Function of Amygdala
Triggers flight or fight response.
Facial recognition and the ability to recognise dangerous situations.
Regulates expression of emotion and emotional memory.
Faulty Amygdala
Inability to recognise emotions of others, facial recognition and fearful situations.
Become impulsive, leading to aggression.
Left Amygdala
Develop and associate with response to fearful stimuli and the ability to detect danger
Activated in an event and increases prospect of fear
Raine found ↓ levels of glucose metabolism
Reduced activity when processing fearful faces
Peak development 1.5-2 years before right.
Right Amygdala
Expression of negative emotion of processing of fear inducing stimuli & anger regulation.
Fear conditioning
Overactive indicates neural pathway is too slow or PFC is unable to slow down amygdala inhibition causing anger.
Raine’s Study
Low levels of glucose metabolism on the left amygdala compared to the right. There was reduced activity in the left when processing fearful faces for violent males. \n \n He founder higher levels of glucose on the right side verses the left when compared to non murderers, this means they are not able to control their anger.
✅ Glenn et al
Psychopaths have reduced activity in amygdala during moral decision making as they underwent fMRIs. Therefore showing a deficit in moral reasoning, causing them to be less likely in caring about others so engage in criminal activity.
❌ Reductionist
Does not take into account any social and environmental factors.
✅ Glenn: Objective
High internal validity due to the use of fMRI scans to look at the activity of the amygdala. Reduces any possible researcher bias, causing the results and findings of the study to be credible.
❌ Implications of Treatment
Finding out damaged amygdala causes them to commit crimes demotivates them from seeking help as they see it to be something biological that cannot be changed so it is pointless, causing recidivism to not be reduced.
✅ Williams
60% of Young Offenders in custody suffered a TBI.
❌ Deterministic
Does not allow for any free will to be considered into the reasoning as to why the defendant committed the crime. Scapegoat from criminal behaviour.
✅ Raine et al
Found ↓ levels of the left amygdala and ↑ in the right in murderers who pleaded NGRI compared to non-murderers. Therefore, this shows that murderers have a different activity in their amygdala, causing them to commit crime.
❌ Better Explanation
Social Learning Theory - more generalisable theory as not everyone within the prison system has a brain injury.
Tailored treatments such as counselling