Name all 9 camera angles
Low angle
High angle
Aerial shot
Overhead shot
Dutch angle
Over shoulder shot
Hip level shot
Ground level shot
What’s a Dutch angle
When the camera is rotated
Name all 13 camera movements
Static shot
Whip pan
Zoom in
Zoom out
Crash zoom
Dolly Zoom
Camera roll
What’s a pan and whip pan
When the camera rotate horizontally while staying in the same place
With the pan is that but faster
What’s a tilt
When the camera rotate vertically while stay in the same place
What’s a crash zoom
A fast zoom
What’s a dolly zoom
When the camera moves one way, but the zoom moves another way
What’s a camera roll
When the camera rotates
What’s tracking and trucking
Tracking follows a character behind or in front
Tracking follows a character horizontally
What’s arc
When the camera moves around the subject
What’s a boom
When the camera moves up or down
Name all 5 edit types
Eye-line match
Eye trace
Split edit
What’s eyeline match
When a shot shows one person looking at something then the next shot shows what they’re looking at
What’s cross cutting
Showing different scenes/plots at the same time by alternating the shots
What’s eye trace?
When the main focus is in the same place in different shots
What’s a split edit?
When audio start separately to the shot
Name all 7 shot types
Establishing shot
Master shot
Wide shot
Mid shot
Medium close up
Close up
Extreme close up
What is diegetic, non-diegetic, and trans diegetic sound ?
Diegetic is what the characters can hear
Non diegetic is what the characters can’t hear
Trans diegetic is when diegetic switches to non diegetic or vice versa
Stuart Hall representation theory
Media uses stereotypes, these stereotypes, reduce people down to oversimplified cliches
People in power tend to represent people outside the dominant hegemonic groups in a stereotypical way
Steve Neale genre theory
Genres are made up of repetition and difference
Audience enjoys familiarity of repeated conventions, and also enjoy seeing different and unique conventions
Roland Barthes semiotics theory
Hermeneutic codes - any mysterious thing which engage the audience
Proairetic codes - elements which signify something will happen in the future as a result
Symbolic codes - symbols which represents something
Semantic codes - symbols, which we understand has a hidden meaning (a connotation)
Cultural codes - codes which you will only understand if you are part of that culture
Hermeneutic code ?
Any mysterious thing that makes audience curious
Proairetic codes
Codes which symbolise something will happen in the future
Symbolic codes
Symbols which represent something
Semantic codes
Codes which we understand has a hidden meaning (a connotation)
Cultural codes
Codes which you will only understand if ur a part of it
Name all theorists and theories
Roland Barthes semiotics theory
Steve neales genre theory
Stuart halls representation theory
What’s an enigma code (editing)
When only part of narrative is shown, or something else is done to create mystery and curiosity for audiences