from 1832, 43 and 46 how many miles of rails were built in Britain?
1832: 100 miles
1843: 2000 miles
1846: 4000 miles
What was the performance of the railways like in 1860 (track distance, passenger count, freight weight and respective earnings)
9069 miles of track carried 153 million people, 88 million T of freight earning £12.2 million and £14.2 million respectively
What was the performance of the railways like in 1875 (track distance, passenger count, freight weight and respective earnings)
14,510 miles of track carried 490 million people, 196 million T of freight, earning £24.3 million and £32.1 million respectively
When is railway mania thought to have officially begun and why?
1845-47 as at least 4500 miles of track were laid in those years
What shows that the iron industry benefitted?
By 1840 15% of output went into railway construction.
How many navvies were employed by 1847?
How many people were employed by the railways at their peak in 1847 compared to their lowest points?
However, it could dip as low as 40,000