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the unconscious mind drives everything
conflict/child experience causes our behaviour
should only study individuals (everyone has unique experiences)
discussed the concept of the unconscious
had a theory that the mind is divided into the conscious and unconscious
trauma is buried in the unconscious
can only access unconscious in dreams
symbols/metaphors are for real unconscious thought
pleasure principle
impulsive animal drives
selfish and demands gratification
reality principle
mediator of balance
balances drives, morality and reality
morality principle
sense of right and wrong
based on same sex parents morality and uses guilt to influence ego
slip of the tongue
your preconscious gets out
the id has drives for hunger, power, love... (all part of eros)
the life force the unconsciously drives behaviour
everything that could be included in the concept of 'love'
one of these drives
NOT focused on sex
freud's focus on sex is apocryphal
sex is just a part of the pleasure principle
Oral Stage
Anal Stage
Phallic Stage
Latency Stage
Genital Stage
formation of ego
potty training requires compromise
until this point the id rules and the child simply demands
potty training forces child to deal with the world around them and control id
formation of super ego
copy our same sex parents super ego
freud argued that the root of super ego development was fear caused by unconsciously desiring the power of the father
oedipus complex
desiring the power of the father*
castration anxiety*
develop super ego*
boy starts to unconsciously desire the father position of power
causes him anxiety as he fears his father sees him as a threat
to young children, women are men who have 'lost' their penises
child fears father will sense their desire for power and unconsciously remove the sons ability to take his place by turning him into a woman
desiring the power of the father*
penis envy*
develop super ego*
freud argued females go through oedipus complex in a different way
competition, castration anxiety and resultant acceptance of their fathers super ego is not an option
young children think women are men who have 'lost' their penises
they can't get them back => denied access to being a man => restricted to subservient powerless role of a woman (all women are angry they can't be their father)
can't be father so daughter and mother's relationship changes from being loving to competitive for fathers attention
to avoid confrontation (and loss of mothers love) they imitate mothers super ego creating a 'normal heterosexual female behaviour set' (emulate (copy) her so she can't 'get rid' of you)
occur when a conflict can't be resolved
they are buried by the ego and leave unconscious psychological scars
narcissistic and reckless
sexually anxious, inadequate
sexual deviancy (not normal sex)
over confident sexualised manipulative female
submissive accepting female (no personality yet)
sexual deviancy (not normal sex)
help deal with our fixations and continue with our development
protect your ego from extreme situations
experiences anxiety and neurological impairment (tics)
freud claimed it was due to repression of anxiety over the care of her dying father -> didn't want father to see her anxiety so repressed it
has fear of horses
freud said it was displaced fear of the father
fear of father is not allowed (not part of super ego) hans displaced onto more acceptable target (horse)
introduced the idea of psychotherapy
brought psychoanalysis to the world
first attempt to treat medical disorders psychologically
new range of techniques to access the unconscious (dream analysis)
claims to help bring repressed emotions to the conscious mind to be dealt with
forerunner for modern talking therapies
helps clients with mild neuroses
dangerous for those with severe mental conditions (e.g. schizophrenia)
doesn't apply to all disorders (some people may not be able to express their experiences)
explains human behaviour
huge influence on psychology and contemporary thought
key force for first half of 21st century
explains wide range of phenomena (personality development, origins of psychological disorders, moral development and gender identity)
draws connection between childhood experiences, relationship with parents and our later development
untestable (no way of testing it)
karl popper argued that this approach doesn't meet scientific criterion of falsification
not open to empirical test
individual experiments
concepts occur at an unconscious level
ideas were based on a subjective study of individuals
approach suggests our behaviour is determined by unconscious conflicts in our childhood
freud doesn’t believe in accidents so a 'slip of the tongue' is driven by unconscious forces and has deeper meanings
freud is hard to criticise as he claims that for treatment to work the patients must gain insight (understanding) of the negative energy caused by the fixation can't be released, removing the mental illness (catharsis)
if treatment didn't work you simply did not understand what the therapist was saying
his theory works as it can't be proved wrong