AP Chem Unit 3

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Intramolecular Forces

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I made this to have all the important points of Unit 3 to study for the AP exam, so some cards have a lot on them. This set is more of a notes kind of flash cards with concepts, formulas, and notes I need to understand certain concepts and memorize them. I hope these can also help others study for their Unit 3 tests or the final AP Chem exam!!

73 Terms


Intramolecular Forces

  • occur between elements inside of a compound

  • Ionic, Covalent, Network Covalent, and Metallic

  • Stronger than intermolecular forces

<ul><li><p>occur between elements inside of a compound</p></li><li><p>Ionic, Covalent, Network Covalent, and Metallic</p></li><li><p>Stronger than intermolecular forces</p></li></ul>
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Intermolecular Forces

occurs between covalent molecules (IMFs)

<p>occurs between covalent molecules (IMFs)</p>
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London Dispersion Forces

  • Present in non-polar covalent, polar covalent, and non-metals (all molecular covalent covalent compounds)

  • Weakest IMF

  • Low melting and boiling points

  • Electron cloud density gets momentarily distorted, creating a very temporary dipole moment (POLARIZABILITY), so as the # of electrons increases, the chance of polarizability increases

    • “More total electrons leads to a more polarizable electron cloud, which causes increases temporary dipole-moments, which leads to stronger london dispersion forces and stronger attractions.”

  • polarizability can cause a non-polar covalent substance to have a higher boiling/melting point than a polar covalent substance

  • if two compounds have the exact same elements and # of electrons, then the compound with the most surface area will be the post polarizable and have stronger London Dispersion Forces

<ul><li><p>Present in non-polar covalent, polar covalent, and non-metals (all molecular covalent covalent compounds)</p></li><li><p>Weakest IMF</p></li><li><p>Low melting and boiling points</p></li><li><p>Electron cloud density gets momentarily distorted, creating a very temporary dipole moment (POLARIZABILITY), so <span style="color: var(--color-neutral-black)">as the # of electrons increases, the chance of polarizability increases</span></p><ul><li><p>“More total electrons leads to a more polarizable electron cloud, which causes increases temporary dipole-moments, which leads to stronger london dispersion forces and stronger attractions.”</p></li></ul></li><li><p>polarizability can cause a non-polar covalent substance to have a higher boiling/melting point than a polar covalent substance</p></li><li><p>if two compounds have the exact same elements and # of electrons, then the compound with the most surface area will be the post polarizable and have stronger London Dispersion Forces</p></li></ul>
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  • present in polar covalent molecules

  • partial positive and partial negative ends always create attractions with other molecules

  • medium force

  • medium melting and boiling points

  • the greater the dipole-moment, the stronger the dipole-dipole forces

<ul><li><p>present in polar covalent molecules</p></li><li><p>partial positive and partial negative ends always create attractions with other molecules</p></li><li><p>medium force</p></li><li><p>medium melting and boiling points</p></li><li><p>the greater the dipole-moment, the stronger the dipole-dipole forces</p></li></ul>
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Hydrogen Bonding Forces

  • present in polar covalent molecules with H-F, H-O, or H-N bonds

  • particle positive and partial negative always attract

  • the large difference n electronegativity between H and F,O, or N creates a strong dipole moment

  • the more hydrogen bonds, the stronger the attractions

  • strong force

  • high melting and boiling points

<ul><li><p>present in polar covalent molecules with H-F, H-O, or H-N bonds</p></li><li><p>particle positive and partial negative always attract</p></li><li><p>the large difference n electronegativity between H and F,O, or N creates a strong dipole moment</p></li><li><p>the more hydrogen bonds, the stronger the attractions</p></li><li><p>strong force</p></li><li><p>high melting and boiling points</p></li></ul>
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the ease of evaporation

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strong IMFs cause _ volatility and weak IMFs cause _ volatility

low, high

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Vapor Pressure

  • the pressure exerted by gaseous molecules at the surface of a liquid

  • always present in a liquid no matter the temperature since some molecules will always have enough energy to overcome IMFs

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At a fixed temperature, strong IMFs cause _ vapor pressure and weak IMFs cause _ vapor pressure

low, high

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Increasing temperature causes an _ in vapor pressure


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Decreasing temperature causes an _ in vapor pressure


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Vapor pressure “over water” =

total pressure - vapor pressure

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Boiling occurs when …

vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure

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Phase equilibrium

when the rate of vaporization and condensation in a closed container are equal

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Answering Free Response questions over IMFs

  1. Identify all the attractions/present in both substances

  2. state which substance has greater/weaker attractions

    1. Different forces? stronger force = greater attractions

    2. If both have H-bonding, more H-bonding = greater attractions

    3. If both have the same forces and # of electrons, more surface area = greater attractions

    4. If results are unexpected, it’s probably due to strong London Dispersion Forces (due to polarizability)

  3. Relate strength of attractions to the property, and make sure to answer the question asked

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If you’re asked to explain why SiO2 has a higher melting/boiling point than another covalent molecule,

it’s most likely because SIO2 is Network Covalent and the other molecules is molecular covalent!!

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STP conditions

273 K/0° c and 1 atm

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Ideal Gas Law

  • PV = nRT

  • PV = (m/M) RT

  • M = DRT/P

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Combined Gas Law

P1V1/n1T1 = P2V2/n2T2

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Boyle’s Law

  • P1V1 = P2V2

  • ↑ P = ↓ V

  • ↓ P = ↑ V

<ul><li><p>P<sub>1</sub>V<sub>1</sub> = P<sub>2</sub>V<sub>2</sub></p></li><li><p>↑ P = ↓ V</p></li><li><p>↓ P = ↑ V</p></li></ul>
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Charles’ Law

  • V1/T1 = V2/T2

  • ↑ T = ↑ V

  • ↓ T = ↓ V

<ul><li><p>V<sub>1</sub>/T<sub>1</sub> = V<sub>2</sub>/T<sub>2</sub></p></li><li><p>↑ T = ↑ V</p></li><li><p>↓ T = ↓ V</p></li></ul>
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Gay Lussac’s Law

  • P1/T1 = P2/T2

  • ↑ T = ↑ P

  • ↓ T = ↓ P

<ul><li><p>P<sub>1</sub>/T<sub>1</sub> = P<sub>2</sub>/T<sub>2</sub> </p></li><li><p>↑ T = ↑ P</p></li><li><p>↓ T = ↓ P</p></li></ul>
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Avogadro’s Law

  • V1/n1 = V2/n2

  • ↑ n = ↑ V

  • ↓ n = ↓ V

  • equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal #s of particles (moles) even if the gases are different!!

  • V1/m1 = V2/m2 OR V1/m1 = 22.4 L/m2

  • Fewer moles = smaller volume

  • More moles = larger volume

<ul><li><p>V<sub>1</sub>/n<sub>1</sub> = V<sub>2</sub>/n<sub>2</sub> </p></li><li><p>↑ n = ↑ V</p></li><li><p>↓ n = ↓ V</p></li><li><p>equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal #s of particles (moles) even if the gases are different!!</p></li><li><p>V<sub>1</sub>/m<sub>1</sub> = V<sub>2</sub>/m<sub>2</sub> OR V<sub>1</sub>/m<sub>1</sub> = 22.4 L/m<sub>2</sub></p></li><li><p>Fewer moles = smaller volume</p></li><li><p>More moles = larger volume</p></li></ul>
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Kinetic-Molecular Theory

  1. Gas particles are tiny, so their size is negligible compared to the average distance between them

  2. Particles move in straight line paths, random directions, and at various speeds

  3. Gas particles collide frequently with the sides of the containers and less frequently with each other and these collisions are elastic so no kinetic energy is gained or lost

  4. Gas particles do not attract or repel each other because there are no IMFS

  5. ↑ KE = ↑ T

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Gases will deviate from ideal behaviors at _ temperatures and _ pressure, or if IMFs are _.

low, high

At these conditions, the molecules are close together, and the space between them is no longer negligible.

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Gases behave most ideally at _ temperatures and _ pressure, or if IMFs are _.

high, low

At these conditions, the molecules are far apart, so they behave ideally.

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Gases at different temperatures

↑ T = ↑ average particle speed, ↑ total kinetic energy, and the bell flattens out and widens

<p>↑ T = ↑ average particle speed, ↑ total kinetic energy, and the bell flattens out and widens</p>
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Different gases at the same temperature

  • all gases are at the same temperature, so their kinetic energy is the same

  • ↑ molar mass = ↓ speed

<ul><li><p>all gases are at the same temperature, so their kinetic energy is the same</p></li><li><p>↑ molar mass = ↓ speed</p></li></ul>
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Grams Law

  • if two gases are at the same temperature, the gas with the greater molar mass will be slower

  • KE = ½ (mass) (velocity)²

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gases mix together

<p>gases mix together</p>
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gases escape through a small hole

<p>gases escape through a small hole</p>
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Daltons Law of Parical Pressure

  • If a solution of two or more gases do not react chemically, the total pressure can be found by adding up the partial pressures

  • This can only be done if the pressures you’re adding up were collected at the same conditions

  • Multiple gases : Ptotal = Pa + Pb + Pc

  • One gas : PA + Ptotal ∙ moles A/total moles (mole- fraction)

  • Mole fraction = pressure fraction

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Collection of Gas Over Water

  • Pgas = Ptotal - Pwater

  • if pressures are in different units, convert them!

  • this only works with non-polar gases at won’t dissolve!

  • temp of gas =temp of room

  • If we move the collection tube up/down so that the water inside the tube is equal to the level of water in the beaker, we can assume the total pressure of the gas and water vapor together us the same as the atmospheric pressure

  • One the collection tube has been moved into place, we can record the volume of gas collected

  • Then you can calculate the moles!

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Solubility Rules for Ionic Substances

S - odium (group 1)

N - itrate (NO3-)

A - mmonium (NH4+)

P - otasium (group 1)

AB(s) → A(aq)+ + B(aq)-

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process where the ends of water will interact with the cations and anions in an ionic compound

<p>process where the ends of water will interact with the cations and anions in an ionic compound</p>
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when an ionic compound dissolves into ions

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Solubility Rules for Covalent Substances

  • “Like dissolves like”

  • AB → AB(aq)

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substances that conduct electricity and are made of dissolves ions

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Strong Electrolytes

  • soluble ionic compounds

  • strong acids (HI, HBr, HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HClO3, HClO4)

  • strong bases (group 1 and 2 Hydroxides except for Be and Mg)

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Weak Electrolytes

  • Weak acids

  • Weak bases

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  • non-soluble ionic compounds

  • all covalent compounds

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Separating Gases

Gases will always dissolve in each other because all IMFs have been broken

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Interparticle interactions when forming solutions

  1. Solute-solute interactions must be broken in an endothermic process

  2. Solvent-solvent interactions must be broken in an endothermic process

  3. Solvent-solute interactions must be formed in an exothermic process

<ol><li><p>Solute-solute interactions must be broken in an endothermic process</p></li><li><p>Solvent-solvent interactions must be broken in an endothermic process</p></li><li><p>Solvent-solute interactions must be formed in an exothermic process</p></li></ol>
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If the new interactions that are formed are comparable (similar) in strength to the original interactions…

then the two substances are more likely to dissolve in each other (soluble/miscible)

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If the new interactions that are formed are much weaker (different) than the original interactions…

then the two substances are more likely to not dissolve in each other (insoluble/immiscible)

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Substances with _ intermolecular interactions tend to be miscible (soluble) in one another.


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The _ the newly formed solute-solvent interactions are, the _ the amount of solubility will be.

stronger, greater

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  1. Dominate attraction

  2. Strength

  1. Ionic bond

  2. Strong

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Polar Covalent

  1. Dominate attraction

  2. Strength

  3. Solubility with same type

  1. Dipole-Dipole / HBF

  2. Kinda strong

  3. soluble

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Non-Polar Covalent

  1. Dominate attraction

  2. Strength

  3. Solubility with same type

  1. London Dispersion Forces

  2. Weak

  3. soluble

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Ionic + Non-Polar Covalent

  1. New attraction

  2. Strength

  3. Solubility

  1. Ion Induced Dipole

  2. Weak

  3. Insoluble

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Ionic + Polar Covalent

  1. New attraction

  2. Strength

  3. Solubility

  1. Ion-Dipole

  2. Kinda Strong

  3. Often Soluble

    Depends on how strong the ionic bond is (↑ Lattice Energy = more difficult to break and less soluble)

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Polar Covalent + Non-Polar Covalent

  1. New attraction

  2. Strength

  3. Solubility

  1. Dipole Induced Dipole

  2. Weak

  3. Insoluble

    Weak new attractions won’t be able to break the original kinda Strong dipole attraction

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method of separating mixtures based on the intermolecular interactions of the substance being separated

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Stationary Phase

solid which allows some substances to pass through and holds others back

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Mobile Phase

gas or liquid which moves through the stationary phase, carrying the substances to be separated

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_ attraction to the stationary phase and _ attraction to the mobile phase - will travel further up the chromatogram

Less, more

(component will be closer to the solvent front line)

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_ attraction to the stationary phase and _ attraction to the mobile phase - will not travel as far up the chromatogram

More, less

(component closer to the origin line)

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A larger Rf value =

less attraction to stationary phase and more attraction to the mobile phase (indicates similar attractions to identify substances)

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method of separating mixtures based on their different boiling points

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A substance with a lower boiling point / boils off first has

weaker intermolecular forces

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The number of moles of solute per L of solution

M = n/L

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an increase in molarity means

the substance is more concentrated

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a decrease in molarity means

the substance is more diluted

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Dilution Formula

V1M1 = V2M2

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study of matters interactions with electromagnetic radiation

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  1. Definition

  2. symbol

  3. units/constants

  1. distance of one completely wave cycle

  2. λ

  3. m, nm, cm, km

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  1. Definition

  2. symbol

  3. units/constants

  1. number of wave cycles that pass a point in one second

  2. ƒ

  3. Hz, S-1, /s

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Speed of Light

  1. Definition

  2. symbol

  3. units/constants

  1. constant at which all forms of light travel

  2. C

  3. 2.998 × 108 m/s

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  1. symbol

  2. units/constants

  1. E

  2. Joules/KJ

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Planck’s Constant

  1. symbol

  2. units/constants

  1. h

  2. 6.626 × 10-34 J ∙ S

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Light Formulas

C = λf

E = hf

E = hC/λ

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

  1. Radio Waves (Red) longest wavelength, lowest frequency and energy

  2. Microwaves (rotation)

  3. Infrared (vibrations)

  4. Visible Light (changes in electron energy levels)

  5. Ultra-Violet (changes in electron energy levels)

  6. X-Rays (changes in electron structure)

  7. Gamma Rays (Purple) shortest wavelength, highest frequency and energy

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