Feb 12, anicent civilizations
diffusionism from egypt
single genius culture produced technological innovations that were diffused out to other cultures
is there aliens and mystery in the ancient world?
what did the development of complex societies (civilizations) in antiquity had to do with?
human ability, creativity, genius, economic inequality
characteristics of civilization
food surplus
social stratification
formal government
monumental works
urban settlements
system of record keeping
food surplus
the ability to produce a huge food surplus inorder to support classes of architects, artisans, merchants, pyramid builders, soldiers, priests, rulers, etc
when only a small fraction of populace is need in food production, what happens with the rest of the population?
they are free to do other things
what are features that give signs that a civilization will have a surplus of food?
extensive agricultural fields surrounding population centers
irrigation canals
features where surplus food are stored
social stratification
social hierarchy
high status burials filled with offerings
larger domiciles with better class of stuff
what does forensic analysis show in terms of social stratifcation
differential access to higher cost/quality food, differential evidence of malnutrition
differential wear and tear on the skeletons of rich vs poor
Ancient example of social stratifcation
warka vase
formal government
rulers or kings controlling the people with government officials
monumental works examples
abu simbel
cliff palace
great wall of china
roman wall
fine arts and crafts that would have required a lifetime of training and practice to achieve
urban settlements examples
manhattan and paris today
dier el medina
system of record keeping examples
egyptian hieroglyphs
maya day and month glyphs
maya syllabic glyphs
sumerian and akkadian cuneiform
what does actual archaeological evidence show conclusively and definitively about the ancient world
civilization did not arrive on earth fully formed from somewhere else
hancock and maya calendar
skeptic of maya ability to make calendar
says they must have inherited from a more advanced lost civilization
cyclical calendars
calendar round
divine calendar
260 days - 20 day glyphs in combinartion with numbers 1 to 13
the length if it matches the nine cycles of the moon and the gestational period of humans
related to movements of zentih sun and growing cycle of corn
civil calendar
365 days = 18 20 day-day months, 1 5-day month
solar year
calendar round
interweaving of Tzolkin and Haab calendars
any givne combination of Tzolkin day with Haab day will not repeat itself, until 52 periods of 265 days have passed
what do maya believe about when a person reaches 52 years of age
they attain the special wisdom of an elder
2012 apocalypse and mayan calendar
counts 5 cycles of time
chronologically date mythical and historical events
the 13 baktun cycle of the maya long count calendar measures alot of days and tropical years
begins with mythical creation data of 4 ajaw 8 Kumkâu
on this date, sun was at its zenith at midday; and maya constellation of the turtle was in the nadir position, which is considered underworld
cycle ends winter solstice dec 21, 2012
next apocalypse scheduled for apr 2, 7138
stonehenge location and how long ago it was built
built 5000 years ago
âa prehistoric momument consisting of a circle of stone or wooden uprightsâ
build/addition order of stone hedge parts
5000 ya - round ditch 100 m diameter
4600 ya - added double half circle of blue stones
trilithons added (5 sets of 3 stones)
arranged in u shape in middle
30 addition sarsen stones
30 linitels places on additonal sarsen stones
other little stones added
heelstone 80 m northeast
what would happen if one stands at the center of stonehedge at a certain time of day/year
standing at the center of stonehedge on the morning of the summer solstice, the sun rises on the western edge of the Heelstone. If the second âheelâ stone were still standing, it would rise between them. Those viewing this sunrise would be able to confirm that the summer solstic, the half-year mark, and most likely an important point in the agricultural cycle, had occured
what does this picture present?
stonehenge construction
what is an modern example of moving stone
nia people of new guinea
moving giant rocks
early 20th century
what happened with stone hedge during or after stage 2?
ring began to be used for deposition of cremations
some of human cremation deposits also contained animal bones, likely from feats
where were the cremations found regarding stonehenge?
some found in or near aubrey holes
most cremations found in ditch
what does finding some cremations in or near aubrey holes suggest?
that cremations may have been placed next to wooden timbers that once stood at the site
what happened overtime with cremations at stonehenge?
earliest cremations were not fully burned, and large portions of bone remained
cremations became more complex overtime
what was the community like when building stonehenge?
builders lived nearby
2 miles NE of stonehenge
excavated habitation and festival remains
within stonehenge area - cementry
what does magnetometry suggest about Stonehenge community?
there may be several hundred more houses in this community, making it the largest neolithic settlement in Britain and one of the larger ones in Europe
Gobekli Tepe
6000 BCE, Turkey
what do robert shoch and many others believe regarding Göbekli Tepe and Ancient egypt?
dates to the same time, and same culture
Neolithic crop circle in Diessenhofen, Germany 2008
enormous, beautful, and elaborate pattern made by flattening a crop
as crop âcirclesâ became more intricate through it became increasingly obvious to many that they were the result of pranksters
not aliens
Bosnia âpyramidâ
some of the features of the hills have been interpreted as being not naturally configured but enormus, artificial pyramids, more then two and a half times the size of the largest egyptian pyramid and more than twice as ancient
no actual archaeological or geological evidence has yet been presented that supports this interpretation
Utah âpyramidâ
looks as pyramidal as Bosnian pyramid
geological process commonly produce patterned, symmetrical features like these
neither this mountain or Bosnian mountain are the results of human labor