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Class: SVA
Nuclei: neuro-epithelial cells in the nasal cavity
CNS Nuclei: olfactory bulb
Basic Function: smell
Type: Sensory
A lesion that disrupts the olfactory fibers causes:
Anosmia - partially/fully impaired ability to smell
Hyposmia - reduced sense of smell
Hyperosmia - acute sense of smell
Class: SSA
Nuclei: Retina
Basic Function: Vision
Type: Sensory
Visual deficits occur when:
A loss of monocular vision occurs before the chaism
Ocular movements are controlled by _______ muscles.
Extrinsic muscles that control ocular movements (7)
superior rectus
medical rectus (CN III)
inferior rectus
superior oblique (IV)
inferior rectus
later rectus (CN VI)
(inferior oblique)
Class: GSE
Nuclei: oculomotor nucleus (midbrain)
Basic Function: Eye movement; maintains open eyelid, regulates…
superior rectus
inferior rectus
medial rectus
inferior oblique
Type: Motor
Class: GVE
Nuclei: Edinger-Westphal nucleus (midbrain)
Basic Function: Reflexive constriction of pupil, accommodation of lens for near vision
Type: Motor
Damage to CN III causes:
Paralysis of external ocular muscles →
lateral strabismus - devitation of IPSILATERAL muscle to the LATERAL side
ptosis - eyelid drooping
difficulty looking up, down, and medially
Class: GSE
Nuclei: trochlear nucleus (midbrain)
Basic Function: eye movement; regulates superior oblique
Type: Motor
Damage to CN IV causes:
Paralysis of the superior oblique →
difficulty looking downward and outward
eye is fixed with upward medial gaze (remaining muscles are unopposed)
Class: GSE
Nuclei: abducens nucleus (pons)
Basic Function: lateral gaze movement, innervates lateral rectus
Type: Motor
Damage to CN VI causes:
Affected eye turns medially, since the medial rectus muscle is unopposed
Trigeminal (mixed):
Class: GSA
Nuclei: spinal and main sensory nucleus (pons)
Basic Function: cutaneous proprioceptive sensation from IPSILATERAL side of the face, head, and oral cavity
Type: sensory
Class: GSE
Nuclei: motor nucleus (pons)
Basic Function: innervations of muscles of mastication (chewing), palatal muscles, middle ear muscles, jaw muscles
Type: motor
Sensory deficits to CN V
IPSILATERAL deficits in pain and temperature from the tace, eeth, and anterior 2/3 of the tongue
damage to peripheral branch → IPSILATERAL loss of sensation in the area of distribution of the nerve
lost sneezing and blinking reflexes
trigeminal neuralgia
Motor deficits to CN V
paralysis or paresis and atrophy of IPSILATERAL masticatory muscles
CN V sensory pathway
Spinal trigeminal pathway - mediates pain and temperature from face
Facial (mixed):
Class: GVE
Nuclei: superior salivatory nucleus
Basic Function: secretions from lacrimal, sublingual and submaxillary glands
Type: motor
Class: SVA
Nuclei: nucleus solitarius
Basic Function: taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue and nasopharynx
Type: sensory
Class: SVE
Nuclei: motor nucleus (pons)
Basic Function: innervates facial muscles and stapedius muscle
Type: motor
Damages to CN VII causes:
paralysis of IPSILATERAL facial muscles
excessive secretion from the glands
loss of taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
taste fibers split off from CN VII in the middle ear as _____ _____.
chorda tympani
Motor deficits to CN VII
atrophy of ALL muscles of facial expression on IPSILATERAL side of face
inability to close eyelid due to aatrophy
drooling on IPSILATERAL side
LNM vs UMN damage
UMN lesion → deficits on LOWER HALF of CONTRALATERAL side
LMN lesion → deficits on IPSILATERAL side
Class: SSA
Nuclei: vestibular ganglia
Basic Function:equilibrium and orientation in space
Type: sensory
Class: SVA
Nuclei: cochlear nucleus
Basic Function: hearing
Type: sensory
Damage to CN VIII causes:
disturbances in equilibrium and audition
sensorineural hearing loss
Glossopharyngeal (mixed):
Class: GVA
Nuclei: nucleus solitarius
Basic Function: general visceral sensations from soft palate, palate arch, poster 1/3 of tongue, gag reflex
Type: sensory
Class: SVA
Nuclei: nucleus solitarius
Basic Function: transmits taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
Type: sensory
Class: GVE
Nuclei: inferior salivary nucleus
Basic Function: regulates secretion from parotid gland
Type: motor
Class: SVE
Nuclei: nucleus ambiguus
Basic Function: activates pharyngeal muscles for swallowing
Type: motor
Vagus (mixed):
Class: GVA
Nuclei: nucleus solitarius
Basic Function: receives general sensation from muscles of pharynx, larynx, thorax, abdomen, and regulates nausea and oxygen intake
Type: sensory
Class: SVA
Nuclei: nucleus solitarius
Basic Function: mediates taste sensation from posterior pharynx and epiglottis
Type: sensory
Class: GVE
Nuclei: dorsal motor mucleus
Basic Function: innervates glands, cardiac muscles, muscles of heart, trachea, bronchi, esophagus, stomach, and intestine
Type: motor
Class: SVE
Nuclei: nucleus ambiguus
Basic Function: controls muscles of larynx, pharynx, soft palate for phonation, swallowing, and resonance
Type: motor
Damage to CN X cause:
unilateral lesion of nucleus ambiguus → IPSILATERAL atrophy and paralysis of palatine muscles
hypernasal speech
dysphagia - swallowing deficits
dysphonia - speech deficits
Spinal accessory:
Class: SVE
Nuclei: spinal accessory nerve
Basic Function: controls head position by controlling trapezius and sternocledimastoid
Type: motor
Damage to CN XI causes:
affect in ability to control head movements
inability to tilt, forward and backward extension of head, and lateral rotation of head
Class: GSE
Nuclei: hypoglossal nucleus (pons)
Basic Function: controls motor movements of tongue
Type: motor
Damage to CN XII causes:
IPSILATERAl half of tongue is paralyzed, flaccid, and wrinkles
deviation of tongue TOWARD side of lesion
dysarthia - speech deficit
dysphagia - swallowing deficit