Flash cards covering all the different topics we covered while studying the human body.
when we breathe in, air first moves down the…
bone marrow
red and white blood cells are made in the…
immune system
this system helps keep our bodies healthy by fighting off sickness
destroying and recognizing germs
white blood cells help the body by…
your brain uses _____ to communicate with every cell
muscular system
this system helps us move our limbs
the digestive system turns food into…
the _____ is the main support in your body
digestive system
this system helps get rid of waste products
the respiratory system carries _____ to your blood
help your heart beat
cardiac muscle works all the time to…
nervous system
this system tells our bodies what to do
which organ(s) is the most important organ in your excretory system
the _____ pumps blood to your lungs
skeletal system
this system helps to keep our bodies upright and protect our organs
_____ is the chemical in our mouth that helps break down food
your spinal cord contains thousands of…
circulatory system
this system moves oxygen around our bodies
brain stem
which part of the brain controls breathing and pumping blood
food moves down a long tube called the…
digestive system
this system helps to break up food
your _____ help protect your lungs and heart
do puzzles
how can you exercise your brain
respiratory system
this system helps us breathe