the set of thoughts, feelings, traits, and behaviors - characteristics of a person and consistent over time and in different situations
( Freud ) personality that attributes thoughts + actions to unconscious motives and conflicts
sigmund freud
created psychoanalysis / analytic perspective - conscious thoughts / motives would directly correlate to ones conscious actions
free association
a common tense of psychoanalysis - allows clients to speak on their own
“executive conscious”, “reality principle”
pleasure principle - aggressive drives
standards , internalized ideas
( Freud ) represents thoughts, desire, & urges - actively repressed from consciousness and that affect metal activity outside - active awareness
Freud’s psychosexual stages theory
theories revolved around childhood development and the focus of id on libido (sexual desire)
an obsessive drive that may or may not act on involving an object, concept, or person
defense mechanism
unconscious processes which protect people from painful feelings such as anxiety, guilt, and shame ; to enable the the organism to survive a traumatic experience
basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories
return of the ego of an earlier stage of development
reaction formation
when someone expresses an exaggerated, opposite version of how they really feel
when someone attributes his/her feelings to another group / person
when someone decides to come up with a seemingly logical explanation to justify an event and avoid the truth
when someone is taking negative emotions + focusing them on a different, safer target
collective unconscious
set of shared beliefs, ideas, & moral attributes which operate w a unifying force w/in society
anima vs. animus
animus ; women’s rational function
anima ; men’s irrational function
alfred adler
“father of humanistic psychology” - believed individual processes innate positive motives and strive towards personal and social perfection
karen horney
neo-freudian psychologist known for theory of neurotic needs, feminine psychology & critiques on freud’s penis envy emphasis
carl jung ( archetype )
an archetype is a symbol, dream, or image that all humans share, which express underlying fears / ideas we all experience
collective unconscious (cj)
(carl jung) passed down through a species, inherited universal concepts that we all share as humans
type of defensive mechanism in which people overachieve in one area to compensate for failures in another
inferiority complex
consistent feeling of inadequacy, often resulting in the belief that one is in some way deficient, or inferior, to others
when people overachieve in one area to makeup shortcomings in another aspect of life
the personality that an individual projects to others, as differentiated from the authentic self
personal unconscious
contains painful / threatening memories & thoughts the person doesn’t want to confront
projection tests
seek to reveal unconscious thoughts through ambiguous images
thematic apperception test
type of projective test involving describing ambiguous scenes to learn more about one’s emotions, motivations, & personality
rorschach inkblot test
protective method of psychological testing in which a person is asked to describe what they see in 10 inkblots
reliability & validity in testing
validity ; how well a test measures what it’s designed to measure
reliability ; how consistent and stable ur research results are and how well they can be replicated by others
terror management theory
describes the conflict between the desire to continue living & knowledge that death is inevitable
humanistic perspective
the view of someone as a whole rather than the view of a singular aspect of themself
maslow’s self - actualization
desire for self-fulfillment / a person’s tendency to be actualized in what the are potentially
carl rogers
believed that for a person to achieve self-actualization, they much be in a state of congruence
unconditional positive regard
a client-centered technique in the therapist communicates positive feelings & acceptance to the client, regardless of what they do / say
ideal - self vs reality - self
ideal ; an image of a person someone wants to be
reality ; who they truly are