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Species concept
Approaches to define how we identify species and
how species function in nature.
There are four main types of species concept.
1. Biological species concept
2. Morphological species concept
3. Ecological species concept
4. Phylogenetic species concept
Biological species concept
A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce viable, fertile
•cannot be applied to asexual & fossils. & for the organisms about which little known regarding their reproduction like prokaryotes, amoeba, and some animals, plants, and fungi
Ecological species concept
Defines species based on ecological niche and resource competition.
Phylogenetic species concept
Defines species based on shared common ancestry.
Single-celled organisms without a defined nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.
Prokaryotic organisms with diverse shapes and cosmopolitan distribution.
A subset of a bacterial species differing from other bacteria of the same species by some minor genetic differences and distinct functions.
Species fusion theory
Formation of new hybrid species from pre-existing species.
Budding of one or more species from a parent species.
Evolutionary change at the level of new taxonomic groups.
Reproductive isolation
Barriers between species that prevent viable fertile offspring.
Postzygotic mechanisms
Mechanisms that occur after fertilization.
Temporal isolation
Isolation between species due to breeding at different times.
Habitat isolation
Isolation between species due to occupying different habitats.
Behavioral isolation
Isolation between species due to different courtship rituals.
Mechanical isolation
Isolation between species due to structural differences preventing mating.
Gametic isolation
Isolation between species due to sperm being unable to fertilize eggs.
Reduced hybrid fertility
Mechanism that results in hybrids being sterile.
Hybrid breakdown
First-generation hybrids are viable and fertile, but offspring of hybrids are feeble or sterile.
Endosymbiotic theory
Theory that mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells evolved from symbiotic relationships with other organisms.
Gradual speciation
The divergence of populations of a single species to the point of becoming distinct species.
Allopatric speciation
Speciation that occurs due to geographic separation.
Sympatric speciation
Speciation that occurs without geographic separation.
Adaptive radiation
Rapid diversification of a common ancestor into many new species.
Hybrid zones
Areas where genetically differentiated forms or species come into contact and hybridize.
The movement of genes between species or populations through backcrossing.
Horizontal gene transfer
The transfer of genes between organisms of different species or kingdoms.
A type of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria.
Another type of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria.