What is Assault?
Any act that makes the victim apprehend immediate and unlawful violence with intention or recklessness that the victim would apprehend immediate and unlawful violence
Actus Reus
Any act that makes the victim apprehend immediate and unlawful violence
Any Act
An act could be a gesture, words or action and words can be verbal or written
Any Act (Case)
R v Constanza
Makes the Victim Apprehend Violence
Apprehend → To await fear or anxiety
Immediate Violence
Immediacy is proven if V apprehended the possibility of an immediate attack
Immediate Violence (Case)
R v Ireland
Unlawful Violence
Violence is always unlawful unless there is a lawful reason for it (consent, self-defence, police officer arresting suspect)
Mens Rea
Intention or recklessness that the victim would apprehend immediate and unlawful violence
A decision by D to bring about a prohibited consequence; it is a deliberate act
Intention (Case)
R v Mohan
A conscious risk
Recklessness (Test)
Cunningham Test
D realised there was a risk
D decided to take the risk anyway
What Act is Assault Under?
S39 Criminal Justice Act 1988
What is the Maximum Sentence for Assault?
6 Months Imprisonment or £5000 Fine
What Type of Offence is Assault?
Summary Offence