not equal to A

<p>B is a subset of A, but B is not equal to A</p>
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equivalent set

Sets containing the same number of elements

<p>Sets containing the same number of elements</p>
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the union of a and b, A U B, denotes the set combining all of the elements in both given sets

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the intersection of a and b, A n B, denotes the set containing the common elements of the given sets

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the compliment of C, C', contains all the elements in the universal set that are not in C

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equal sets

Sets containing the same elements

<p>Sets containing the same elements</p>
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