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Dong Son "Pediform" Axe

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Dong Son "Pediform" Axe

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Dong Son Bronze Implement: Breastplate

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Dong Son Bronze Implement: Spearpoints

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Dong Son Bronze Implement: bracelet or necklace

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Dong Son Bronze Implement: Spearpoint

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Dong Son Bronze Implement: Ladle

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Dong Son Bronze Implement: Bracelet

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Dong Son Bronze Crossbow Points

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Dong Son Bronze Crossbow Triggers

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Dong Son Bronze Dagger

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Dong Son Iconography: Rice-Pounding

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Dong Son Iconography: War Canoes with Chieftans

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Dong Son Iconography: Halberds with Warrior Iconography

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Dong Son Iconography: Canoe Coffin

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Dong Son Bronze Drum

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Frog Figure on Dong Son Drum

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Rubbing on Dong Son Drum

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Dong Son Bronze Ploughs

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Co Loa Bronze Drum

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Nanyue Imperial Seal

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Dong Son canoe motif on the outside of the museum, replicated from a large bronze bucket found among the burial goods

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Jade funerary suit of King Zhao Mo (Nanyue)

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Golden tortoise seal of the “Madam on the Right” (concubine) (Nanyue)

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Jade mask with Southern “beast” motif (Nanyue)

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Han-style tombs excavated in northern Vietnam

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the name “Du” 杜 on a Han tomb in Vietnam

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clay model of a clan house found in a Han tomb (China)

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Han-era carved ram, now kept at Chùa Dâu (“Mulberry Temple”) in Bắc Ninh (northern Vietnam)

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Kizil Caves, near Kucha (Xinjiang), ca. 4th century

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First page of the Lotus Sutra from an early modern woodblock edition stored at Thắng Nghiêm Temple, about 25km west of central Hanoi

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Mulberry Temple (Chùa Dâu), the modern site of the alleged first Buddhist temple in Vietnam, supposedly established during Sĩ Nhiếp’s reign as the temple of the “Cloud Dharma Buddha” - Located near the site of Luy Lầu

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Mulberry Temple (Chùa Dâu), the modern site of the alleged first Buddhist temple in Vietnam, supposedly established during Sĩ Nhiếp’s reign as the temple of the “Cloud Dharma Buddha” - Located near the site of Luy Lầu

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The Nhan Pagoda Reliquary - Located in what was the frontier district of Yan --> Annam was truly a Tang province (from mid 7th ce)

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The Vo Canh Stele - late 4th century CE, discovered near modern-day city of Nha Trang, earliest inscription found in mainland SEA in any language --> Indicates a buddho-hinduistic elite culture, writing in sanskrit using an indic script

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Óc Eo 1st Millennium Buddhist Statue in Contrapposto pose

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Male deity, 6th century sandstone, An Mỹ (Lâm Ấp?)

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The “Đông Yên Châu”/Third Bhadravarman Inscription • The oldest known inscription in the Cham and any Austronesian language • early 5th century • Attributed to a King Bhadravarman I (380-413) --> Lâm Ấp = Chamic?

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Ngô Quyền at the First Battle of Bạch Đằng (938)

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Contemporary monument to the Battle of Bạch Đằng (modern-day Hải Phòng)

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Lý 李 Dynasty frieze of a dragon

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Lý 李 terracotta phoenix in the shape of a Bodhi leaf

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Lý 李 terracotta dragon & phoenix

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Modern marble dragon balustrade based on Lý 李 Dynasty design

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Pre Rup, Khmer Empire (10th Century)

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Angkor Wat, capital of Khmer Empire (12th Century)

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The Bayon (12-13 ce.): a Khmer Imperial temple devoted to Mahayana Buddhism. Faces may represent King Jayarvarman VII as the Bodhisattva of Compassion (i.e. “Quan Âm”)

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Early Cham towers at Po Nagar (modern-day Nha Trang, Vietnam)

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Cham Hindu temple complex at Mỹ Sơn (11th ce.)

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Queenly figures at the B-Complex of Mỹ Sơn, dedicated to Lord Shiva.

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The B5 Tower, dedicated to Lord Shiva, and the Divine King Srisanabhadesvara (believed to be a human avatar of Shiva). Mid 11th century.

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An example of Cham script. Mỹ Sơn bears both Cham and Sanskrit inscriptions.

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8th-10th Century Yoni symbolizing Shakti power

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“linga” –a phallic icon symbolizing Shiva - usually combined with yoni (8-10th ce.)

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Statue of Lady Po Nagar as Durga - Shows Chamic beliefs integrated into SA Buddhistic and Hinduism elite systems of thought

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Relief of Cham warriors attacking the Khmer Empire in a naval battle. Bayon, ca. 13th century (possibly depicting Jarai warriors fighting on behalf of the Cham).

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Khmer Naga (Angkor Wat)

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Khmer makara as a vehicle for Vishnu (Preah Khan)

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Cham makara (Museum of Cham Sculpture, Đà Nẵng) - signifying contact and influence from south east asia

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Khmer Naga - common motif in SE Asia

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Contemporary Song (”Chinese”) dragon, Jinci 晉祠 temple complex in Shanxi

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The One Pillar Pagoda - Ly Thai To builds a famous temple dedicated to the Budhisattva Quan Am called in 1049

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New Reconstruction of Lãm Sơn Pagoda (Chua Dam) built by Ly Nhan Tong - 1094

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Remains of Lãm Sơn Pagoda (Chua Dam) built by Ly Nhan Tong - 1094

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Đồng Temple (Chùa Đồng) atop Mt. Yên Tử (安子山) - Not built during the Tran, but the temple is associated with a Tran emperor. Where the Tran emperors will run away to when they retire (Zen Buddhism)

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Mongol were highly skilled jorseback archers, excellent at adapting their methods: Iron stirrups from the Jurchens Iron-tipped arrows and cannons from the Song

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Kubilai Khan (1260-1294) - intiated the Yuan dynasty

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Wooden sculpture of Kāśyapa, Tang Dynasty - Zen supposedly began with a disciple of the Buddha names Kasyapa; During a sermon, the Buddha saw Kasyapa smile, and realizes that he alone grasps the “true teachings”; no expedient means; a little reactionary to the Lotus Sutra

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Alleged mummified remains of Huineng 會能 (Viet. Huệ Năng), the 6th Patriarch of Chan/Zen/Thiền 禪 Buddhism (Nanhua Temple 南華寺, Guangdong)

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Late Trần Buddha as a youth, emerging from a lotus blossom

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A Khmer-style “Prang” tower in Ayutthaya; (13-18th Centuries) Thai kingdoms – deeply indebted to Khmer empire

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The “Bánh Ít” towers near the old Cham capital of Vijaya (Bình Định Province) - Religious sanctuary that was associated with Vijaya capital

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Palm-leaf book; Cham writing was also known, possibly as early as 5th century, example of epigraphy

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Ruins of the walls of Hồ Quý Ly’s “Western Capital” (Tây Đo 西都)

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Ruins of the walls of Hồ Quý Ly’s “Western Capital” (Tây Đo 西都)

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Terracotta roof tile found at Tây Đô

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