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hegemonic war
war for control of the world order
ex. World War II
total war
staged to take complete control of another state; mobilizes all aspects of society (economy, draft)
ex. Napoleonic Wars
limited war
gain an objective short of conquering
ex. US invading Iraq to convince them to leave Kuwait
a single, short attack (invasion, air strike)
civil war
war between factions within a state
ex. US Civil War (secessionist); El Salvador Civil War (for state control)
guerrilla war
war without front-lines, often makes civilians a target (cannot differentiate between soldiers and civilians as there is no specified territory)
ex. Vietnam War
security sector reform
reform the military and police force after a war
truth commissions
hear testimony about war to help society heal
war centers on rationality- war is a rational decision made by a leader or war is started by leaders that deviate from rationality
ex. education of people
characteristics that make a nation prone/not prone to war- political parties and interest groups can shape conflict (society can change)
power transition theory holds that the largest wars occur when a nation tries to overtake a hegemon; research is being done on the influence of democracy, trade, etc.
wars are cyclical; one theory links war with economy (50 years) and one says that wars occur every 100 years based on creation and decay of the world order
devotion to a state's interest above collective
self determination
people who identify as a nation have the right to form a state (typically seen as secondary to sovereignty and territory)- typically achieved through violence
ethnic group
group that shares ancestry, language, culture, and or religion
systematic extermination of ethnic/religious groups
kinship group
group of related individuals with common ancestors
-in group bias
-tendency to see one's own group in favorable terms (and out-group in unfavorable terms)
-stronger when one group has a different appearance, language, religion, etc.
fundamentalist movement
organizes life around religious beliefs
secular politics
no religion associated with government
territorial disputes
over where a border is drawn or ownership of a space
nation secedes from an existing state (creating a new border)
UN convention on the law of the sea
-waters within 3 miles of shore are territory
-12-mile shipping limit
-200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
foot soldiers
effort to win the "hearts and minds" of the people (about both political gains and military strength)
small container of explosives underground that is activated by a sensor
power projection
use of military force in far away regions (ex. aircraft carriers)
national security agency
encodes US communications and decodes foreign communications (has gathered US civilian info)
electronic warfare
use of the electromagnetic spectrum in war (ex. using stealth technology to scatter enemy radar and cyber war)
cyber war
disrupting enemy computer networks to degrade command and control (hacking)
weapons of mass destruction
-nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons
-have the potential to kill a lot of people
fission weapons
-atomic bomb
-one atom is split into two, lost mass is turned into energy
-Uranium-235 and plutonium (hard to obtain)
strategic weapons
hit an enemy
tactical weapons
used in battle
ballistic weapons
-carry a warhead out of the atmosphere and then down to a target
-intercontinental ballistic missiles range 5,000+ miles
-short and middle-range missiles are cheap enough to be bought by lower income nations
cruise missile
winged missile that can navigate across thousands of miles of terrain
missile technology control regime
industrialized states try to limit missile technology in the global South (not extremely effective: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, North Korea, Argentina, and Brazil have short-range missiles)
chemical weapons
releases chemicals that kill/harm people (can range from irritating to lethal)
biological weapons
use deadly microorganisms or biologically derived toxins
biological weapons convention
-100+ nations
-banned the development, production, and possession of biological weapons (does not ban research --> no investigation of these facilities)
spread of weapons of mass destruction
non-proliferation treaty
created rules for controlling the spread of weapons
international atomic energy agency
inspects nuclear power plants
strategic defense initiative
attempt by the US to develop defenses that can shoot down missiles
comprehensive test ban treaty
-calls to stop all nuclear test explosions, and to stop the production of new types of nuclear weapons
-does not go into effect until all 44 states with the power to make weapons sign it (US has not yet ratified it)
military government
military controls the government
coup d'etat
seizure of power by force by the military
civilian supremacy
civilian leaders are above military leaders (get to decide where a military fights) -- relations are not always smooth between the two