Equation: Moment, Force, Perp distance from pivot
M = Fd
Moment = Force x perpendicular Distance from pivot
[Nm] = [N] x [m]
Centre of graivty
The point at which the weight of an object acts
A freely suspended object swings until centre of gravity is vertically below point of suspension
Finding centre of gravity
Suspend shape and a plumb line from same point, and wait until they stop moving
Draw line along plumb line
Repeat but suspend shape from different pivot point
Centre of gravity is where two lines cross
Principle of moments
If object is balanced:
Total Anticlockwise moments = Total Clockwise moments
Upwards forces with heavy object on light beam
If a light rod (no weight) is being supported at both ends, upwards force provided by each support isn’t always the same
If heavy object is placed on rod, support closest to object provides larger force