Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth, Wallerstein's World System Theory, and Dependency Theory
Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth
How were these countries able to achieve this modernization and how could poor countries follow a similar path?
Rostow’s model assumes that every country wants to…
achieve modernization.
Rostows model assumes that all countries practiced a form of…
market oriented capitalism.
Rostow’s model assumes that every country would achieve modernization…
in the same way.
Rostow’s Stages
Traditional society —> Preconditions for takeoff —> take off —> drive to maturity —> high mass consumptions
Great Britain was the first country to reach maturity in 1850 due to…
their production of textiles.
After Singapore gained independence in 1965, they focused on…
industrialization and developed profitable manufacturing and high-tech industries.
Russia remains in stage 4 because of…
widespread corruption and oligarchs.
Wallerstein’s World System Theory
Countries are dependent on each other and don’t develop in isolation; some countries dominate and some are exploited.
Wallerstein’s model is too focused on…
Wallerstein’s model should take into account…
other types of integration or dominance, like cultural influence.
Wallerstein’s model works as a historical analysis, but is not good for…
modern development.
Wallerstein’s model says countries can change their status, but…
doesn’t explain why.
Wallerstein’s model says that _________ go from core countries to semi-periphery and periphery countries.
consumer goods and money
Wallerstein’s model says that ________ goes from periphery to semi-periphery and core, and goes from semi-periphery to core.
cheap labor and natural resources
Mexico is a semi-periphery country because…
it is industrializing and there is a high rate of income inequality.
Angola is periphery because…
many people are living in poverty without food security, education, or transportation.
The UK is a core country because…
it is economically developed and has economic, political, social, and military power.
Dependency theory
Economic growth in industrialized countries does not lead to growth in non-industrialized countries because they depend on core countries to buy their raw materials and sell good
The dependency theory has no factor that distinguishes…
dependent vs non dependent countries.
The dependency theory does not show other factors that lead to…
under development, like leaders making bad decisions.
Resources go to…
core countries.
____________ leave core countries.
Goods and manufacturing
Periphery sends animal fur to a core country and then…
buys it back as clothes.
Semi-periphery sends ore to a country and then…
buys it back as metal for building.
Periphery country buys goods made of…
materials they extracted.