Section G - ABA 5th Edition Task List

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(a consequence) that increases the future probability of a behavior occurring


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Positive Reinforcement

A stimulus is add as a result (consequence) of the behavior

ie - Praise, attention or a item

behavior will most likely increase


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Negative Reinforcement

Something is taken away as a result (consequence) of the behavior will likely increase in the future


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If something aversive is removed from the environments - is it a :

Negative Reinforcement


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You drink water to avoid thirst -

this is a _______________ _________________

Negative Reinforcement


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Open a bag of chips to stop a child from complaining of hungry

this is a: __________________ _____________

Negative Reinforcement


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You drink some water and feel full

this is a: _______________ ________________

Positive reinforcement


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Premack Principle

AKA Grandma’s Law

Making the opportunity to engage in a high rate behavior (something a client is more likely to do) contingent on a low-rate behavior (something the client in less likey-to do)

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Making a child to eat his vegetables before he can go to the ice cream store

Premack Principle

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Response Deprivation Hypothesis - (RDH)

A procedure taking Premack to the extreme/next level in which restricting access to the behavior creates an EO for the client. (making the restricted behavior a powerful SR)


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When you restrict hanging out with friends until you pass your Big Exam. the value of hanging out with friends increase as a reinforcer and becomes a strong reinforcer for studying, a low probability behavior.

What principle is this?

Response Deprivation Hypothesis (RDH


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is used to create a new behavior, in which you systematically and differential reinforce successive approximation to a terminal response/goal


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Differential Reinforcement of LOW-RATES (DRL)

Differential reinforcement used when you want to REDUCE the frequency of a behavior, NOT extinguish it. Reinforcement is provided when the behavior’s frequency is below a certain criteria.

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Differential Reinforcement of HIGH-RATES (DRH)

Differential reinforcement to use when you want to INCREASE the frequency of a behavior. Reinforcement is provided when the rate of behavior meets or exceeds the set criterion

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Differential Reinforcement of DIMINISHING-RATES (DRD)

This is a way to reduce behaviors in a gradual fashion. A graph of successful treatment looks like a changing criterion design in that successive targets for reduction are met until the behavior is significantly reduced or eliminated. This is really just a special implementation of DRL.

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Differential Reinforcement of OTHER behaviors (DRO)

Reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is given when an undesirable behavior is NOT observed. This is called DRO, because you are essentially reinforcing anything else that a person may be doing, as long as they are not engaging in the target behavior.

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Differential Reinforcement of ALTERNATIVE behaviors (DRA)

Reinforcement schedule in which a functional alternative to an undesirable target behavior is reinforced.

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Differential Reinforcement of INCOMPATIBLE behaviors (DRI)

DRI is actually a DRA procedure that uses a replacement behavior that cannot be performed at the same time as the target behavior.

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