Directs attention to goal-relevant information
Filters out irrelevant information
Switches efficiently between tasks
Maintains information in working memory
A picture that combines data with design to enable learning.
complex information is delivered in a way that is understood more quickly and easily.
essentially less mental effort, and people usually want to exert less effort
Lots of Information summarized in one picture
Not much text decoding necessary
Lower load on working memory
Humans good at remembering visual information
Aesthetic pleasure
Recognizable objects
Low data to ink ratios/ high visual density
"Natural" looking visualizations are more memorable
Narrative Understanding
Attentional focus
Emotional Engagement
Narrative Presence - both cognitive and emotional aspects
Print- Scaling is based on reading, and involves some "picturing" and "imagining"
Audiovisual stories - the images are provided (lower cognitive effort than print, better for those who are poor at mental imagery)
Video games - we are acting within the medium, enhancing transportation
Transportation was higher with print in those with higher 'need for cognition'
Transportation while higher while watching narrative in those with lower 'need for cognition'
Transportation depends on the extent to which we identify with the character
need for cognition is construct measuring enjoyment of thinking.
Need for cognition is when people need/want more stimulation (more of an active story, more detailed descriptions, when readers want/need to imagine scenarios)
Those who need/want more cognition in media are more transported in print/books as they need to imagine in their heads the scenarios, characters, etc.
Those who need/want less cognition in media are more transported in movies?/watching narratives as they prefer actors and the screen playing out scenarios
Identification involves imagining ourselves as the character during narrative
Wishful identification involves desiring to be like the character When investigated for wishful identification in college students: -Both men and women identify more with same-sex characters who are successful and intelligent -Woman identified with those who were attractive and admired -Men identified with media males who were violent
Streaks require repeating the same behavior at set intervals.
Keeping the streak alive becomes an important goal
Fixed Ration - every 5 responses
Variable Ratio - on average every 100 responses (maybe not)
Fixed Interval - every 5 minutes
Variable Ratio - on average every 5 minutes (maybe more or less)
Reward-related regions had a greater BOLD response to the unpredictable stimuli
Brain activity was not distinguishable between water and juice
The like button was introduced in 2009 by Facebook
It's unpredictable reward - so you keep checking
Social feedback is rewarding in its own right
Visual effects
New options
Competency + Autonomy
Competency is met through progress (making earlier levels easier and upping difficulty as the game progresses),
zone of proximal development (giving people a challenge, in this case something like a boss fight, that is just outside their range of skills), which is extremely motivating both during the process of trying to complete the challenge as well as when you complete it.
Autonomy is met by not forcing gamers to stick to a linear path (pokemon -> you can choose your starter, and choose what 6 pokemon you want to use). Relatedness is met through online games and/or forums (reddit, discord, etc.)
Also "Who am I" but more in chosen domains and realms:
Moral values
Political views
Religious beliefs
Occupational identity
Social identity
More about the value systems that are important to you
the discrepancy between the two can be very motivational for change, improvement, and achievement
it can also cause depression
Some ads are very informational.
They try to tell you something about their product.
It will try to get into your Central Route
Each person has their own "buying persona" with personalized algorithm that knows what they buy, want, look form etc.
Advertising used to be based on demographics, age, gender, marital status, household income, magazine/newspaper subscriptions,
Nowadays media companies build up a 'buying persona' based on what you like, search for, watch, click on, the people you follow.
Celebrities did something spectacular, support people, are famous for their job.
Influencers can become celebrities, are famous because they are on social media, "famous for being famous"
Common Interest Group
Endorse products that are consistent with self-brand
Foster parasocial engagement
People are looking for social models to compare themselves to
We are constantly comparing ourselves to others (Festinger 1954) 2 types of comparisons - Upward and Downward
Crowds become rowdy, violent, and sometimes depict a bad image for fans.
Poor crowd management blamed for stampedes, crowd crush, etc.
Your self concept is very varied in any situation. you will interpret information relative to yourself, and your interests
Not all of your self-concept is "active" at the same time due to cognitive limitations
Immediate experience of self is working self-concept
Depends on the situation, people you're with, memories you retrieve, your role in the situation, etc
Accurate Representation is important because the media has a huge influence on people's beliefs and the way they view society (both passive and active).
Inaccurate representation is misinformation, can can cause harm to underrepresented groups in society.
Twice as many males as females in prime-time TV shoes
3 to 4 times as many males as females in children's programming
Fewer than 20% of TV shows are gender balanced
20% of people 45-64 are women
Top grossing movies in 2015: female characters got 1/2 the screen time as male characters (even when co=leads)
If woman was the lead, she did get 50% of screen time
A content analysis of G, PG, and PG-13 movies between 2006-2009: 71% of speaking characters were male, only 29% female
Females are also more likely to be portrayed in sexy, tight, alluring clothes
Sexualized girls are presented as mature women
Average BMI of runway model is 16, but the BMI of the average woman is 26.5
Average actress in prime-time TV shows are significantly skinnier than male counterpart
Idealized portrayal of feminine beauty (in the US) is very tall, very thin, small hipped (5% of adult females actually have this build
large breasts are even more rare with this body type
Women's particular body parts are shown in ads (lower back, legs, etc) and there are different requirements for men and women Female bodies relatively commonly presented as just body parts: view of model backside
female models more frequently passive poses, makes have active poses
Females presented as flawless, males as more rumpled
Effect measurement is hard
More eating disorders in preadolescent & college girls who watch more TV
High Schoolers looking at "retouched" photos score higher on body consciousness, lower physical self-esteem
Homemakers, frilly, or mean
women are still often portrayed as homemakers and mothers
more wives deferring to their husbands
Females in children' shows frilly and wimpy (this is getting better)
Women often displayed as mean, socially aggressive, backstabbing, and double-crossing each other
men shown as emotionless
Definitely the depiction in older TV shows and movies.
Men don't cry.
In ads men look blankly at no one (often with sunglasses), when women look at the camera
Men are supposed to be stern. They don't feel pain.
In ads, intense men often look very blatantly not act as no one.
Male models now have much more defined 6 packs than male models 30 years ago.
Men are allowed to be old in media (gray hair is acceptable for men, but balding is not unless head is shaved).
Women in the media are not allowed to be old, and those that are old are held to the same standards as much younger women.
Underrepresentation of women older than 30.
Prevalent stereotype of men as competent professionally, but ignorant and bungling with regard to housework and childcare.
Changing a little
still men as insensitive and interpersonally unskilled