SBI3U Exam Review - Diversity

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Gr 11 Bio Exam

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  • Domain Archaea

    • Kingdom archaea

      • Ancient bacteria

  • Domain Bacteria

    • Kingdom bacteria

      • Modern bacteria

  • Domain Eukarya

    • Kingdom protista

      • Single celled, microscopic, eukaryotes, amoeba

    • Kingdom fungi

      • Fungi

    • Kingdom plantae

      • Domain Bryophyta 

        • Mosses

      • Domain Hepatophyta

        • Liverworts

      • Domain Pteridophyta

        • Ferns

      • Domain Coniferophyta

        • Conifers

      • Domain Anthophyta

        • Flowering plants

    • Kingdom animalia

      • Phylum Porifera

        • Sponges

      • Phylum Cnidaria

        • Jellyfish

      • Phylum Platyhelminthes

        • Flatworms

      • Phylum Nematoda

        • Roundworms

      • Phylum Annelida

        • Segmented worms

      • Phylum Mollusca

        • Clams, Muscles

      • Phylum Arthropoda

        • Spiders

      • Phylum Echinodermata

        • Starfish

      • Phylum Chordata

        • Vertebrates

          • Chondrichthyes 

            • Sharks, cartilaginous

          • Osteichthyes

            • Bony fish

          • Amphibia

            • Amphibians

          • Reptilia

            • Reptiles

          • Aves

            • Birds

          • Mammalia

            • Mammals

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Kindgom Plantae Characteristics

  • Vascular Tissue 

    • Non-vascular → vascular plants

      • Increased height (xylem and phloem) for capturing sunlight

      • Vascular tissue forms “highways” for easy nutrient/water transport

  • Specialized Leaves 

    • Small leaves, no stomata → large leaves, stomata

    • No cuticle → cuticle

      • Large leaves absorb more sunlight

      • Cuticle allows land colonization

      • Stomata reduces water loss because it is the only place gas exchange can occur

  • Development of Roots

    • No roots → rhizoids → true roots

      • Rhizoids only anchor which give little support/grounding

      • True roots ground and easily access water

      • True roots allow land colonization

  • Alternation of Generations

    • Dominant gametophyte (haploid) → dominant sporophyte (diploid)

      • Unknown advantages

      • Theoretically, sporophytes evolved as plants colonized land

        • Land organisms are exposed to much more UV radiation which causes mutations

        • Being diploid helps mitigate the effects of bad mutations

  • Reproductive Strategies

    • Water requirement → no water requirement

    • Spores produced → seeds produced

    • “Naked” seeds → seeds covered by fruit

      • No water requirement means land colonization

      • Seeds contain embryo as well as a food source

        • Greater embryo survival chance

      • Fruit surrounding seed will be eaten and dispersed by animals

        • Genetic diversity

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Kingdom Animalia Characteristics

  • Level of Organization

    • Specialized cells → tissues → organs → organ systems

      • Systems create efficient energy conservation

  • Symmetry 

    • Asymmetrical → radial symmetry → bilateral symmetry

      • Being bilateral offers two sides working against each other

      • Symmetry and cephalization work together

  • Cephalization 

    • None → rudimentary → full cephalization (head)

      • Senses are concentrated in new environments (head-first)

        • This gives the best reaction time

  • Germ layers

    • No germ layers → 2 acoelomate → 3 acoelomate → 3 pseudocoel → 3 coelomate

      • More germ layers offer more specialization

        • More energy conservation

        • More efficiency

  • Way of life

    • Sessile → motile

      • Motility allows escape as well as the ability to scavenge for food

  • Development to adult

    • Via larvae → small adult at birth

      • Larvae take sup excessive amounts of energy

        • Think of the process of becoming a butterfly

      • Small adults only need to grow

        • Energy conservation

  • Fertilization 

    • External fertilization → internal fertilization

      • External fertilization has a lower success rate and is produced in low chance

      • Internal fertilization has higher success rates and is produced in high chance

      • Internal fertilization consumes less energy

  • Segmentation

    • No segmentation → segmentation → modified segmentation

      • Segmentation allows the regrowth of organs

      • Modified segmentation allows specialized regrowth

  • Gas exchange

    • Body surface → gills → trachea → lungs

      • Surface would require moisture for gas exchange

        • Only reliable in small organisms

      • Gills are slightly more effective

        • Only reliable for aquatic animals

      • Trachea works for land animals and is more efficient

      • Lungs are the most efficient and the cover a lot of surface area

      • Trachea and up allow land colonization

  • Digestive cavity

    • None → one opening → tube with two openings

      • No digestive system only works for small organisms

      • One opening works but is inefficient for extracting nutrients

      • Two openings is the most efficient for extracting nutrients

  • Circulatory

    • None → open vessels → closed vessels with a heart

      • No circulatory system could only work for small organisms

      • Open vessels cannot cover much are and don't always carry blood

      • Closed vessels with a heart deliver all the essentials with speed and efficiency

  • Excretory system

    • None → nephridia → kidney

      • No excretory system only works for small organisms

      • Nephridia are able to disperse of toxic waste

      • Kidneys are able to disperse of toxic waste AND regulate water levels

        • This allows for land colonization

  • Skeletal system

    • None → hydrostatic → external → internal

      • No skeletal structure/hydrostatic only works for small/aquatic organisms

      • External skeletal systems work but an organism would need to shed its shell to be able to grow

        • Land colonization

      • Internal skeletal systems and muscular systems are able to work together

  • Muscular system

    • None → some → well-developed

      • No muscles gives no control of movement

      • Having muscles allows an organism to control its parts to some degree

      • Well-developed muscles allow them to work in pairs

        • Tricep and bicep

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  • Bundle of bacteria that look like grapes

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